After listening to Xia Houyuan's narration, Yang Xiu seemed to be thinking, and immediately smiled, "According to Xiu, the reason why Wei Tibahuo lost

It was so tragic because he didn't have a good counselor to advise him. "

Xia Houyuan glanced at Yang Xiu, and said strangely, "Didn't De Zumo want to help Wei Ti Bahuo with his plan?"

Chapter One Thousand Two Hundred Six

Yang Xiu smiled slightly, "Of course!"

"But Dezu, I think Wei Tibahuo has been scared by Liu Ke. These days, Wei Tibahuo has been huddled in the barracks, not moving at all, and even scouts saw that the soldiers of the Guishuang Empire We've already started packing our bags."

Xia Houyuan said hesitantly.

"The reason why Wei Ti Bahuo was afraid of being beaten is that he was too stupid and fell into Liu Ke's tricks many times." Yang Xiu said.

"But it's too late for you to say this now, Wei Tibahuo already wants to retreat, and doesn't plan to fight Liu Ke anymore." Xia Houyuan said helplessly.

However, Yang Xiu didn't care, and said, "General Xiahou, don't worry, with my mouth, Yang Xiu will be able to persuade Wei Tibahuo to continue to use troops. Not only that, I can also let Wei Tibahuo win the war."

Xia Houyuan didn't say anything more, he knew Yang Xiu's abilities, he was extremely clever, and won the heart of King Wei.Xia Houyuan believed that he could persuade Wei Tibahuo to continue to use troops, but if he could defeat Liu Ke, he was a little skeptical.

After all, Liu Ke currently has at least [-] troops in Juyongguan, plus successive top strategists like Pang Tong and Guo Jia, plus Tai Shici, Dian Wei, Chen Dao and other peerless generals.

It can really be called a rain of advisers and a cloud of generals. With such a lineup, how can Yang Xiu alone be an opponent.

But Yang Xiu was full of confidence, and said: "General Xiahou, believe it or not, I, Yang Xiu, have this ability. The order of the king of Wei is here, and I hope you can send troops immediately, go around the prairie, and touch it quietly." To the outside of Juyongguan."

"Why?" Xia Houyuan asked.

"For our upcoming victory." Yang Xiu pretended to be profound, and without waiting for Xia Houyuan to ask again, he strode towards the door.

"General Xiahou, time waits for no one, and I ask the general to lead the troops to set off quickly, and I, Yang Xiu, will go to the barracks of the Guishuang Empire to meet Wei Ti Bahuo for a while."

Looking at Yang Xiu's leaving back, Xia Houyuan pondered for a while, and finally decided to take the Tiger Talisman, and mobilized one hundred thousand troops, almost all of Yanmen County's troops.

He led an army of [-] deep into the prairie, and followed Yang Xiu's instructions to go outside Juyong Pass.


Outside Juyong Pass, in the military camp of the Guishuang Empire, Wei Ti Bahuo has regained his former look, but the fear in his eyes cannot be lingered no matter what.

"Report to His Majesty, the whole army has been prepared and can withdraw at any time."

"Okay, let's go." Weitibahuo nodded, looked at the majestic Juyongguan, and let out a long sigh.

Even if he is unwilling, what can he do, when he met a big man in the Guishuang Empire, he was tortured to the point of bruises.It's just pity for his daughter. From then on, she can only live in a foreign country.

Fortunately, I heard from Liu Ke that day on the top of the city that his daughter Weitiya had been accepted as a concubine by Liu Ke. In this way, at least he didn't have to worry about his daughter's poor life.

Shaking his head, Wei Ti Bahuo turned around in a bit of despondency, His Majesty the Emperor of the Guishuang Empire, who used to be invincible, seemed to have aged several decades.

Just as he was about to give the order for the entire army to retreat, a scribe in a white Confucian robe and a high crown appeared outside the barracks.

Vitibajo ordered someone to bring the scribe in and asked, "Who are you and why are you here?"

It was Yang Xiu who came, and he saluted Wei Tibahuo with a smile, and then said with a smile; "Young Yang Xiu, under the tent of King Wei of the Han Dynasty, is here to discuss the alliance with Emperor Guishuang under the order of King Wei. of."

"King of Wei? United?" Wei Tibahuo became more and more puzzled as he listened. In his impression, there should be only one king in the Han Kingdom. He had met Liu Ke who claimed to be the King of Chu before. A king of Wei appeared.

Yang Xiu saw Wei Tibahuo's doubts, and immediately explained the current situation of the big man briefly to him.

After listening to Yang Xiu's explanation, Wei Tibahuo seemed to understand, and said to himself; "It turns out that this is the case. I didn't expect that the Han Dynasty also had an emperor, and the previous Chu king was just a power of the Han Dynasty. Apart from him, there is no one in the Han Dynasty. And the king of Wei, the king of Xiangyang, and the king of Hanzhong."

Because of the fear of being beaten by Liu Ke, Wei Tibahuo treated Yang Xiu, the envoy of the Wei king, with extraordinary courtesy. In his thinking, the strength of the Wei king should not be much weaker than that of the Chu king Liu Ke.

I can't even beat the king of Chu, if I anger the king of Wei again, will I still have a way to survive?

Yang Xiu was very satisfied with Wei Ti Bahuo's attitude. He always likes others to treat him with respect. He only heard him say: "Emperor Guishuang, my lord, King Wei, wants to unite with your country to fight against King Liu Ke of Chu. , I don't know what you think?"

Hearing this, Wei Ti Bahuo shook his head without hesitation, "No, no, my army has been crippled and unable to fight anymore. I am ready to return to the Guishuang Empire."

Wei Ti Bahuo's answer did not exceed Yang Xiu's expectations, he continued; "Emperor Guishuang, are you really willing to return to your hometown and country in such a dispirited manner?"

"Of course I'm not reconciled." Waitibajo replied subconsciously.

Yang Xiu knew there was something to be done, and immediately continued to encourage him; "Emperor Guishuang, there is a great opportunity in front of you now, as long as you can seize it, you will definitely be able to defeat Liu Ke."

"What a great time?"

"To unite with my lord, King Wei, you and I will be in the open and the other in the dark, we will be invincible if we catch him unawares!" Yang Xiu opened and closed his sharp mouth, but he was tempted by Wei Ti Bahuo's words.

Wei Ti Bahuo asked carefully; "Dare to ask the messenger, how many troops does your King Wei have, and where are they now?"

Yang Xiu knew in his heart whether he could persuade Wei Tibahuo, and then he rolled his eyes and said exaggeratedly.

"Emperor Guishuang didn't know that my lord, King Wei, has millions of soldiers. However, King Wei is currently at war with King Xiangyang, so he only sent a general, leading more than [-] troops, just outside Juyongguan. Only you agree Together, we can declare war on Liu Ke."

Wei Tibahuo, who didn't know the truth, immediately opened his mouth and said in horror: "Millions of soldiers! This is several times more than the army of our Guishuang Empire."

Yang Xiu sneered secretly, "The emperor of a barbarian country really doesn't know much."

On the surface, he said with a smile; "Since Emperor Guishuang already knows the strength of our lord Wei Wang, can you now agree to join forces with my lord to fight against Liu Ke?"

"Agreed! Of course I agree." This time, Vitibajo agreed without hesitation. With such a powerful ally, why would he not be able to win.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Yang Xiu also smiled all over his face, and said, "Okay, Emperor Guishuang is indeed a hero of the world, with courage!"

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