Guan Yu signaled Zhang Fei to chase after Chen Gong, while he held up the Qinglong Yanyue Saber, shouted loudly, and wanted to take off Ding Feng's head.

At the critical moment, Guan Yu suddenly felt the hairs on his back stand on end, which is the feeling of imminent death.He subconsciously turned around, and Qinglong Yanyue Saber turned in front of him.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

The arrows were blocked by Guan Yu, and Gan Ning's voice followed.

"Ding Feng, let's go!"

It turned out that Gan Ning was ordered to go to Beidai City to feign an attack. When he got there, he did not see Liu Bei's reinforcements. He had to follow Chen Gong's instructions before he left and led his army back to Longbian. A scene of death.

In desperation, he shot cold arrows at Guan Yu with his crossbowman, saving Ding Feng's life.

After being saved, Ding Feng also reacted quickly, reined in the reins, and fled the battlefield.

Liu Bei's side, who had already had the chance to win, was hacked by Gan Ning, who broke out halfway, and Chen Gong and Ding Feng both escaped.However, Liu Bei's campaign was not without success, at least he wiped out many Jiaozhou troops, which greatly weakened Chen Gong's strength.

Chen Gong, who escaped by chance, fled back to his barracks under the protection of Gan Ning Ding Feng. Only now did he have the chance to breathe a sigh of relief.

However, Chen Gong's mood was a little depressed, and his face was even more ugly to the extreme.

Hearing him say; "I never imagined that I would be in such a mess one day, it's really ironic."

Gan Ning persuaded, "Master Inspector, victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs, so don't worry too much about it."

Chen Gong nodded slightly, and said with a wry smile; "Don't worry, I, Chen Gong, won't lose my fighting spirit so easily. It's just that after this battle, I have to pay attention to Fazheng. This person is definitely not as simple as he appears on the surface."

Ding Feng wiped the sweat off his face and asked, "Master Inspector, although that Fazheng saw through your strategy, it may be just a coincidence."

"Coincidence? No, judging from his plan, this person is a very difficult opponent. In terms of resourcefulness, I have always admired Guo Jia, Pang and Zhuge Liang, but Fazheng is even worse than these few."

Chen Gong said sincerely.

"That Fazheng is really so powerful, the Inspector is too high on others' aspirations, destroying his own prestige." Gan Ning and Ding Feng somewhat disagreed with Chen Gong's statement.

But Chen Gong's face was serious, and he said bitterly; "I thought that the chaos in Jiaozhou could be quelled quickly, but now it seems that there will be no peace in Jiaozhou if the law is in force."

"Especially Liu Bei seems to trust Fazheng very much. In this way, I can't use countermeasures to separate the relationship between the two, hey."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Sili, Henan Yin, in a tea shed in Pingyin County.

An elegantly dressed young woman was sitting on the side drinking bitter tea.

The woman was Cao Jie who escaped from the Luoyang Palace. She originally wanted to take a carriage to Xinzheng to find King Liu Ke of Chu, but on the way, she encountered a soldier from the Cao army who was chasing her, so she had to abandon the carriage and take refuge in the wild wheat fields beside the road. Go sergeant.

This journey has exhausted Cao Jie, she is just a weak woman, she can't stand such a rush.

In addition, it is now under the scorching sun, and under the hot sun, Cao Jie fainted on the road several times. If she didn't have a deep love for the emperor Liu Xie in her heart, she would have been unable to persist.

It was too hot for her, so she entered Pingyin County, found a tea shed and asked for some tea.Although this tea is hard to swallow compared to those in the palace, but there is nothing a person can't eat when he is in a desperate situation.

Just as Cao Jie was gulping down water, an old woman walked up to her and couldn't help laughing when she saw Cao Jie was so thirsty.

"Hey, look how thirsty my daughter is, but I don't think you are a child of ordinary people, right? Why are you running around under the scorching sun?"

Cao Jie put down the tea bowl, rolled his eyes, and made up a reason, saying, "Old woman, the little girl was traveling with her parents, but she ran into a bandit on the way and got lost."

The old woman shook her head when she heard the words, and sighed; "Hey, in troubled times, that's how it is. You are lucky. It just happened that King Chu's army captured Pingyin County. Otherwise, you are so beautiful in the past. My daughter, she might be snatched away by that bully."

"Grandma, do you mean that you are all very happy to be ruled by King Chu's army?" Cao Jie asked strangely.

"Of course, the king of Chu is a rare enlightened lord. His army doesn't oppress the people, doesn't burn, kill and loot, but also maintains the law and order in the city, and sometimes even helps us people. Of course, we can't wait for such a lord."

The old lady talked more and more vigorously, she could be said to be elated and eloquent.

After Cao Jie listened to it, he thought to himself, "It seems that Liu Ke, the King of Chu, is indeed a hero of the generation. In this case, it may be a correct decision for His Majesty to abdicate the throne to him."

Silently clenched his fists, Cao Jie got up and prepared to leave. He still had to go to Xinzheng to find Liu Ke, so he couldn't stay longer.

The old woman hurriedly stopped her and said, "Girl, where are you going? There is chaos outside, don't you want to run around?"

Cao Jie bowed slightly to the old woman and said, "Thank you for your concern, I will be fine."

After saying that, Cao Jie left the humble tea shed, but just as she stepped out, she ran into the parachutist Lu Bu head-on.

"The woman in front, get out of the way quickly!"

Seeing Cao Jie standing in the middle of the road staring at him, Lu Bu couldn't help shouting.

But Cao Jie was unmoved, and instead said loudly, "I am Cao Jie, the Empress of the Great Han Emperor, please take me to meet King Liu Ke of Chu."

"What! Queen!" Startled, Lu Bu hurriedly stopped Chituma, and looked suspiciously at Cao Jie.

Originally, the old woman in the tea shed had no knowledge, but thought that Cao Jie's clothes were expensive, and didn't care too much.But Lv Bu had stayed in the palace before, so he recognized the clothes Cao Jie was wearing at a glance.

"Wearing Zhai clothes, a jade crown, knee-covering boots, and a jade leather belt, with distinct layers and gorgeous colors! You are really the queen of heaven!"

Lv Bu gave a general introduction of the queen's crown on Cao Jie from head to toe in one breath, which surprised Cao Jie. After all, people who can understand royal costumes so well are by no means ordinary people.

Can't help but ask; "The general also recognizes royal clothing?"

Lu Bu laughed and said, "I just understand something. Since you are the emperor and empress, I will take you to see the king."

While talking, Lu Bu ordered someone to find a carriage, and after inviting Cao Jie to board, Lu Bu personally escorted Cao Jie all the way to Xinzheng.

The reason why he did this was because Lu Bu knew that the majestic emperor and empress had to leave the palace alone to meet Liu Ke, there must be something extremely important, otherwise why would an empress be willing to take risks.

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