Suddenly, a loud impact caused Xu Sheng's ears to ring. After waking up, he hurried to check what happened, only to see a rushing car hitting the precarious gate of Chaisang City non-stop.

"Damn it!" Xu Sheng took a pot of kerosene and poured it directly on the car, then took a pair of bows and arrows, ignited the arrows, and shot it on the car.

Immediately, a raging fire ignited on the rush car, and the Jingzhou sergeants on both sides who were in charge of pushing the cart were also buried in the flames amidst screams!

"My lord, Xu Sheng is not a general. With him stationed in Chaisang, it is really not easy to capture the city."

Zhou Yu under the city witnessed Xu Sheng's actions and said to Sun Ce.

Sun Ce nodded and said, "Gu knows, it's just a pity that this person is not willing to be used by Gu."

"My lord, Yu has a plan, maybe he can capture Chaisang as soon as possible." Zhou Yu smiled.

"Oh?" Sun Ce looked at the smiling Zhou Yu and asked; "Gong Jin, don't be a fool, come quickly."

Immediately, Zhou Yu approached Sun Ce's ear and said in a low voice; "My lord, Chaisang is close to the water of the Yangtze River. Your Majesty can order people to block the flow of the river in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. When the river is full, release it at once and flood the chaisang directly." mulberry!"

After hearing this, Sun Ce smiled with satisfaction, "Haha, Gong Jin is worthy of being Gong Jin, this plan is brilliant! I will send someone to carry it out."

Immediately, Sun Ce found Huang Gai and asked him to take a team of people to the upper reaches of the Yangtze River to block the water source.

Huang Gai took the order and left.

Seeing Huang Gai leaving suddenly with a group of people, Xu Sheng on the head of Chaisang City couldn't help feeling suspicious, and then he suddenly thought of something, and said in horror.

"Too bad, Chaisang is close to the river, so Sun Ce wants someone to go to the upper reaches of the Yangtze River to block the source, and then waterproof it in one fell swoop to submerge Chaisang!"

Thinking of this, Xu Sheng frowned. His own life is a trivial matter, but there are still countless people living in Chaisang City. If Sun Ce is really allowed to flood the city, I don't know how many innocent people's lives will be ruined.

And Xu Sheng's thoughts were clearly understood by Zhou Yu. He drove his horse forward and said to Xu Sheng: "General Xu, surrender. You won't be able to hold on for long. Besides, if you don't think for yourself, Also think about the people of Chaisang."

Xu Sheng rolled his eyes. He is still not sure whether Sun Ce really wants to flood the city, but since Zhou Yu came to persuade him to surrender again, he might as well try it out.

"Zhou Yu, stop talking, I won't surrender. What's more, if the two armies are at war, what does it matter to the people?"

"General Xu, you are asking the question clearly." Zhou Yu said with an expression that you understand; "The general has lived in Chaisang for a long time, don't you know the favorable geographical conditions in Chaisang? Don't forget, the river is rising now!"

Zhou Yu didn't even intend to hide his plan to flood the city with water. Instead, he wanted to use this to make Xu Sheng not bear the common people's death, so he obediently surrendered.This is his trick.

The law of war says that attacking the heart is the top, and attacking the city is the bottom.

As expected by Zhou Yu, Xu Sheng was in a hurry. He was worried that the people would die because of it.He said angrily, "Zhou Yu, if you really flooded the city, wouldn't you be afraid of being punished by heaven?"

Zhou Yu smiled slightly when he heard this, and said, "General Xu Sheng, you and I are both members of the military. I don't know how much blood has been stained on our hands. How have we ever been afraid of the so-called divine punishment?"

"You!" Xu Sheng was at a loss for words for a moment.

Zhou Yu said again: "General Xu Sheng, my lord Xiangyang King can give you three days to think about it. After three days, if you still don't surrender, don't blame my lord for being unrighteous."

After saying that, Zhou Yu reined in his horse and returned to the Jingzhou army camp.

Leaving Xu Sheng standing on the top of the wall, all of a sudden, a thousand thoughts came to his mind.

Now, he is not surrendering, nor is he not surrendering.If you surrender, you will be sorry to Liu Ke, the king of Chu. If you don't surrender, you will be sorry to the people in the city.

In desperation, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration, he could not be the master of the people, so he might as well let the people in the city be their own masters.If they don't want to suffer from flooding, then they will lead their troops to evacuate Chaisang. No matter how Liu Ke punishes him in the future, he will admit it.

Do as soon as you think of it, Xu Sheng asked people to gather together the people in Chaisang City, and then he stood up and said word by word.

"Everyone, be quiet and listen to me. Right now, outside the city, Sun Ce's army is attacking the city, and they are already preparing to flood Chaisang with the water of the Yangtze River."

As soon as they heard the news, all the people panicked, everyone was in danger, and they seemed very nervous.

Seeing this, Xu Sheng had no choice but to continue; "Sun Ce gave me a choice. If I open the gate of Chaisang City, I will let the people of the whole city go. Otherwise, after three days, he will let the water of the Yangtze River pour back."

"I tell you this news for only one purpose. I want to ask, are you willing to tide over the difficulties with this general? If anyone is unwilling, I will lead the army to leave Chaisang and ask Sun Ce to let you go."

After finishing speaking, Xu Sheng closed his eyes slightly. He thought that when the people heard the news, they would choose to run away.

But things were always unexpected, none of the people chose to escape, they all stared at Xu Sheng firmly.

One of the old men with a bright head and beard came out tremblingly and said, "General Xu, none of our people in Chaisang are greedy for life and afraid of death. Each of us will remember the kindness of the King of Chu to our people."

"Yes, in this troubled world, how many people can treat our common people like children like the King of Chu. We all obey the King of Chu, and only recognize the King of Chu!" A middle-aged man also stood up and said.

"That's right, if Sun Ce wants to pour water from the Yangtze River, let him pour it. We swear to the death that we will be with Chaisang and the general. It doesn't matter if we die!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Xu Sheng had a sore nose seeing the people filled with righteous indignation and seeing death as home.Even if the common people are like this, as the leader of an army, he has no reason to retreat.

"With the support of all of you, Xu Sheng will never back down!"

After the solemn promise, Xu Sheng immediately returned to Chaisang City, always paying attention to Sun Ce's actions.


Jianye, since Liu Ke led the army out, Jianye has been handed over to Lu Su and Xun Yu.

On this day, Lu Su had just finished his official duties and walked to the river alone. Facing the refreshing river breeze, he suddenly felt refreshed, but at this moment, he faintly saw a small boat speeding towards him on the river coming.

In the blink of an eye, the small boat was continuously enlarged in Lu Su's eyes, and when the small boat came close, Lu Su could clearly see the appearance of the person coming.

Wearing the Yangzhou sergeant-style armor, his face was covered with blood, and he looked a little tired.

"Where are you guarding, why do you look like this?"

After a little calculation in Lu Su's mind, he guessed that this person was the local guard.Because the generals stationed in Jianye are generally in the barracks and will not run around without authorization.

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