Seeing that Wei Tibahuo was unwilling to surrender, it was rare for Lu Bu to talk nonsense, and directly ordered the whole army to attack.

The archers who had been ambushing in Yuyang City for a long time fired their arrows. Under the rain of arrows, countless soldiers of the Guishuang Empire were killed and injured.

"Soldiers, fight with these natives!"

With an angry roar, Wei Tibahuo rushed out first, unsheathed the sword at his waist, and grabbed Lu Bu directly.

"Good come!"

Seeing this, Lu Bu yelled loudly, and fought with the killed Weiti Bahuo.It has been a long time since no one dared to confront him head-on. The reputation of Lu Bu among people and Chitu among horses is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

If it wasn't for Wei Ti Bahuo not knowing about Lu Bu's details, he might not be willing to fight head-on with Lu Bu, a murderous god.

I saw Lu Bu Fangtian's painted halberd sweeping past, Wei Ti Bahuo held up his sword to block, but he felt the tiger's mouth go numb, and traces of dark red blood flowed from the tiger's mouth.

"Is this... damn human!"

Wei Tibahuo roared wildly in his heart, and Lu Bu's supernatural power directly overturned his cognition.In Guishuang Empire, he is one of the best heroes.

Why did he feel no different from a soldier when he arrived at the big man.

However, Lu Bu would not give him a chance to regret it. After sweeping across, Fang Tian turned the painted halberd in his hand, swung it high, and slashed at Wei Ti Bahuo.

Wei Ti Bahuo, who didn't believe in evil, crossed his sword again. This time, he couldn't hold the sword steady, and was thrown flying by Lu Bu from his horse.

After rubbing on the ground for a certain distance, Wei Tibahuo got up with lingering fear, and fled to the outside of Yuyang City under the protection of his personal guards.

"It's terrible...this is not human at all!"

While running, Wei Ti Bahuo still didn't forget to complain in his heart, just two attacks, he was beaten helplessly, and Lu Bu's power completely made him lose his courage.

And the soldiers of the Guishuang Empire under him also fled in all directions under the attack of the wolf-like Lu Bu army.

An ordinary soldier can fight at least three to four Guishuang Empire soldiers, and the battlefield situation is completely massacred!

In the eyes of Lu Bu, the soldiers of the Guishuang Empire were no different from paper. Fang Tian could take away the lives of dozens of soldiers of the Guishuang Empire with a single swipe of his halberd.

The original [-] Guishuang Empire army, less than an hour passed, there were only [-] to [-] soldiers left, and all the dead were soldiers of the Guishuang Empire. It is rare to see soldiers from Lu Bu's side being killed.

Corpses were strewn all over the field, blood was everywhere, and the strong smell of blood filled the entire Yuyang City.

Wei Ti Bahuo was afraid, the fear in his heart made him run for his life, at this moment, he felt that these people were devils at all, not human beings.

The few remaining soldiers of the Guishuang Empire have completely lost their souls. They squatted on the ground, discarded their weapons, and chose to surrender. They could no longer give up half a heart of resistance.

"General, what should we do with these foreign soldiers?"

Lu Bu's lieutenant general asked, pointing to the soldiers of the Guishuang Empire who were squatting on the ground, expressing their submission.

Licking his lips, Lu Bu said coldly, "Your Majesty once said that people who are not of our race must have a different heart! So, kill all these alien races!"


The deputy general took the order, and his eyes were full of excitement for the killing.He is from Youzhou, and he was often attacked by the Huns and other alien races, so he hates alien races.Killing aliens is his favorite thing to do.

Holding the blood-stained sword, the deputy general ordered people to surround the remaining soldiers of the Guishuang Empire, and then said coldly; "Kill! No one will be left alive!"

After the words fell, only screams were heard. A moment later, all the soldiers of the Guishuang Empire died under the butcher's knives of the Han people.

This is the price they should pay. This is the land of the big man, and foreigners coming here is an invasion.And the end of the invaders is death!

Wei Tibahuo, who escaped by chance, quickly fled to the Guishuang Empire military camp outside Juyong Pass under the protection of several personal guards.

After a few days of desperate life, Waitibajo returned to the barracks.

After finally gaining a sense of security, he immediately fell asleep. Before he came back, he traveled day and night and did not close his eyes for several days.

At the same time, the military operation against Juyongguan was stopped by Wei Ti Bahuo. To be honest, after the first battle in Yuyang County, he was really scared.

The soldiers under him, in front of the Han army, are like children, waiting for only ruthless slaughter.He even prepared to lead the remaining [-] troops back to the Guishuang Empire when he recovered his strength.

The big man has become an eternal nightmare in his heart, and he can't get rid of it.


In Yanmen County, Xia Houyuan frowned as he looked at the information obtained by his scouts, wondering what he was thinking.

At this time, a scribe walked up to Xiahou Yuan and bowed to salute; "Yang Xiu has met General Xiahou."

Xia Houyuan heard the words, looked up, and asked in confusion, "Yang Dezu? Why did you come to Yanmen County?"

Yang Xiu smiled and said, "General Qi, I'm here to give orders to the general under the order of King Wei."

"Oh." Upon hearing this, Xia Houyuan hurriedly got up and waited respectfully for Yang Xiu to write down.

Seeing this, Yang Xiu took out a handwritten letter from his sleeve and read: "Order Xia Houyuan to send someone to contact Guishuang Emperor Wei Ti Bahuo immediately,

Look for opportunities to join forces with the Guishuang Empire to fight against Chu King Liu Ke. "

After finishing speaking, Yang Xiu asked; "Do you understand, General?"

"Ben will know. In the past few days, I have also received reports from frontline scouts one after another, and there are also attempts to unite with the Guishuang Empire.

It's just..." Xia Houyuan paused and sighed.

"According to the latest information, the emperor of the Guishuang Empire was defeated by Liu Ke, and was first burned by Lu Xun.

The military camp later let Liu Ke run away with his head in his arms, and was ambushed by Liu Ke in Yuyang not long ago. "

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