In an instant, the water of the Yangtze River rushed for thousands of miles, surging towards Chaisang City.

Xu Sheng stood on the top of the city, looking at the surging river, he felt as if he had become extremely small in an instant, even the city under his feet was just a solitary boat under the turbulent waves. May be destroyed.

Slowly closing his eyes, Xu Sheng had long regarded death as home.Life and death depend on fate, wealth and honor, and he only wants to live up to his heart.


The water of the Yangtze River slammed into Chaisang's city wall with great power, and with a loud noise, half of the city wall was washed away by the river.

After pouring into the city, an unknown number of houses were flooded, countless people became displaced, and many people died under the disaster.

Xu Sheng shook the water stains on his body, and said loudly, "The whole army listened to the order and immediately repaired the wall that was destroyed. In addition, the archers climbed to the top of the wall that was still intact to prevent the enemy from attacking the city."

Under his command, the few remaining defenders in Chaisang City were immediately organized to defend this precarious isolated city.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Soon, the Jingzhou army launched a charge, one by one bravely rushed into the city from the gap in Chaisang City, and fought with the defenders.

Xu Sheng pointed his spear at the stars, like a swimming dragon, picking up Jingzhou soldiers one after another.

However, at this moment, in the sight of all Chaisang defenders, a vast sea of ​​flames appeared, and the blazing fire emitted astonishing heat.

"what is that!"

"A sea of ​​fire! It's a sea of ​​fire!"


People are always very timid in the face of natural forces, and Chaisang's defenders fled towards the city one after another, without any intention of resisting.

Xu Sheng looked at this scene, and shouted in a cold voice; "It's just a few ignited warships, what's there to be afraid of! Anyone who dares to flee before the battle will be killed without mercy!"

As he said that, Xu Sheng raised his spear and pierced a defender who was running the fastest with a whoosh.With a sweep of the tiger's eyes, all the defenders were silent, and no one dared to flee the battlefield without authorization. They took up weapons and fought with the Jingzhou army rushing into the city.

However, there are really too many people from the Jingzhou army, densely packed, rushing into Chaisang city continuously.No matter how hard the defenders fought, it was useless.

More than a dozen ignited warships sailed into the city along the river, crashed and killed, and countless defenders were burned to death.

Sun Ce and Zhou Yu stood outside the city, watching everything in front of them silently.

"Gong Jin, it seems that Chaisang will fall completely in a short time." Sun Ce laughed.

Zhou Yu nodded and said, "It's just a pity that Xu Sheng, who is so brave, is loyal to Liu Ke."

Sun Ce snorted coldly and said, "Hmph, if you want to blame, blame him for not being aware of current affairs. As long as he is willing to surrender, he will be treated badly if he is alone. Since he chose to die, he must bear the due price."

On the other side, Xu Sheng kept brandishing his spear, picking, stabbing, hacking, and chopping, trying to stop the Jingzhou army outside Chaisang City.After all, when manpower was exhausted, Xu Sheng was gradually exhausted in the face of the endless Jingzhou army.

Turning his head, Xu Sheng looked behind him. The original [-] defenders had been fighting until now, but only less than a hundred people are still struggling.

After a few wry smiles, Xu Sheng let out a long sigh. He was ready to be defeated and die.But at this moment, a group of people armed with hoes, sticks, and hatchets rushed out.

"General Xu, here we come!"

An old man was holding a cane, his eyes were full of determination, and he yelled at Xu Sheng loudly.

"Old man, what are you doing? On the battlefield, swords have no eyes, leave quickly."

Xu Sheng was shocked when he saw this, and hurriedly urged them to leave.

However, none of the common people took half a step back. They said in unison: "General Xu is for us to defend against foreign enemies. Although we have no ability, we hope to use this broken body to help the general."

As soon as the words fell, a group of people shouted and rushed towards the soldiers of the Jingzhou army, using the farm tools in their hands to block the attack of the Jingzhou army.

Of course, they also paid a heavy price, and most of them died under the blade of Jingzhou soldiers.

Xu Sheng's eyes turned red, and he forcibly supported his weak body again, fighting with the Jingzhou army.

After this scene fell in the eyes of Sun Ce and Zhou Yu outside the city, Sun Ce only looked displeased, but Zhou Yu was unconcealably shocked.

He said to Sun Ce: "Your Majesty, you can't attack the city anymore. If you continue to fight, even if you conquer the whole Yangzhou, it will be nothing more than an empty shell."

"What does Gong Jin mean by this? With only one eye, he is about to take down Chaisang, how can he give up the offensive because of a group of ignorant people."

Zhou Yu said urgently, "Your Majesty, those who know the hearts of the people will win the world. These people are willing to sacrifice their lives to help Xu Sheng defend the city. This shows that Liu Ke is deeply popular. If the King is allowed to be killed by the soldiers, the people will only hate him, and the gain will not be worth the loss!"

Hearing this, Sun Ce frowned slightly, thought for a while and said, "Gu understands what Gongjin means, but Gu can't wait, if we procrastinate any longer, if Liu Ke reacts, it will be difficult to capture Chaisang again!"

After saying that, Sun Ce ignored Zhou Yu's objection and ordered: "The three armies obey the order and will take Chaisang at all costs. Anyone who stands in the way will be killed without mercy!"


[-] Jingzhou soldiers raised their arms and shouted, and launched a fierce offensive again. The river was stained red with blood, and the river surface was covered with corpses. The tragic breath made those who saw it cry and felt chilled.

"Sun Ce! I swear to kill you!"

After stabbing a Jingzhou sergeant to death with a single shot, Xu Sheng looked at the civilians who fell in front of him one after another. Although his heart ached, he was helpless.It is unavoidable to attribute all this hatred to Sun Ce, the instigator.

"General, retreat, Chaisang can't hold it anymore." One of Xu Sheng's personal guards rushed forward to hold him who was covered in blood, and tried his best to persuade him.

Xu Sheng turned his head, and as far as he could see, there were bloody corpses, and the only ones who were still alive were himself and his three personal guards.

"I, Xu Sheng, swear to live and die with Chaisang!"

Breaking away from the guards holding his hand, Xu Sheng looked at Sun Ce and Zhou Yu who were slowly walking over, their eyes were red, and they held the spear in their hands tightly.

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