But this person came from the river, except for the possibility of the local guard, there is no other possibility.

The man got off the small boat, staggered suddenly, and fell at Lu Su's feet.He said weakly; "It's not good, Sun Ce gathered an army to attack Chaisang, and General Xu Sheng asked me to report for help."

"There is such a thing!" Lu Su was shocked when he heard the words, and hurriedly helped the lieutenant general who fell on the ground, and went to Jianye City.

After arriving in Jianye City, Lu Su handed over the deputy general to the guards in the city to take care of him, while he hurried to Chu Palace.

Inside the palace, Xun Yu was reviewing the memorials passed down from various places, smiling with relief for a while, and thinking hard for a while.Out of the corner of his eye, he just caught a glimpse of Lu Su who came in a hurry, and couldn't help laughing.

"What's wrong with Zijing? You were the calmest in the past."

Lu Su smiled wryly twice, and said seriously; "Wen Ruo quickly summoned the group of ministers, something serious happened to Chaisang, and Sun Ce suddenly attacked. I don't think General Xu Sheng will be able to defend for long."

Now, Xun Yu wasn't calm any more, he showed a look of astonishment, he couldn't believe it, "Zi Jing's words are serious, did Sun Ce really go to hunt firewood?"

"Can I still lie to you with this kind of thing!" Lu Su said anxiously.

Seeing that Lu Su's expression did not seem to be fake, Xun Yu immediately went down to summon a group of ministers to the Chu Palace to discuss matters.

After a while, a crowd of civil and military personnel filed in, everyone looked suspicious, not knowing what happened, they were suddenly summoned here.

Zhang Zhao asked, "Zijing, Wen Ruo, what happened, you want to mobilize teachers like this?"

Lu Su and Xun Yu looked at each other and said, "Something happened to Chaisang. Sun Ce led an army to attack. I don't know what happened yet."

"What!" For a while, the officials in the palace were discussing a lot, Zhang Yun came out and said; "The last general is willing to lead the army to help Chaisang."

Seeing Zhang Yun stand up, Lu Su and Xun Yu also breathed a sigh of relief. Liu Ke took almost all the generals who could fight to Luoyang. Now in Jianye City, apart from Zhang Yun, it seems that there are few people who can carry the army. Big responsibility.

After some discussions among the people, it was decided that Zhang He would lead an army of [-] sailors to Chaisang to rescue Xu Sheng.

In addition, Lu Su decided to personally serve as Zhang Yun's military adviser and go to Chaisang with him. After all, Sun Ce had many people coming back this time, and they had to be prepared for a protracted war with Sun Ce.

After deciding on a strategy, everyone dispersed and made preparations.

Lu Su hurried back to his mansion, packed up some change of clothes, and rushed to the barracks to meet Zhang He.

Zhang He is also worthy of being a famous general of his generation. In a short period of time, he assembled [-] elite water troops. After dispatching hundreds of warships, the [-] troops set off from Jianye and went straight to Chaisang.

Before leaving, Lu Su did not forget to write a letter and ordered someone to send it to Liu Ke in Luoyang quickly, informing him of what happened in Yangzhou.

When the situation in Yangzhou changed suddenly, Jiaozhou was not peaceful either.

Yongchang Group, Maguan, Shu Wang Liu Bei personally led an army of [-], with Guan Yu and Zhang Fei as the main general, Wei Yan as the vanguard, Fazheng as the mastermind, and quietly touched Beidai County of the Jiaozhi Group.

At this time, it was evening, and everything was quiet, except for the sound of soldiers rubbing against armor.

Liu Bei, who was riding in the front, looked at Fazheng beside him and asked, "Xiaozhi, shall we take down the Jiaozhi group first?"

Fazheng said: "My lord, let's take advantage of the night to attack Beidai County first. After taking this city, we will quickly capture the entire Jiaozhi group, and then attack the Jiuzhen group. We must first gain a foothold in Jiaozhou before we can be invincible." .”

"Okay! According to Xiaozhi's words." Liu Bei nodded, obeying the law.

"Yun Chang, Yi De, Wen Chang, the three of you each lead a team to Beidai County quietly, and you must capture this city."

"No!" The three of them took the order, and immediately led a team of troops, under the cover of night, they went to the Beidai city.

They put the ladder on the city gently, and then climbed up the ladder. When the defenders in the city found out that something was wrong, it was too late.

Guan Yu's Qinglong Yanyue knife meets gods and kills gods, and Buddhas and Buddhas, it is like entering a land without people.

Zhang Fei's Zhangba Snake Spear was even more ferocious. Every defender who met him had a few transparent holes in his body.

Wei Yan appeared to be much cleaner and neater. Every time he slashed with the big sword, it would be fatal, and he would never give the enemy a chance to breathe.

Just half an hour later, the gates of Beidai City were switched open, and Liu Bei's army swaggered into the city.

And captured Beidai City, Liu Bei obeyed the words of the mastermind Fazheng, did not stop, let Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Wei Yan each lead the army, and took advantage of the favorable time of darkness tonight, and captured Quyang, Anguang, and the three counties in the west one after another. .

Among them, accidentally escaped a few fish that slipped through the net, and ran to Cangwu to report to Chen Gong.

Cang Wuqun, Guangxin, and Jiaozhou Inspector Chen Gong had been tired all day, and finally had a rest. He had just taken off his official uniform and was about to lie down on the bed and have a good sleep when there was a rapid knock on the door.

"Who? It's so late, don't knock."

Chen Gong put on a coat impatiently, opened the door, and immediately a blood-stained sergeant fell in front of him.

Quickly squatting down, Chen Gong sniffed the sergeant's breath, and seeing that he was still alive, he hurriedly asked, "Who are you as a soldier, why did you come to the governor's house?"

The sergeant opened his eyes, glanced at Chen Gong, and said intermittently; "Lord Inspector... Cochin... Enemy... Help..."

Before he finished speaking, the sergeant's head shrugged.

Chen Gong frowned, and kept repeating what the sergeant said, suddenly, his eyes flashed, and he murmured, "Oh no, maybe someone attacked the Cochin Group!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The more Chen Gong thought about it, the more frightened he became, pacing back and forth in the room, thinking about what happened.

He took out a map, lit the oil lamp, and observed carefully.His eyes swept back and forth between the Cochin Group and Yizhou on the map.

He muttered to himself, "Your Majesty is currently fighting Cao Cao in Luoyang. If I were Cao Cao, the best choice would be to cooperate with Sun Ce and Liu Bei. In other words, Liu Bei is the one who attacked the Jiaozhi group!"

Chen Gong narrowed his eyes, hurriedly put on his clothes, took his saber, and headed to the Jiaozhou army camp.There are [-] troops commanded by Gan Ning and Ding Feng stationed there.

It was midnight at this time, and there was silence in the barracks, except for the sergeants who were in charge of patrolling from time to time, only the bonfire swaying in the wind moved people's hearts.

Chen Gong rode a horse and rushed to the gate of the barracks. Just as he was about to go in, he was spotted by sergeants patrolling the outside. They immediately stepped forward and shouted, "Who dares to trespass into the barracks?"

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