
After the order was issued, Cao Cao looked at the Luoyang area on the map with deep eyes and muttered to himself, "Liu Ke, King of Chu, let Gu see how powerful you are!"

As Cao Cao's army set off, Sun Ce also began to retreat to Jingzhou, and Liu Bei, who was far away in Chengdu, also gradually assembled his army, and his troops pointed directly at Jiaozhou.

At this time, Liu Ke had just led the army to Xinzheng.

"Last generals Zhang Liao and Gao Shun, please refer to the King!"

Outside Xinzheng City, Zhang Liao and Gao Shun bowed respectfully in front of Liu Ke's chariot.

Liu Ke poked his head out of the Luanjia, and said with a smile; "Two generals please get up quickly, I didn't expect you to move so fast, and captured Xinzheng in a short period of time."

Zhang Liao replied, "There is an order from the king. As a general, you should do your best."

"Okay! Let's go to the city and talk about it."

With that said, Liu Ke's frame entered Xinzheng City surrounded by everyone.

Sitting on the main seat, Liu Ke asked, "Zhang Liao, Gao Shun, what's the current situation?"

The two immediately told Liu Keting the overall situation.

Now, Zhang Liao and Gao Shun raised a total of [-] Yuzhou troops, and took over the six counties of Henan Yin's Xinzheng, Zhongmou, Kaifeng, Yuanling, Mixian, and Jingxian counties with lightning speed. Wenpin guards.

And Lu Meng, who sent troops from Yanzhou, is currently stationing [-] troops at Sishuiguan, eyeing Luoyang.

All the troops added together, including the [-] troops brought by Liu Ke, made a total of [-] troops.

Liu Ke nodded, thinking to himself, with a total of [-] troops on his side, why worry that Luoyang cannot be conquered.Then he asked again: "How many Cao troops are there in Luoyang?"

Zhang Liao replied, "Let me tell you, Commander Le Jin originally had only [-] troops stationed in Luoyang, but a few days ago, Yu Jin led [-] troops back to Luoyang, and is currently stationed in Xingyang."

"Yu Jin is back, and he is still stationed in Xingyang. It seems that Cao Cao is still worried." Liu Ke said to himself.

Zhuge Liang shook his feather fan below and said, "Your Majesty, it seems that Cao Cao has already prepared, and Yu Jin is in command of the army in Xingyang. Luoyang is not easy to fight."

Liu Ke snorted coldly, "Hmph, no matter what, Luoyang is determined to be alone! But, Yu Jin is a man of strategy and courage, and it's really hard to deal with him guarding Xingyang."

Hearing what Liu Ke said, the proud Lv Bu immediately went out to ask for orders; "Your Majesty, you are just a little Yu Jin. The final general is willing to lead his army to capture Xingyang and open the gate of Luoyang for your Majesty."

Dian Wei and Chen Dao also rushed out to fight for their merits; "Your Majesty, the last general is also willing to go."

Liu Ke waved his hands and said, "Generals, be safe and don't be impatient. Xingyang is easy to defend and difficult to attack, not to mention that there is a large army of Yujin stationed there. It's better to wait for work first and eat away the rest of Henan Yin's counties."

After finishing speaking, Liu Ke picked up the command arrow and ordered, "Lu Bu listens to the order."

"The end is here." Lu Bu stood up excitedly.

"I order you to lead an army of [-] to attack Yuanwu and Yangwu counties!"

"The last general takes orders."

Liu Ke said again, "Dianwei, where is Chen Dao?"

"The end is here!" The two said at the same time.

"Order the two of you to lead an army of [-] to attack Juan County, Xincheng, and Liang County."

"The last general takes orders!"

Finally, Liu Ke looked at Tai Shici again and said, "Tai Shici listens to the order."

"The end is here."

"I order you to lead one hundred thousand troops to encircle Xingyang. However, without Gu's order, you are not allowed to attack without authorization."

"The last general leads the army."

All the generals took their orders and left.

At this time, Guo Jia said with some concern; "Your Majesty, Jia is worried that Sun Ce and Liu Bei will make other moves."

After being reminded by Guo Jia, Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong also thought of this issue and said, "What Feng Xiao is worried about is that the king still needs to beware of these two people suddenly making trouble."

However, Liu Ke didn't care. "Sun Ce and Liu Bei are nothing to worry about. If they really dare to come, they don't have to do it alone, and they can go back in despair."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"This..." Guo Jia and others opened their mouths to speak, but seeing Liu Ke's fearless appearance, they had no choice but to give up.Anyway, even if Liu Bei and Sun Ce really come to attack, with Liu Ke's strength, there is no need to worry too much.

It's a pity that Liu Ke and the others obviously underestimated the strength of Liu Bei and Sun Ce a little too much.

Sun Ce, who returned to Xiangyang, Jingzhou, immediately assembled all the navy troops in Jingzhou, a total of [-] troops, crossed Nanjun, arrived at Xiakou, and entered the Yangtze River without a trace.

Sun Ce stood on a fast-moving building boat, facing the icy river wind, looking at the calm water surface of the Yangtze River ahead, with a hint of excitement in his eyes.

"Your Majesty, the Yuzhang Group is not far ahead."

Zhou Yu did not know when he came behind Sun Ce, and pointed to the looming outline of the city in front of him and said.

"Very good, as long as Chaisang is successfully captured, Yuzhangqun will be at your fingertips." Sun Ce clenched his fists and said.

Zhou Yu smiled and said, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, our operation is very secretive. I'm afraid Liu Ke's people haven't found us yet."

Sun Ce said, "Because of this, I have to attack Chaisang with all my might, otherwise once exposed, it will not be that simple when Liu Ke's people react."

While the two were talking, a sergeant came to report, "Report to Your Majesty, we are about to arrive in Guangji."

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