Because of the urgency of the situation, Chen Gong didn't care about entanglement with these soldiers, and cursed in a somewhat impatient tone; "I am Chen Gong, governor of Jiaozhou, get out of here!"

Hearing that, those sergeants half-believingly stepped out of the way, it was dark at night, they couldn't see the appearance of the person coming, but they were afraid that it was really Chen Gong, so they had no choice but to stop blocking.

After successfully entering the barracks, Chen Gong looked around, found the place where the Chinese army was fighting, and walked over quickly.

Lifting the curtain of the large tent, he saw Gan Ning sleeping soundly inside, and hurriedly stepped forward and shouted, "General Xingba! General Xingba! Wake up."

Gan Ning, whose dream was suddenly interrupted, opened his eyes suddenly, and was about to get angry, but when he saw that it was Chen Gonghou, he asked angrily, "Lord Inspector, why are you here at the barracks so late?"

Chen Gong said: "The military situation is urgent, I will explain it to you on the way, now, Xingba should hurry up and gather soldiers to rescue Jiaozhi with me."

Seeing that Chen Gong's expression did not seem to be fake, Gan Ning immediately got out of bed, put on his armor, and left in a hurry, ringing the alarm bell in the barracks.

"Bang bang bang!"

The loud bell immediately woke up all the sergeants who were immersed in sleep.When the alarm bell rings, the military is needed.All the soldiers in the Jiaozhou camp put on their swords and armor, and quickly assembled at the school grounds.

"Xingba, what happened? Why did you ring the alarm bell?"

Ding Feng, who was out on patrol, heard the alarm bell and hurried back, looked at Gan Ning and asked.

Gan Ning pointed his eyes at Chen Gong beside him.

Chen Gong understood, and said, "Chengyuan, I'll explain the specific reason to you on the way, and now we should hurry up and go to Jiaozhi."

Chen Gong, who is the governor of Jiaozhou, said so, so Ding Feng naturally had nothing to do, he and Gan Ning commanded the army to set off immediately.

On the way, Chen Gongcai slowly preached to the two of them; "Xingba, Chengyuan, and Liu Bei may have attacked the Jiaozhi group. A defender who escaped from Jiaozhi warned me."

"What!" Gan Ning Ding Feng's face changed drastically, a little unbelievable.

Gan Ning said strangely, "Has Liu Bei taken the courage of the ambitious leopard? In the past, he never dared to go half a step. How dare he raid the Cochin group this time?"

Ding Feng also said: "What Xingba said is that the king is so powerful in the world. It is expected that Liu Bei should not dare to do such things that offend the king."

"Huh!" Chen Gong snorted coldly, with coldness in his eyes, and said, "Of course Liu Bei wouldn't dare. However, not long ago, the king went to Luoyang to fight Cao Cao. If I guessed right, it should be Cao Cao." Allied with Liu Bei."

"Master Inspector, what do you mean that Cao Cao joined forces with Liu Bei to deal with the king?" Gan Ning was thoughtful.

Chen Gongdao: "Not only that, if I were Cao Cao, not only would I have to join forces with Liu Bei, but I would also call on Sun Ce. Only by attacking from three sides can I pose a threat to the king."

"So that's how it is. Damn Cao Cao, how shameless!" Ding Feng said viciously.

"In troubled times, it's all about intrigue. Cao Cao just resorted to a conspiracy, which is nothing. The most urgent thing is to get to Jiaozhi as soon as possible. I don't know how the current situation of Jiaozhi is."

Chen Gong said with deep eyes.

Marching hurriedly all night, in the early morning of the next day, Chen Gong's army finally entered the Cochin Group, but the situation here has changed drastically.

Except for Longbian, the prefecture of Jiaozhi, which has not yet fallen, the twelve counties of Jiaozhi have already fallen to eleven counties!

Liu Bei's army is attacking Long Bian, and the defenders of Long Bian are insufficient, and they are gradually unable to resist.

"Xingba, you lead [-] troops to attack from the left!"

"Cheng Yuan, you lead [-] troops to attack from the right wing! Be sure to disrupt Liu Bei's formation."

Chen Gong made a prompt decision and gave the order to attack.

"Promise!" Gan Ningding accepted the order with folded fists, each leading the army and galloping out.

In an instant, the sky was filled with smoke and dust, and the sound of killing filled the air.

Under Longbian City, Liu Bei, who was directing the army to attack the city, suddenly heard shouts of killing coming from his left and right sides, he couldn't help but raise his eyes and was startled.

I saw that the flags of Gan and D were swaying in the wind, and there was a big flag that was written to Jiaozhou Governor Chen standing.

"No, it's Chen Gong who came to help!" Liu Bei panicked and looked at Fazheng beside him.

Fazheng also noticed the sudden change at this time, frowned slightly, and glanced at the situation on Longbian City.

The defenders of Longbian City, who had already been unable to hold on, were immediately excited when they saw Chen Gong's army that suddenly rushed out, especially after seeing the banner of Jiaozhou Governor Chen.

Long Bian's guard shouted loudly; "Soldiers, the governor of Chen Gong has come to help us, we must defend the city and never let Liu Bei take it away!"

What people are most afraid of is useless beliefs. Once they have beliefs, they will explode with unprecedented potential.Chen Gong's Jiaozhou governor's banner is undoubtedly the belief of these defenders.

They all roared, repelling wave after wave of enemy attacks.

Fazheng, who was watching the progress of the siege, shook his head at Liu Bei and said, "Your Majesty, the enemy's army is strong, but our army is exhausted. Today, we can't take down the Longbian. In order to reduce losses, please ask your Majesty Mingjin to retreat." Bar."

Liu Bei also knew that there was nothing to be done, so he called Jin to withdraw his troops immediately, and the crisp sound of Ming Jin called back the soldiers who were attacking the city.

Fazheng said again, "Your Majesty, although Longbian can't take it down for the time being, you must not let Chen Gong's army enter the city, otherwise, you really won't be able to take this city."

"If Xiao Zhi has any plans, please do what he can, and I trust you." Liu Bei directly chose to hand over the military power to Fa Zheng.

He has self-knowledge. Compared with Fazheng in terms of marching and fighting, he is still too far behind. He does not doubt people when he employs them, but he does not need to doubt them. Since he believes in Fazheng, he should be given a wide enough space to display his talents.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your trust!" Fazheng said sincerely.

The reason why he chose Liu Bei, who is the weakest among the princes, is Liu Bei's trust in him.Liu Bei is his confidant, and he is even more kind to him.In this life, Fazheng is willing to die for his confidant!

After gaining military power, Fazheng directly ordered: "Order the three armies, the front army will become the rear army, and the rear army will become the front army. They will set up camp five miles below Longbian City, and block Chen Gong's army from outside. One soldier cannot be let in." One pawn!"

Immediately, the military flags of various colors in the hands of the messengers fluctuated, and the sergeants who received the order acted according to the order.

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