"The envoy's reputation is too high." Wei Tibahuo's face was filled with joy after being praised by Yang Xiu.

"Next, please ask Emperor Guishuang to send a letter of war to Liu Ke, and ask him to fight to the death on the prairie in three days." Yang Xiudao.

Wei Ti Bahuo nodded slightly, but he was still a little worried, and asked; "Messenger, I have seen the strength of Liu Ke's army. Everyone is as good as ten, and now I only have about [-] troops left. , on the frontal battlefield, I'm afraid..."

Yang Xiu thought, "Based on the mob under your command, of course they won't be Liu Ke's opponent. At that time, the real main force will be Xia Houyuan."

But on the surface, he would not tell Wei Tiba Huoming, but comforted him; "Emperor Guishuang, don't worry, didn't I say that my lord Wei Wang has sent an army of [-] to help you, You just ask Liu Ke out."

"Okay." Waitibahoo nodded.

Later, Wei Ti Bahuo sent someone to Juyongguan to send a letter of war to Liu Ke, while Yang Xiu chose to stay in the Guishuang Empire military camp for the time being.


At Juyongguan, Liu Ke received a letter of war from Wei Ti Bahuo. He opened it and saw that it said that he would meet outside the city three days later.

On the prairie, fight to the death.

Summoning a group of civil and military personnel, Liu Ke took out Wei Tibahuo's gauntlet and said with a smile; "Everyone, take a look, this is the gauntlet of Wei Tibahuo's solitary battle. It seems that he was cornered. .”

Hearing this, the crowd of civil and military officials suddenly burst into laughter, and everyone didn't pay much attention to Wei Ti Bahuo.

Chen Dao went out and said, "Your Majesty, let the last general go for you in this battle of Weitibahuo. If he was not caught that time, the last general wants to capture Weitibahuo in his dreams."

Liu Ke waved his hand and said, "Uncle Zhi, Gu knows what's on your mind, but since it's Wei Tibahuoyue fighting Gu this time, Gu should fight in person, and Gu also wants to catch him with his own hands."

Hearing what Liu Ke said, Chen Dao had no choice but to sit back resentfully, but the fighting spirit in his eyes remained undiminished.

Pang Tong suddenly said at this time: "Your Majesty, it stands to reason that Wei Tibahuo should have been shattered. Why did he suddenly propose to fight the King in three days? There may be fraud in it."

Guo Jia also echoed, "Scholar Yuan's concerns are also my concerns. Your Majesty, it is better to be careful."

Lu Xun persuaded; "The two gentlemen are thinking that it is better to do this. After three days, the king will not go."

However, Liu Ke was firm in his attitude and said without doubt; "It's just a mere Vitibahuo, why worry about it? Chen Dao, Dian Wei, and Tai Shici ordered you to immediately assemble an army of [-] in three days. , I want to catch Vettibajo with my own hands!"

Seeing Liu Ke's appearance of not dying until the Yellow River, Pang Tong, Guo Jia and others couldn't persuade them any more, so they had to find Lu Xun after they left.

"Bo Yan, Wei Ti Bahuo suddenly made an appointment to fight. I always feel that something is wrong. The king is determined to capture Wei Ti Bahuo himself, but he can't persuade him. May I ask where the soldiers conscripted from Wuhuan and other clans are? where?"

Pang Tong asked.

Lu Xun said with a wry smile, "Shiyuan, before the conscription is over, Wei Ti Bahuo was beaten for thousands of miles, so I ignored this matter. However, counting the time, the conscription of all ethnic groups should have ended."

"Since that's the case, let Lao Boyan send people to the various tribes of Wuhuan. When the king and Weiti Bahuo are in a decisive battle three days later, they must be present to prevent any changes." Guo Jia and Pang Tong exchanged a glance.

"Okay, I'll do it now." Lu Xun nodded, and immediately went down to handle the matter.


Three days later, on the endless prairie, the two sides faced each other coldly.

Standing in a luan chariot, wearing a five-clawed dragon robe, a crown on his head, and a sword on his waist, he is staring at Weiti Bahuo on the opposite side.

Wei Tibahuo rode a war horse, staring at Liu Ke with hatred in his eyes.

"Liu Ke, today is the time to perish!"

Pulling out the sword at his waist, Vitibajo said loudly.

Liu Ke sneered again and again, and said without showing any weakness; "Weiti Bahuo, who gave you the courage to face Gu, it seems that Gu didn't hurt you a few times before!"

As soon as he mentioned the previous defeats, Wei Tibahuo hated Liu Ke so much that his teeth itch, and he wanted to go up and chop Liu Ke a few times.

"Hmph! Liu Ke, you just won a few times by chance. What's there to be proud of? Today, I want you to lose completely!"

"Really? Let's see how you let Gu lose." Liu Ke was too lazy to talk nonsense with Wei Tibahuo, and slowly drew out the sword at his waist, pointing the sword point directly at the side of the Guishuang Empire, and shouted loudly.

"Warriors of the big man, follow alone and wipe out the alien race!"

"Anyone who offends me will be punished no matter how far away he is!"


In an instant, the [-] troops burst into earth-shattering roars at the same time.

"Destroy aliens!"

"Anyone who offends me will be punished no matter how far away he is!"


Wei Ti Bahuo felt the strong killing intent oncoming, and couldn't help but tremble, but he still plucked up his courage and shouted; "Kill!"

In an instant, the tactics of the two sides collided, like two waves of different colors intersecting.

Dark clouds gathered in the sky, and the thick smell of blood gradually permeated the entire prairie.Wails and screams, swords and swords, corpses lying on the ground one after another, ferocious and terrifying.

With the passage of time, the blood mist gradually diffused, and the original verdant grassland was completely dyed red, and mourning was everywhere. This atmosphere was almost suffocating.

"Barbarians, aliens, offend my frontier, die!"

Taishi Ciqing Dragon Halberd waved, reaping the lives of the soldiers of the Guishuang Empire. It was as powerful as Lu Bu, the God of Killing in the Battle of Yuyang.

When Dianwei's big double halberds are swung, they will definitely kill people, just like an ancient evil reappearing, within a radius of five li, it seems that no one is dead!

Chen Dao stabbed out with a silver spear, killing his life with the gun. Perhaps he was not as unrestrained as the white horse general Zhao Zilong, but he had a different sense of sharpness.

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