Hearing this, Sun Ce slowly drew out the sword at his waist, and said in a cold voice, "All the officers and men obey the order and follow Gu to attack Guangji and take Chaisang directly!"


As the ships of the Jingzhou navy gradually approached the shore, Guangji City became more and more obvious to everyone.

As soon as he jumped off the boat, Sun Ce shouted loudly: "All soldiers, kill alone!"

All of a sudden, the screams of killing resounded through the sky, and before the guards of Guangji City could react, they were chopped off by the Jingzhou army and sent to Sun Ce.

In just a moment, the Jingzhou army completely occupied Guangji, and the Xiangyang king's flag fluttering in the wind was planted on the top of the city.

Sun Ce couldn't help laughing, "Hahaha, all the soldiers are going to Chaisang!"

Without stopping for a moment, Sun Ce led an army of [-] troops to attack Chaisang, preparing to attack Huanglong.

But when they didn't see it, when they attacked Guangji City, a Yangzhou sergeant slipped out of the city quietly and fled to Chaisang.

Liu Ke's general Xu Sheng was stationed in Chaisang, and he happened to be patrolling the defense at the top of Chaisang city.

Although Yangzhou is Liu Ke's base camp, almost no one came to invade, but Xu Sheng has a strong sense of responsibility. Since he is the guard of Chaisang, he must take due responsibility.

It was also because of this that Xu Sheng saw the sergeant fleeing from the direction of Guangji.

"Who is in the city?"

Seeing the blood on the person who came, Xu Sheng felt a bad premonition.

The sergeant ran to Chaisang City and shouted loudly, "General Xu, it's not good. The Jingzhou Army suddenly attacked Guangji City. Now Guangji has fallen, and the Jingzhou Army is heading towards Chaisang."

"What!" Xu Sheng's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly asked to bring the sergeant into the city, and at the same time ordered the city gate to be closed, and the archers drew their bows and arrows, and the guards were heavily guarded.

After everything was arranged, Xu Sheng approached the sergeant who had escaped to report, and asked him carefully; "What happened to Guangji?"

The sergeant told Xu Sheng how Guangji fell.After listening, Xu Sheng knew that Sun Ce probably wanted to take advantage of the fire when Liu Ke was fighting Cao Cao in Luoyang.

After secretly scolding Sun Ce for being shameless, Xu Sheng continued to ask, "Can you see how many people there are in the Jingzhou Army?"

The sergeant thought about it for a while, and said falteringly; "There are too many people, densely packed, too many to count."

Hearing this, Xu Sheng knew something was wrong.Just as he was thinking about the countermeasures, there was a sudden scream of killing outside the city. Immediately, Xu Sheng didn't care about asking other questions, and hurried to the top of the city to have a look.

I saw that Sun Ce was dressed in military uniform, accompanied by Zhou Yu, and there were countless Jingzhou soldiers standing behind him, and an invisible momentum swept across the entire Chaisang city.

Holding the sword in one hand, Xu Sheng said angrily, "Sun Ce, what do you want to do! Don't forget, you and the King of Chu are allies!"

Sun Ce under the city did not rush to answer Xu Sheng's words, but glanced up and down Chaisang. Seeing that the city gates were closed and the archers raised their bows and arrows, he secretly thought that someone had escaped from Guangji City and came to report to Xu Sheng. up.

Knowing that he could not quickly capture Chaisang by surprise attack, Sun Ce was not in a hurry, and said slowly, "General Xu Sheng, winner and loser, there are no real allies. Under his command, there will definitely be a heavy reward!"

"Bah!" Xu Sheng spat at Sun Ce directly, and cursed; "Sun Ce, you shameless villain with two faces and three swords, I, Xu Sheng, was born and died of the King of Chu, and death is the ghost of the King of Chu, let me surrender, Do your daydreams!"

Hearing this, Sun Ce gradually had murderous intent brewing in his eyes, and said in a cold voice; "Xu Sheng, this is your own death, no wonder you are alone. When Gu captures Chaisang, I hope you will not regret it!"

"Hahaha." Xu Sheng laughed loudly; "Sun Ce, you might as well try, with me, Xu Sheng, in one day, don't try to capture Chaisang!"

Sun Ce raised his silver spear, pointed at the top of Chaisang City and shouted, "All soldiers, capture Chaisang and take Xu Sheng's head, you will be rewarded with a thousand pieces of gold, and you will be named Marquis of ten thousand households!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Immediately, countless Jingzhou troops rushed to the head of Chaisang city one after another, with only one purpose, to take down Xu Sheng's head!

"Qiang" I saw Xu Sheng draw out the sword at his waist, hacked to death one by one the desperate Jingzhou soldiers, and ordered, "Archers, let the arrows go!"

"Whoosh whoosh!"

In an instant, the arrows rained down, and the Jingzhou army fell one by one, but immediately there were other Jingzhou troops to make up, as if they couldn't kill them all.

Chaisang's battle didn't come to an end until night fell.After Sun Ce asked Ming Jin to withdraw his troops, he set up camp outside Chaisang City.

Xu Sheng looked at Sun Ce's camp outside the city, his eyes were full of sorrow, and he asked the lieutenant beside him, "How many defenders are there in the city?"

"Back to the general, the defenders are less than [-], and I'm afraid they won't be able to stop them tomorrow."

"If you can't stop it, you have to stop it. Chaisang can't be lost. If Chaisang falls, the Yuzhang group will become Sun Ce's possession, and his army can drive straight in!"

Xu Sheng said.

"But general, the defenders in the city are limited, and it is really impossible to resist Sun Ce's army." The deputy general said bitterly.

Xu Sheng thought for a while, and ordered: "Leave Chaisang City quickly, take a small boat, go to Jianye to find Master Lu Su, report to him the situation of Chaisang, and ask him to send troops to support immediately, otherwise Chaisang will be in danger! "

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


The lieutenant took the order with fists folded, and immediately took advantage of the darkness of night to sneak out of Chaisang City, boarded a small boat, and headed towards Jianye.

Xu Sheng looked at the departing figure of the lieutenant general, and secretly said, "You must come back quickly, otherwise, I don't know how long Chaisang will be able to defend."

In the early morning of the next day, before the dawn in the east, the rumble of war drums awakened the defenders above Chaisang City. They all looked down the city with sleepy eyes, and their drowsiness disappeared in an instant.

I saw that Sun Ce began to command Jingzhou to launch a siege battle again. The ladder was put on the top of the city, and the car smashed into the gate of the city. The tragic siege war started again.

After Xu Sheng heard that Sun Ce was attacking the city again, he hurried to the top of the city, commanded the defenders, and struggled against the large and powerful Jingzhou army.

"I guard them all, and we must not let a Jingzhou army climb to the top of the city!" Xu Sheng shouted loudly, slashing and killing Jingzhou soldiers with the long sword in his hand numbly.


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