The three generals under Liu Ke rushed from left to right in the battlefield, as if they had entered no one's land, which made Wetibahuo who was watching from the rear startled, and had a new understanding of the fierceness of the great Han generals.

"Let the horse!"

Excited, Liu Ke ordered his personal guards to bring a horse for him, turned on his back, and Liu Ke was about to charge into the battlefield with a sword in his hand.

Seeing this, Pang Tong and other counselors hurriedly grabbed Liu Ke and persuaded him, "Your Majesty, no! You are a man of gold, how could you step into a dangerous battle formation, and your swordsmen have no eyes. Please think twice, Your Majesty."

And Liu Ke was already full of enthusiasm at this time, so he didn't care so much, he broke free from everyone's hands, and said proudly: "The man holds a three-foot sword, and he has made great achievements! As the king of Chu alone, how can he shrink back?" reason!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After saying that, Liu Ke galloped out on his horse, swung his sword, and beheaded soldiers of the Guishuang Empire one after another.

On Liu Jun's side, seeing his own king of Chu going into battle in person, he was also in high spirits. He worked even harder to kill the enemy, and the balance of victory gradually tilted towards Liu Ke's side.

Seeing the sudden change in the situation, Wei Ti Bahuo was very anxious. He looked at Yang Xiu who was at the side and said urgently, "Messenger Yang, why hasn't your King Wei's army come yet? If we don't show up, we won't be able to stop it."

Yang Xiu calmly pointed at one place and said with a smile, "Emperor Guishuang, look, isn't that here?"

On the west side of the battlefield, suddenly a Biao army came out, under the banner of Xiahou, it was Xiahouyuan who had arrived.

With their participation in the battle, the balance of victory tilted again, to the side of Waite Bajo.

After Xia Houyuan rushed into the battlefield, he went shopping all the way, and quickly approached a place, which was where King Liu Ke of Chu was.

His purpose is very clear, killing Liu Ke can remove a serious problem for Wei Wang Cao Cao, and the situation in the world will also undergo tremendous changes.

"Liu Ke, take your life!"

With a smirk, Xia Houyuan had already killed Liu Ke, and slashed down with a big knife in his hand, trying to cut Liu Ke in half directly.

"Xiahouyuan?" Liu Ke was also surprised when he saw Xiahouyuan, but now he didn't care so much, raised his sword to block Xiahouyuan's blow, and immediately fled on horseback.

Liu Ke knew very well that his martial arts skills were only half-baked, and when he met Xia Houyuan, a veteran on the battlefield, he would die if he didn't run away.

"No, the king is in danger!" Pang Tong, Guo Jia and others who were watching the battle from the rear also saw the scene of Xia Houyuan chasing and killing Liu Ke.

"Guorang, follow me to armor!"

Without further ado, Lu Xun picked up his sword and called Ueda Yuhou, and the two rushed directly into the battlefield.

Where the two pass, no one can stop them.It wasn't until this time that people realized that both Lu Xun and Tian Yu were military generals, but because they were good at military strategy, people ignored their martial arts.

And over there, Xia Houyuan was chasing Liu Ke relentlessly, and when he was about to catch up with Liu Ke, he suddenly heard a loud shout from behind; "Xiahou Pifu, don't hurt the king!"

I saw Tian Yu's long spear probing, like a poisonous snake spitting out a letter, straight for Xia Houyuan's face.On the other side, Lu Xun's swordsmanship was light and nimble, and he slashed at Xia Houyuan's back.

Facing the attack of the two, Xia Houyuan had no choice but to abandon Liu Ke and concentrate on fighting Lu Xun and Tian Yu.

The three of them fought for dozens of rounds, Lu Xun and Tian Yu gradually lost their strength and had to retreat quickly.

Fortunately, Liu Ke had already returned to the rear of the army. This time, Xia Houyuan almost killed him. He was really frightened, thinking that he would never be able to go into battle in person in the future.

Immediately, Liu Ke carefully observed the situation on the battlefield. The three seas of soldiers were distorted and intertwined, and the troops on Liu Ke's side were faintly overstretched.

"Damn Cao Cao, he secretly united with the Guishuang Empire to deal with me!" Liu Ke said angrily.

Pang Tong comforted him, "Your Majesty, don't worry, Xia Houyuan won't be rampant for long. The victor of this war can only be your Majesty!"

"Oh? Shi Yuan's words have a lot of meaning. It seems that you should have a backup." Based on his understanding of Pang Tong, Liu Ke immediately guessed the meaning of his words.

Regarding this, Pang Tong just laughed and said nothing, because his backhand had already arrived.

Boom... boom... boom...

The ground on the grassland suddenly began to shake, and the three parties who were fighting looked up at one place.

There was a cloud of smoke and dust, and a cavalry regiment of about [-] people was rushing towards the battlefield.

Yang Xiu, who was beside Wei Tibahuo, shouted in horror when he saw the cavalry corps killed, "The cavalry corps composed of Wuhuan and other cavalry is not good. It seems that Liu Ke has already prepared."

Thinking of this, Yang Xiu glanced at Wei Ti Bahuo who was stupefied, and slipped away quietly.

Under the impact of the cavalry, countless Cao Jun and soldiers of the Guishuang Empire died under the hooves of Chipin's war horses, and the cavalry charged, taking away countless lives.

In the midst of the flames of war, the formation of the cavalry corps changed and separated to the left and right wings, encircling the position of Vettibajo.

On the way, all the soldiers of the Guishuang Empire who blocked them became dead souls. The ultimate decisive battle between Liu Ke and Wei Tibahuo was about to end. The entire grassland had already been bloody, and the world was wailing.

"Nothing can be done, the whole army retreats!"

After Xia Houyuan saw the sudden appearance of the cavalry corps, he immediately gave the order to withdraw the troops. He didn't want to ruin his own soldiers and horses for Wei Ti Bahuo.

However, Xia Houyuan's retreat announced the complete defeat of Wei Ti Bahuo. His [-] army has no one left, and is surrounded by cavalry regiments.

"Shiyuan, you really have it. It turns out that this cavalry regiment is behind you." Liu Ke said with a smile.

Pang Tong said modestly, "Your Majesty praised it absurdly. In fact, it was His Majesty's original order to ask Lu Xun to recruit troops from Wuhuan and other foreign races. It's just that you forgot because of too many things."

Liu Ke laughed a few more times, did not discuss this matter too much, and brought a group of civil and military men to the front of Wei Ti Bahuo.

Now, there are only a hundred Guishuang Empire soldiers around him, and all the others died in this war and are buried in this land forever.

"Weitibahuo, put down your weapon and capture you without a fight. I can still consider saving your life. Otherwise, die!"

Liu Ke looked at the half-kneeling Wetibaho and ordered.

Wei Ti Bahuo looked around, showed a miserable smile, closed his eyes slightly, and said, "Liu Ke, let these soldiers of mine go, and I will surrender."

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