Sure enough, when he heard someone insulting his lord, Sun Ce, Jiang Qin was so angry that he blew his beard and stared at his eyes. He climbed up to the top of the city in three steps and looked outside.

I saw Gao Shun scolding more and more vigorously, and even ordered three thousand soldiers from the camp to scold together, the voice was so loud that it could be heard ten streets away.

"Who is in the city, dare to insult my king, be careful of your dog's head!" Jiang Qin couldn't bear it any longer, and pointed at Gao Shun's nose and shouted.

Gao Shun smiled slightly, thinking that Jiang Qin had started to take the bait, and immediately said loudly: "I am Gao Shun, the general under the king of Chu's tent, and the king of your family is treacherous and shameless to the world. Could it be that what I said is wrong?"

"Hum! To you, sir!" Jiang Qin couldn't help but swear, and continued; "Gao Shun, you still have the nerve to scold our king, Liu Ke, king of Chu, is a good thing!"

Gao Shun said with a sneer, "The king of my family is a clan member of the Han family, how can Sun Ce's son be compared!"

"You!" Jiang Qin was furious for a while, how could he be Gao Shun's opponent when it came to bickering, and he couldn't say a word after holding back for a long time.

"The kid is too deceitful, come here, bring my weapon, I want to take Gao Shun's head!"

Jiang Qin couldn't scold him, so he planned to use force to solve the problem, shouting to the left and right.

"General, Gao Shun suddenly appeared in Fancheng, there may be fraud in it, general, don't leave the city easily." Left and right couldn't help persuading.

However, Jiang Qin was in a fit of anger, and he listened to other people's kind advice, took his own sword, and led five thousand soldiers out of the city for a while.

After seeing Jiang Qin coming out, the corners of Gao Shun's mouth rose slightly, and he said to himself, "As expected by Wen Yuan, Jiang Qin really fell for the trick. However, I need to pretend to fight him a few tricks, and then pretend not to The enemy flees, so as not to be seen."

The moment Gao Shun was thinking, Jiang Qin swung a big knife and slashed at him.

"Die, Gao Shun!"

Jiang Qin grinned grimly, as if he had already seen Gao Shun's decapitated scene in his eyes.

Gao Shun raised his gun to block, deliberately put on a struggling expression, and said, "No, I'm no match for this person, retreat quickly!"

Shocking Jiang Qin's broadsword away, Gao Shun turned around and ran away, and the three thousand soldiers from the trapped camp also cooperated seamlessly, with panic and inexplicable expressions on everyone's faces.

"Hahaha, I was thinking how capable you are, but it turned out to be an idiot! Soldiers, follow me to kill Gao Shun!"

Seeing this, Jiang Qin looked up to the sky and laughed loudly. Without thinking too much, he chased Gao Shun in the direction where he was escaping.

"Gao Shunxiu go, insult my king, I will teach you to pay the price today!" Jiang Qin shouted to the sergeant behind him while urging his horse to run wildly.

"Hurry up, everyone, whoever takes Gao Shun's head will have a lot of rewards!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Jiang Qin, who was only focused on chasing Gao Shun, didn't realize that he had been led into a dangerous place where he was allowed to enter and not allowed to exit.

At this time, Gao Shun, who was running ahead, suddenly reined in his horse, stopped, turned around, and pointed his spear directly at Jiang Qin.

Jiang Qin sneered and said, "Why, you know you can't escape, so you plan to fight to the death?"

Gao Shun said strangely; "You are right, but it is you, not me, who are going to fight to the death."

Hearing this, Jiang Qin was startled. Looking around, this place turned out to be a canyon pass.

Staring at the smiling Gao Shun, Jiang Qin said bitterly, "Damn it, I fell for it!"

Just as he finished speaking, the archers on both sides of the canyon came out, aiming cold arrows at Jiang Qin and his party.Behind them, Zhang Liao led a group of cavalry appeared.

"Haha, General Jiang Qin, why don't you dismount and accept surrender. My lord, King Chu, always treats prisoners preferentially." Zhang Liao laughed.

Gao Shun also said, "Yes, General Jiang Qin, if you don't surrender, today may be your death day!"

"Really? You think I, Jiang Qin, are the kind of people who are greedy for life and afraid of death!" Jiang Qin's face returned to normal, and he knew that he was in a desperate situation, but he became fearless.

Zhang Liao said, "Of course we understand that the general is not a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, but because of this, the general should surrender to my lord all the more. You must know that my lord appreciates heroes like the general the most."

"Hmph, stop trying to make me surrender as soon as possible. I only recognize one lord in my life, and that is the King of Xiangyang, not Liu Ke!" After Jiang Qin finished speaking, he raised his sword and came to fight Gao Shun.

Seeing that persuading him to surrender failed, Gao Shun winked at Zhang Liao, and then fought fiercely against Jiang Qin.

"Ding Ding!"

After dozens of rounds, Jiang Qin's forehead was sweating. Gao Shun's strength was beyond his expectations. He was definitely not Gao Shun's opponent. If he continued to fight, he would die in his hands in a short time.

On the other side, murderous intent flashed in Zhang Liao's eyes, and he led the cavalry behind him to charge Jiang Qin's five thousand Jingzhou army.

Under the iron cavalry, the Jingzhou army suffered heavy casualties. In just half a stick of incense, all five thousand Jingzhou troops perished, while Zhang Liao's side only unfortunately lost three cavalrymen.

This is the restraint between arms. On the frontal battlefield, the strength of cavalry will always exceed that of infantry.

At this time, Jiang Qin was also picked off by Gao Shun's war horse. After rolling on the ground with a plop, Jiang Qin slowly stood up.

Gao Shun said, "General Jiang Qin, why bother, surrender."

Hearing this, Jiang Qin laughed loudly and said, "Joke, I, Jiang Qin, can only die in battle, and never live in idling!"


Hearing the crisp sound of a sharp sword being unsheathed, Jiang Qin pulled out the sword from his waist and slashed across his neck without hesitation.

Thick blood flowed from the bloody mouth on Jiang Qin's neck, telling the world of his unyielding.

Zhang Liao Gaoshun silently watched the scene in front of him without saying anything.

Jiang Qin is indeed a hero, but it's a pity that everyone is their own master, and they meet each other in battle!

"Hey, General Gao, cut off Jiang Qin's head, we will need it for the next siege, and we will bury him well after the war is over." Zhang Liao said with a sigh.

Gao Shun got off his horse and cut off Jiang Qin's head. Immediately, the two of them led the army to Fancheng.

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