Lu Bu still has this common sense, and he is not completely foolish.

Escorted by Lu Bu, the famous God of Killing, they arrived in Xinzheng within a short time.

At this moment, Liu Ke was discussing the military situation with the ministers, when suddenly a sergeant came to report that Lu Bu asked to see him.

"Shouldn't Fengxian be in Pingyin? Why did he come back suddenly?" A trace of doubt flashed in Liu Ke's eyes, and he said immediately; "Let him in."

Afterwards, Lv Bu walked in with Cao Jie, "Lv Bu pays his respects to the king."

"Get up, Fengxian. Huh? Who is this?" Liu Ke gave Lu Buxu a hand, and his eyes fell on Cao Jie who was beside him.

Just as Lu Bu was about to explain something, Cao Jie said to himself, "Empress Cao Jie, Emperor of the Han Dynasty, pays homage to the King of Chu!"

"Please get up." Liu Ke didn't hear Cao Jie's words clearly at first, and after blurting out, he realized, his eyes were as big as copper bells, and he said in surprise, "You said you are the emperor Cao Jie?"

Cao Jie was neither humble nor overbearing, "It's my palace."

After confirming this fact, Liu Ke began to carefully look at the queen in front of him, and asked a little weirdly; "Since you are the queen of the emperor, don't you know that Gu is attacking Luoyang? At this time, what is your purpose in coming to see Gu? "

"It's to give something to the King of Chu." Cao Jie slowly took out a roll of bright yellow silk cloth from his sleeve and handed it to Liu Ke.

Zhuge Liang and others who watched silently from the side recognized at a glance that the silk cloth was specially used for writing imperial edicts, and they all guessed the contents inside.

If Liu Xie issued an order to condemn Liu Ke, there is no need for the queen to deliver the order in person.But if not condemnation, what would it be?

Liu Ke reached out to take the silk cloth, opened it, and his face changed from calmness to joy at first.

He muttered to himself, "I'm so sleepy, I'm here to give you a pillow, God help me too!"

Looking up at Cao Jie, Liu Ke laughed and said, "The empress has worked hard all the way. Come, help the empress to rest quickly, treat me well!"

Cao Jie shook his head and said, "Thank you King Chu for your kindness, but I still want to ask you something, King Chu."

"Queen, please speak."

"May I ask the King of Chu, after His Majesty abdicates the throne to you, will you harm His Majesty?" Cao Jie looked directly into Liu Ke's eyes and asked word by word.

Cao Jie's words also shocked the hearts of the others present.

Zhuge Liang and others thought to themselves that it was the edict of the Zen position. It seemed that Liu Xie could not bear Cao Cao's dictatorship, but that was also good. With Liu Xie's abdication edict, the king could proclaim himself emperor in a fair and honest manner.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Liu Ke was taken aback, he didn't expect Cao Jie to ask such a blunt question.

However, he didn't intend to do anything to Liu Xie. In the final analysis, he is also the emperor of the Han Dynasty. It is not good for him, and it is also damaging his reputation. Liu Ke is not willing to do things that are not worth the gain.

Immediately, Liu Ke said seriously; "The queen's words are too much, is it that you are alone in your heart, the kind of violent person who kills the same clan!"

Seeing Liu Ke's sullen expression, Cao Jie was really angry, so he let go of his worries.

Since ancient times, the new emperor has not allowed another emperor to exist. Although Liu Xie is willing to take the throne, but after all, she was once an emperor. She was worried that Liu Ke would secretly kill Liu Xie out of fear, so she asked this question.

Now it seems that Liu is not the kind of person who crosses rivers and destroys bridges.

Cao Jie's expression softened, and he apologized and said, "Is it my palace's fault, I hope the king of Chu will not care about it."

Liu Ke was not unreasonable, nodded his head, this matter is over, and said to Cao Jie.

"Empress, since you are willing to take the risk of coming here to send this edict to the Zen throne, then Gu is naturally a reciprocator. If you want the emperor to be safe, please ask the empress to persuade the emperor to abdicate the throne to Cao Cao again."

"What?" Cao Jie stared at the serious Liu Ke, he couldn't believe it, and asked quietly.

"Prince Chu, are you humiliating me? You know that my father is Cao Cao. If you let His Majesty do this, you will make my Cao family feel inhumane, unrighteous and unfaithful."

Liu Ke couldn't help but slandered, "Except for Cao Cao who is still a little loyal, the rest of your Cao family are all ambitious people. As for benevolence and righteousness, it is even more out of reach."

Although he thought so in his heart, he couldn't say it out of his mouth.

"The queen's words are wrong. Perhaps your father Wei Wang Cao Cao didn't have such thoughts, but none of your brothers have such thoughts?"

Liu Ke's question made Cao Jie fall into deep thought. As Liu Ke said, she knew her father well, so she would not do that kind of presumptuous thing.

But my brothers are not good people. The fourth brother Cao Zhang is in charge of the army outside, and he doesn't take the big man into his eyes at all in his daily activities, and he has long wanted to replace him.

The third elder brother, Cao Zhi, is fine, he only knows how to dance and write, and doesn't care about world affairs.What worries Cao Jie the most is the second elder brother Cao Pi, who is deeply scheming and probably coveted the throne of the emperor for a long time.

Thinking of this, Cao Jie looked at Liu Ke and asked, "I understand what King Chu means, but what does it have to do with Zen?"

Liu Ke didn't speak, but looked at Zhuge Liang who was on the side.

Zhuge Liang understood, stood up and said with a smile, "Have you ever heard of the principle of throwing pawns to save the car?"

"I have heard of it."

"Then the empress should know that the reason why the king asked the emperor to do this is to save his life. The throne is like a pawn, and life is like a car. Lose the throne in exchange for life."

Hearing this, Cao Jie's eyes flashed brightly, and he smiled wryly, "However, the throne is the land of the country, how can it be easily discarded?"

Zhuge Liang explained; "Did the empress forget that the emperor had already abdicated the throne to the king in advance, and the Liu family is still in charge of the great man's country."

Now, Cao Jie really came to his senses, his expression relaxed, and he said with a smile; "I see, I am really stupid, I can't even figure this out, thanks to King Chu's awakening, otherwise Your Majesty's life may be in danger."

Liu Ke waved his hand and said, "The Son of Heaven and Gu are both of the same family, so it is reasonable for Gu to do so. In addition, please ask the Queen to take the Son of Heaven to leave the palace immediately after persuading the Son of Heaven to Zen, and Gu will send someone to respond."

"The king of Chu is serious?" Cao Jie asked in surprise.

"The Son of Heaven has suffered too much, and he is alone as a grandson of a man. He must protect him well." Liu Ke looked up at the sky, with an attitude of worrying about the country and the people.

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