Walking over, Waitibajo asked.

Immediately, a sergeant replied; "Reporting to Your Majesty, this man is a local farmer who was accidentally caught by us."

"Farmer?" Wei Tibahuo frowned slightly, and said immediately; "Kill it, I hate these natives!"

"Yes!" Bloodthirsty light flashed in the eyes of the soldiers of the Guishuang Empire, staring at the weak and helpless old farmer like ferocious wolves.

In desperation, the old farmer hurriedly said, "Don't kill me, I can tell you a secret."

Wei Ti Bahuo became interested, stopped the soldiers under his command, then looked at the old farmer and said, "What a secret, if you don't agree with me, your end will still be death!"

The old farmer nodded hurriedly, and then said hastily; "I know there is a place where you can enter Youzhou, and the defense is empty, and the city is small and easy to attack."

"Hmm! Seriously!" Weitibahuo stared at the old farmer in surprise.

The old farmer stretched out his finger, pointed to a place, and said, "Fifty miles to the north, there is a city named Yuyang. There are not many troops stationed there, and if you enter Yuyang, you can directly attack Ji County."

"It's really God helping me. It's your fate, I will spare your life today, get out!" Wei Ti Bahuo said.

"Yes! Yes!" The old farmer nodded and left the barracks of the Guishuang Empire. Not long after he left, a figure wrapped in black suddenly appeared and asked the old farmer, "Is the matter settled?"

The old farmer said, "Don't worry, I've said everything you taught me."

The man in black nodded silently, threw a piece of gold to the old farmer, and disappeared.

After Wei Tibahuo learned that Yuyang was empty and had an opportunity to take advantage of it, he immediately summoned his generals and prepared to divert to attack Yuyang.

However, this time he had a heart, he did not choose to send out the whole army, but left [-] troops to continue stationing at Juyongguan to confuse Liu Ke.

On the other hand, he quietly led an army of [-] troops, bypassing Juyongguan to attack Yuyang County.

After the plan was formulated, Weiti Bahuo immediately led an army of [-] to Yuyang. Along the way, he couldn't help but fantasize about the wonderful scene of massacring the local aborigines after attacking Yuyang.


In Yuyang County, Lu Bu received a letter from Pang Tong, which said that Wei Tibahuo had led an army around Juyongguan to attack Yuyang, and arranged a countermeasure for Lu Bu.

"Hahaha, Mr. Shi Yuan is really like a ghost, so predicting things like a god."

Lu Bu couldn't help laughing, and immediately started to make arrangements for the arrival of Weiti Bahuo.

He ambushed all the [-] elite soldiers he had brought with him, and informed Yuyang's original defenders that they should not resist too much when the Wei Ti Bahuo army attacked the city, and just put the army into the city.

This is the empty city strategy taught by Pang Tong, to show the enemy his weakness and hide his strength. After Wei Ti Bahuo attacked the city, he would come to catch the turtle in the urn.

Everything was ready, and only the big fish, Weite Bajo, was hooked.


Three days later, Weitibahuo's army came to Yuyang City, looking at the small city in front of him, Weitibahuo thought secretly,

"The old farmer really didn't lie to me. Compared with Juyongguan, Yuyang is vulnerable."

"Your Majesty, do you want to launch a siege?"

asked the general next to Waitebajo.

"Of course, send me an order to attack the city! The day the city is broken, the massacre will begin." Weitibahuo said with a fierce look in his eyes.


Subsequently, the army of the Guishuang Empire began to attack the city violently. On the other hand, the defenders on Yuyang City were powerless to stop the soldiers of the Guishuang Empire who swarmed up.

They used the ladders to climb up to the top of the city. At the city gate, the rushing cars of the Guishuang Empire kept hitting the precarious city gate.

Vetibajo, who was watching the battle, was overjoyed when he saw this scene, as if he had already seen victory beckoning to him.

An hour later, the gate of Yuyang City was declared broken, and a large number of Guishuang Empire soldiers rushed into the city.

Wei Ti Bahuo rode a horse, like a proud ostrich, walked into Yuyang City with his head held high.

"As I said, the day the city is destroyed is when the massacre begins. Pass down the order to massacre the city! Not a single native will be left behind!"

Wei Ti Bahuo said bitterly, he himself was beaten into a mess by Liu Ke in Juyongguan, now he can finally show off his might.

Unfortunately, an abrupt voice ended the illusion he used.

"Little barbarian king, just because you want to slaughter my big man's city, with my Lu Fengxian here, you will be the ones who are destined to be slaughtered today!"

I saw a group of neatly lined up soldiers suddenly appearing in Yuyang City, and the mighty and domineering Lu Bu was holding Fang Tian's painted halberd and staring coldly at Weiti Bahuo.

"Damn it, it's been tricked again!"

Waitibajo cursed secretly, thinking how he was so unlucky.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Weiti Bahuo, don't dismount and accept the surrender, otherwise don't blame Fang Tian's ruthless painting halberd in my hand!"

With fierce eyes in Lu Bu's eyes, he raised his halberd and pointed it at Weiti Bahuo's heart.


Wei Tibahuo said in a deep voice, and glanced at the Lu Bu army surrounding him, and found that they were not many, only about [-] people. Although they occupied a favorable geographical position, they had [-] men.

Thinking of this, Wei Ti Bahuo's confidence became stronger again. In his opinion, even if he couldn't attack Yuyang City with a large number of people on his own side, it should be no problem if he retreated completely.

But in the next second, Lu Bu slapped Weiti Bahuo hard in the face with reality.

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