Cao Jie bit his lip and said loudly, "I would like to thank King Gao Yi of Chu, and I will return to Luoyang to persuade His Majesty."

After saying that, Cao Jie turned around and was about to leave, Liu Ke hurriedly ordered: "Uncle Zhi, you take five hundred soldiers and change into Cao Jun's uniform, and escort the queen all the way back. Remember, you must bring the emperor back to me safe and sound. !"

"No!" Chen Dao stepped forward and responded.

After Cao Jie and Chen Dao set off, Liu Ke smiled happily.

Guo Jia said: "Congratulations, Your Majesty, with the edict of the Son of Heaven's Zen position, your Majesty can be enthroned as emperor in a legitimate way!"

"Congratulations, Your Majesty." Others also congratulated.

But Liu Ke quickly regained his composure and said, "It's too early to congratulate at this time, I have to wait for the emperor to arrive here before I can ascend the throne."

Zhuge Liang faintly guessed Liu Ke's thoughts, and asked, "Could it be that the king wants to use the memorial arch of the emperor to win the hearts of the people in the world?"

"The one who knows me is Kong Ming!" Liu Ke said with a smile; "with the secret help of Queen Cao Jie, as long as Liu Xie proposes the Zen position, Cao Pi will definitely not be able to resist the temptation of the throne and agree to Liu Xie's Zen position. At that time, Chen Dao will Quietly bring the Son of Heaven here."

"At that time, if Gu proclaims himself emperor again, with the Son of Heaven as his witness, who in the world would dare to disobey? Moreover, if Gu only needs to be kind to the Son of Heaven, the people of the world will feel deeply about Gu's benevolence and righteousness. If all people return to their hearts, why should the world worry about it!"

After Liu Ke finished speaking, Zhuge Liang and the others all looked shocked. Unexpectedly, Liu Ke had planned everything properly. This arrangement was simply perfect.Such a hero is the one who truly stabilizes the world!

At this time, Pang Tong suggested, "My lord, since the Son of Heaven is almost under control, why don't you slow down the attack on Luoyang, and give them enough breathing room to discuss the Zen position."

"Shi Yuan reminded me." Liu Ke nodded, and then ordered; "Come here, inform Tai Shici and Dian Wei to slow down the attack. However, Lu Meng needs to continue the fierce attack and take down the Hongnong group as soon as possible."

"No." After receiving the order, the messenger immediately went down to convey the order.

After everything was arranged, Liu Ke stared at the map in front of him, lost in thought.

Suddenly, his eyes fell on the position of Tongguan in Hongnong Qun, and he said worriedly; "It has been so many days since Cao Cao returned to the army from Chang'an, but there is no news from the scouts on the front line. Could something happen?"

Guo Jia stepped forward, observed the map for a while, and deduced.

"From Chang'an to Luoyang, the fastest route is to pass through Tongguan and go directly to Luoyang. However, General Lu Meng is leading his troops to attack Hongnong. If Cao Cao marches through Tongguan on a large scale, he will definitely be discovered. If he does not, there is only one possibility."

Zhuge Liang listened to Guo Jia's deduction, waved his feather fan, and said slowly: "The meaning of filial piety is to detour from Hancheng?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Guo Jia nodded and said, "Exactly, you can go back to Luoyang by detouring from Hancheng, crossing Mount Ji, and passing through Jincheng."

"But why did Cao Cao take so much trouble to go around such a big circle, wouldn't it be enough to return directly from Tongguan to Luoyang?" Liu Ke asked.

Pang Tong suddenly said: "Could it be that Cao Cao's purpose is not to rescue Luoyang at all, but has another purpose!"

Liu Ke and Zhuge Liang looked at each other, they all sensed the trick, and immediately began to carefully observe the map.

Passing through Jincheng, you can return to Luoyang from Mengjin, or go to Ji County to attack Yanzhou!

"Wait, Ji County, attack Yanzhou!" Liu Ke's eyes flashed, he raised his head suddenly, and looked at Zhuge Liang and others.

Zhuge Liang said: "Your Majesty, if Cao Cao really took the road of Hancheng, his real purpose should be to attack Yanzhou. Now General Lu Meng is leading an army to attack Hongnong. It doesn't matter if Yanzhou is empty, and he may be plotted against."

Liu Ke breathed a sigh of relief, thought about it for a while, and said, "Now there is still evidence to prove that Cao Cao really intends to attack Yanzhou through Jixian County. If he doesn't do it, he is not afraid of it, but he is afraid of [-]. Who is defending Yanzhou at present?"

Guo Jia replied, "Your Majesty, it is General Huang Zhong who led [-] troops to defend Yanzhou."

"It turned out to be General Huang, so don't worry about being lonely. The old general has always been cautious. Even if Cao Cao really went to attack, I'm afraid he won't get any favors." Liu Ke said easily.

Zhuge Liang shook his head and said, "Your Majesty, although Old General Huang has been battle-tested for a long time, he only has [-] troops. If he really faces Cao Cao's army, he may not be strong enough. Your Majesty might as well send some reinforcements."

Liu Ke agreed, "Kongming is thinking about sending another [-] soldiers to General Huang, and then reminding him to pay attention to the movement in Ji County and beware of Cao Cao's surprise attack."

Immediately, everything began to proceed in an orderly manner, and at the border of Jingzhou, Zhang Liao Gaoshun's army also quietly touched Fancheng.

This time, Zhang Liao brought a total of [-] light cavalry and [-] soldiers into the camp.

"General Gao, Fancheng is ten miles ahead. In your opinion, should we attack by force or use tricks?" Zhang Liao asked Gao Shun, who was beside him.

Gao Shun thought for a while and said, "In this hasty march, our subordinates are all cavalry except for the trapped camp. They are not suitable for siege operations, so it is better to lure them with tricks."

"Well, that's exactly what I mean. However, we need to think carefully about how to lure him." Zhang Liao nodded.

The two looked in the direction of Fancheng, and saw a general flag planted on the top of the city, and wrote Jiang's character.

"Jiang? It should be Sun Ce's general, Jiang Qin and Jiang Gongyi." Zhang Liao said.

Gao Shun said, "If it's really Jiang Qin, I'm afraid it will be a bit difficult. This person is well versed in battle formations and is not an ordinary person."

Zhang Liao rolled his eyes and said with a smile, "General Gao is suddenly worried, I have a plan, maybe it will work."

"Oh? I don't know what clever plan Wenyuan has?"

Leaning close to Gao Shun's ear, Zhang Liao whispered; "Although Jiang Qin is well versed in battle formations, he is not easy to deal with in a direct confrontation. But because of this, it means that he is warlike. Since he is warlike, he is easy to be seduced. "

"So, General Gao can lead the [-] camps to provoke under Fancheng, use the method of provoking generals to anger Jiang Qin, and then lure him out of the city."

Gao Shun nodded slightly, and asked, "Wen Yuan's plan is feasible, but will Jiang Qin really fall for it?"

Zhang Liao spread his hands and said indifferently; "Whether Jiang Qin is fooled or not, it will not cause any loss to us, so why not do it?"

"Wen Yuan said the same thing. Well, I will lead three thousand soldiers from the trapped camp to go to Fancheng to provoke."

After finishing speaking, Gao Shun ordered Qi Sanqian to fall into the camp, ran outside Fancheng, and shouted loudly.

"The king of Xiangyang, Sun Ce, is a villain. He has no shame in breaking the covenant and attacking his allies!"

Jiang Qin was righteous and loyal, if he scolded him directly, it might not have the slightest effect, so Gao Shun changed his method and scolded Sun Ce.

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