"General Xu, the overall situation is settled, why did you sacrifice your life for nothing, surrender, my lord will not treat you badly." Zhou Yu said first.

Sun Ce also said, "As long as you are willing to surrender, how about making you the commander-in-chief of an army instead of a small county guard?"

"Bah!" Xu Shengwang spat at Sun Ce as if he hadn't heard of it, and said in a cold voice, "Sun Ce, I wish I could eat your flesh and sleep on your skin, why would I surrender you? Why don't you serve tea and water for my lord?" Not worthy!"

Zhou Yu's face changed drastically upon hearing this, and Sun Ce's heart was arrogant. When Xu Sheng said this, he felt that he didn't die quickly enough, so he hurriedly spoke to mediate; Please don't worry about it, Your Majesty."

However, Sun Ce was really irritated by Xu Sheng's words. He ignored Zhou Yu's words at all, asked the left and right for the sword, slowly put it on Xu Sheng's neck, and said coldly; Give you a ride!"

The sharp blade revealed a trace of coolness, Xu Sheng closed his eyes, knowing that he would die, and didn't bother to do unnecessary resistance.

"Die to Gu!"

Murderous intent flashed in Sun Ce's eyes, and he swung his sharp sword high, and just as he was about to slash Xu Sheng's neck, a stream of light shot right at the gleaming blade of the sword.


There was only a crisp sound, and the huge shock force knocked the sword in Sun Ce's hand to the ground, and a shout came from the river.

"Zhang Xi is here, how dare the thief make a mistake!"

After the shouting, there was the sound of shouting and killing all over the sky, and warships emerged one after another, full of heavily armed Yangzhou soldiers.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Oops, your majesty, retreat quickly, it's Zhang He's reinforcements." Zhou Yu's expression tightened, but Xu Sheng was still concerned, and hurriedly dragged Sun Ce back into the barracks.

As Sun Ce retreated, Zhang He also landed with [-] navy troops one after another.

After getting off the boat, Lu Su immediately ran to Xu Sheng, and asked with concern, "General Wen Xiang, are you okay? I'm the one who came late."

Xu Sheng squeezed out a smile and said, "Master Lu Su, I'm fine, it's good that you are here, Chaisang is saved."

"Damn it, I'm going to lead an army to storm Sun Ce's barracks and swear that I will take his head!" Zhang Yun walked over and saw Xu Sheng's miserable state, and he was immediately furious.

"General Zhang can't. Sun Ce is a brave and good fighter, and he also has Zhou Yu as a conspiracy. His barracks can be fought as long as he says he can fight. It is better to find a doctor to heal General Wen Xiang's wounds, and then build Chaisang. Well, stick to the master."

Zhang He nodded slightly, he was quite convinced by Lu Su's words.

Immediately, Zhang He called the army doctor to treat Xu Sheng, and he took the soldiers to repair the damaged Chaisang city wall.

After Sun Ce hurriedly withdrew to the barracks, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became. Seeing that Chaisang had already got it, he was snatched back by Zhang Xi's troops who suddenly appeared.

Kicking over the table in front of him, Sun Ce said angrily, "Damn it! Damn it! Come on, I want to take Chaisang back myself!"

Zhou Yu persuaded at this time; "Your Majesty, calm down. Zhang Yun's army has just arrived. If you attack them now, you will definitely suffer a fierce counterattack. Therefore, according to Yu, it is better to rest for a few days and wait for work."

Sun Ce said depressedly; "Gongjin, you are right, but I can't swallow this alone!"

"Your Majesty, those who have achieved great things since ancient times should be able to endure what ordinary people can't bear, and endure what ordinary people can't bear. Now it's just a trivial matter, and I hope Your Majesty can treat it with a normal heart." Zhou Yu said.

Hearing this, Sun Ce was thoughtful, and after a while, nodded, and smiled, "Gu's mind that was almost blinded by anger, thanks to Gong Jin reminding him, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous, and it is really a blessing to have Gong Jin alone. "

Zhou Yu just smiled and said nothing.

Afterwards, Sun Ce followed Zhou Yu's suggestion and temporarily ceased fighting to wait for work at leisure.

Although Zhang He really wanted to find an opportunity to harass Sun Ce, but under Lu Su's strong opposition, he had no choice but to let it go.


Jiaozhou, Jiaozhi group.

At night, an army quietly left Liu Bei's camp outside Longbian City, heading towards Beidai City.

This situation was naturally discovered by Chen Gong's scouts ambushing around, and they immediately went back to report to Chen Gong.

After Chen Gong got the news, he immediately called Ding Feng and said happily, "Cheng Yuan, Liu Bei has fallen for it."

"Really?" Ding Feng was also overjoyed.

Immediately, Chen Gong informed Ding Feng that the scouts had discovered that an army had left the camp in the dark.

After hearing this, Ding Feng said happily, "That's great. In this way, Liu Bei's barracks will definitely be empty, and we can take this opportunity to enter Longbian City."

Immediately, Ding Feng asked Chen Gong for his order; "Master Inspector, at the end of the day, please order to lead troops to raid Liu Bei's camp."

Chen Gong waved his hand and said, "Cheng Yuan, don't be in a hurry, don't draw conclusions prematurely. Although the scouts did find that there was an army leaving Liu Bei's barracks, we still can't make an accurate judgment, so I plan to wait until tomorrow morning." Let's look at the situation again."

"This... will finally obey the order of the governor." Although he really wanted to rush into Liu Bei's camp and kill seven in and seven out, but Chen Gong's caution was not unreasonable, so Ding Feng had no choice but to hold back for now. restless mind.

In the early morning of the next day, Chen Gong, followed by Ding Feng, climbed up a relatively high slope and looked towards Liu Bei's barracks. After seeing nothing, Chen Gong found a hidden place and sat on the ground. .

Ding Feng asked, "Master Inspector, have you found anything?"

Chen Gong replied: "I didn't find out, but as long as I wait until noon, I can see whether Liu Bei has really fallen for it."

"Oh? Why is that?"

"Because people have to eat at noon, since they want to eat, cooking is inevitable. Cooking smoke will rise, and the concentration of cooking smoke can tell how many people are eating." Chen Gong explained.

Ding Feng suddenly realized, and exclaimed: "Master Inspector is really knowledgeable and talented, and the general admires him."

Chen Gong said with a wry smile, "How dare I call myself learned and talented, but I just read a few more books. If Cheng Yuan is willing to calm down and study the basic classics, he might know more than me."

"Lord Inspector is just joking. The general has been sleepy since he was a child, so he is not born to study. Fighting in the battlefield is what the general yearns for." Ding Feng scratched his head and said a little embarrassed.

Regarding this, Chen Gong couldn't help but smile.

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