But Liu Ke was unmoved at all, and directly refused: "Weiti Bahuo, you have to find out the situation. Now you are a lonely prisoner, and you are not qualified to negotiate conditions with Gu!"

"You!" Weitibahuo was furious when he heard the words, and said bitterly; "Okay, since you don't agree, don't expect me to surrender."

Saying that, Vitibajo was about to raise his sword and kill himself.

Regarding this, Liu Ke was still calm, and the next moment, a stream of light shot at the sword in Weitibahuo's hand, knocking it down.From what everyone saw, it was Tai Shici who made the move.

Murderous intent appeared in Liu Ke's eyes, and he said in a cold voice, "Except for Wei Ti Bahuo, everyone else will be killed without mercy!"


With the order of the king, the fate of the remaining hundreds of soldiers of the Guishuang Empire was also doomed. In a short while, only Viti Bajo was left standing alone.

He stared at Liu Ke with red eyes, and roared, "You devil! One day, I will make you pay the price."

Liu Ke said indifferently; "Okay, I will wait for you alone. However, you are now a slave of Gu, respected His Majesty the Emperor of the Guishuang Empire!"

The first thousand two hundred and nine chapters; ministers praise

Weitibajo didn't speak any more, and let the sergeant tie him up, his eyes were gloomy.

"Your Majesty!"

The sergeant kicked Wetibaho on the leg, forcing him to kneel in front of Liu Ke.

A generation of imperial monarchs, but now they are reduced to the prisoner of others, it is pitiful and lamentable.

"Okay, let's withdraw the army and return to Youzhou."

With his sleeves rolled up, Liu Ke swaggered back to Juyongguan, surrounded by everyone, showing the victor's attitude.

After returning to Juyongguan, Liu Ke ordered someone to build a prison cart to escort Weti Bahuo, and he summoned a group of civil and military personnel to discuss the follow-up matters.

"Everyone, now that the Guishuang Empire's army is destroyed, I want to go on an expedition to completely conquer the Guishuang Empire!"

As soon as Liu Ke finished speaking, Lu Xun stood up and said, "Your Majesty, the Guishuang Empire is far away, and we still have civil strife within us. Once we go on an expedition, we may catch fire in the rear."

Guo Jia and Pang Tong also said: "What Bo Yan said is very true. The sudden appearance of Xia Houyuan's army this time is enough to prove that Cao Cao's heart is not dead. It is not yet time for an expedition."

Seeing the opposing attitudes of his subordinates, Liu Ke's heart was extinguished a lot, and he began to calm down, thinking.

"Lu Xun and the others are right. If I go on an expedition suddenly, I won't say it without mobilizing the teachers. I'm afraid there will be changes in the future. Cao Cao, Liu Bei and Sun Ce can't expect me to die."

Thinking of this, Liu Ke said; "Forget it, let's put aside the matter of the expedition for now, and make plans after the world is settled down in the future."

"The king is wise!" Everyone said in unison.

Liu Ke waved his hand and said, "Okay, now that the foreign aggression has been eliminated, Gu should return to Jianye. Where is Tian Yu?"

Tian Yu in the hall suddenly heard Liu Ke calling him, and felt a little confused, but he hurried out to respond and said, "Tian Yu is here, and I pay my respects to the king."

Seeing Tian Yu standing up, Liu Ke had a smile on his face, and said with a smile, "Before I leave, I canonize you as Youzhou Farewell, to assist Lu Xun in handling all affairs in Youzhou and Pingzhou, do you have confidence?"

"Ah?" Tian Yu was taken aback when he heard the words, a little unable to react.

Lu Xun hurriedly whispered to Tian Yu; "Guorang, don't thank you yet!"

After being reminded by Lu Xun, Tian Yu woke up with a start, and excitedly bowed to Liu Ke, "Thank you for your cultivation, Your Majesty, and I promise to live up to your entrustment. Your Majesty will be a thousand years old!"

"Go back."

The reason why Liu Ke appointed Tian Yu as Youzhou Biejia was because he valued this person's ability. Tian Yu was good at all kinds of martial arts. With him assisting Lu Xun, he didn't have to worry about Youzhou affairs.

"The matter is over, and I will return to Jianye tomorrow morning."

After giving the final order, Liu Ke turned back to his room and went to rest.The people also scattered like birds and beasts.

In the early morning of the next day, Liu Ke's king's flag fluttered in the wind. He was sitting in the Luanjia, accompanied by Tai Shici and Dian Wei, and Wei Ti Bahuo was locked in a prison car.

The army stayed in place for a while, and then left in the direction of Jianye.

Lu Xun Tian Yu looked at Liu Ke's army leaving from a distance, and saluted respectfully.


A week later, Liu Ke returned to Jianye smoothly. At the gate of the city, all the officials came out of the city to greet him, horns and drums blared.

"Congratulations to the triumphant return of the king!"

"The king is a thousand years old!"

Liu Ke waved his hand to calm everyone down, and then returned to Chu Palace.

On the throne, Liu Ke sat upright, with civil and military guards standing on both sides, only listening to Liu Ke's words: "Come on, bring Wei Ti Bahuo here!"

Immediately, guards escorted Wei Tibahuo into the hall and forced him to crawl at Liu Ke's feet.

"Look, everyone, this person is His Majesty the Emperor of the Guishuang Empire, Weiti Bahuo!"

When everyone heard the words, they raised their eyes and saw Weitibahuo's disheveled hair and face, his spirit was listless, and he didn't look like an emperor.

Zhou Buyi couldn't help muttering, "Your Majesty is not lying, how could this man be the king of a country, even the beggars on the roadside of Jianye can't compare to him."

His words immediately aroused everyone's agreement, and they all pointed to Weiti Bajo. No one would believe that this is the monarch of a country.

Seeing this, Liu laughed loudly and said, "Hahaha, it seems that everyone thinks that Gu is teasing you?"

"I dare not wait!" Upon hearing Liu Ke's words, everyone hurriedly said that they did not dare. The monarch is moody, and if a courtier accidentally says the wrong thing, he will end up in a very miserable way.

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