Soldiers outside the camp immediately stopped Sima Yi.

Regarding this, Sima Yi's expression was indifferent, and there was no wave in the ancient well, and he said with a flick of his sleeves: "I am Sima Yi under the tent of the King of Wei, and I have come here for the safety of the King of Xiangyang."

The soldiers didn't want to pay attention to it, but at this moment, a figure stepped out from the camp.

With a feather fan scarf, a white robe, and a face like a crown of jade, it is Mei Zhoulang, Zhou Gongjin.

I only heard Zhou Yu say, "Mr. Sima, please."

Sima Yi smiled slightly, and followed Zhou Yu into the camp.

Sun Ce, who was polishing his sword, frowned slightly when he saw Sima Yi and Zhou Yu coming in together.

"Sima Yi? What are you doing here?" Sun Ce asked in a bad tone.

"Yi came here for the safety of the King of Xiangyang in the future." What Sima Yi and Jiang Ji said to Liu Bei was exactly the same.

Hearing this, Sun Ce said disdainfully, "Joke! How can you, a literati who only knows how to use words, be in charge of the safety of Gu."

Sima Yi smiled and said, "The King of Xiangyang, please listen to me. Now that the King of Xiangyang and my lord, the King of Wei, are fighting frequently, the King of Xiangyang must know how much strength is left."

"Sima Yi!" Sun Ce glanced at Sima Yi with a pair of tiger eyes, and he suddenly felt a powerful and fierce force attacking him.

Seeing this, Zhou Yu hurried out to smooth things over, "Your Majesty, calm down, I believe Mr. Sima's words were unintentional."

Seeing Zhou Yu come out to speak, Sun Ce gave up.After all, Zhou Yu is someone he relies heavily on.

Sima Yi gave Zhou Yu a thankful look, and then continued, "I have no intention of offending the King of Xiangyang, but just want to tell the King of Xiangyang that if this war continues, it will not benefit anyone."

"According to what you mean, is Cao Cao afraid?"

"No, my lord, the King of Wei, is willing to temporarily cease the war for the sake of the King of Xiangyang. You and I will cooperate to fight against Liu Ke, the King of Chu." Sima Yi got to the point.

Sun Ce said, "Sima Yi, you are really interesting. Don't you know that Gu and the King of Chu are allies? How dare you tell Gu and Cao Cao to make peace and fight against the King of Chu together."

Sima Yi's expression remained unchanged, and he said, "The King of Xiangyang is a sensible person. I believe you know better than anyone else how ambitious Liu Ke is. Do you think he will let your so-called ally go?"

"Even if you let me go, I'm afraid you will end up being imprisoned for the rest of your life. Yi believes that with the great talent and strategy of King Xiangyang, he is definitely not someone who will be willing to be inferior to others. That's why Yi came here boldly to advise you to negotiate peace with my lord, King Wei." , join forces to fight against Liu Ke!"

After speaking, Sima Yi quietly waited for Sun Ce's decision.

Sun Ce didn't respond immediately, but thought about the key points of interest. Although Sima Yi's words were reasonable, he was not mentally prepared for the war with Liu Ke.Liu Ke's military strength is really not something that ordinary people dare to provoke at will.

[-]th; the eve of the storm

After a stick of incense, Sun Ce took a long breath and said.

"Sima Yi, you go back and tell Cao Cao that Gu accepts his peace talks, but Feng Yi and Fufeng counties are already lonely. If he agrees not to try to take back the two counties in the future, Gu will agree to deal with Liu Kebing."

Sima Yi was overjoyed and said directly, "If the King of Xiangyang is only worried about this, please rest assured that the King of Xiangyang will be able to make decisions for the King of Wei, and the two counties of Feng Yi and Fufeng will be yours from now on."

"Oh, I didn't expect you, Sima Yi, to be the master for Cao Cao." Sun Ce stared at Sima Yi with a half-smile, and immediately said, "Okay, I promise you."

"The king of Xiangyang made a wise decision, so please send troops to Yangzhou immediately." Sima Yi said.

Zhou Yu said at this time: "Mr. Sima, don't worry, it will take some time for my king to withdraw our troops from this place and return to Jingzhou. However, as soon as we return to Jingzhou, we will immediately enter Yangzhou."

Sima Yi nodded and said, "Very well, Sima Yi will return to Chang'an first."

After speaking, Sima Yi bowed to Sun Ce, turned around and left Sun Ce's camp, and went back to Chang'an.

Looking at the back of Sima Yi leaving, Sun Ce couldn't help but said: "Looking at Sima Yi alone is definitely not a thing in the pool. I'm afraid Cao Cao will have a better time in the future."

Zhou Yu laughed and said, "Your Majesty also saw Sima Yi's double-mindedness?"

Sun Ce said, "This man is like a dormant tiger, which may turn against its master at any time. No wonder the world calls him Gu the Eagle Watching the Wolf."

"That's right, but Cao Cao is also worried about these things. Your Majesty's next step is to think about how to deal with King Liu Ke of Chu."

"What about Liu Ke?" Sun Ce narrowed his eyes slightly, and said coldly; "As Sima Yi said, if Liu Ke is not eliminated, the world will be his sooner or later. As long as Liu Ke is eliminated, the orphan will have a chance to rule the world."

Zhou Yu said, "That's true, but this time, Liu Ke is about to face a three-party attack. I don't know how he should deal with it."

"How to deal with it is his Liu Ke's business. Gongjin, order the three armies to return to Jingzhou immediately. In addition, send fast horses to let the Jingzhou navy gather. I just want to see whether Liu Ke's Yangzhou navy is powerful or not. The lonely Jingzhou navy is even stronger!"

Sun Ce put his hand on the sword at his waist and said.

"No!" Zhou Yu immediately went down to prepare.


Chang'an, Jiang Ji and Sima Yi returned to Cao Cao one after another and informed him of the results of their trip.

Cao Cao smiled and said, "Okay, Zitong and Zhongda should be credited with convincing Liu Bei and Sun Ce."

The two looked at each other and said in unison: "I dare not wait, this is what the minister should do."

Cao Cao smiled even more happily, and said, "If you have meritorious service, you will be rewarded, and if you are guilty, you will be punished. This is the principle of the solitary. When you defeat Liu Ke, you will be rewarded together."

"Thank you King Wei."

"Well, next, I'm going to go back to Luoyang and fight Liu Ke!" Cao Cao said coercively, sitting on the first seat.

"Cao Hong, Xiahou Dun listens!"

"The end is here!" The two immediately came out to respond.

"Order you two to regroup the army immediately and set off for Luoyang in a few days."

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