Above Fancheng, many Jingzhou soldiers saw that Jiang Qin hadn't come back so far, so they couldn't help but wonder if something happened.

At this moment, smoke and dust filled the sky outside the city, and the deafening sound of horseshoes sounded in unison, and the Jingzhou army on Fancheng climbed up to the female wall to watch.

"Shut up!"

Zhang Liao stopped his horse, asked Gao Shun to pass Jiang Qin's head, then raised it above his head and said loudly.

"Listen up, the defenders of the city. Give you half an hour to think about it. If the time is up and you still don't surrender, you will end up like this man!"

As he spoke, Zhang Liao shook Jiang Qin's head.

Seeing this, the defenders in the city began to discuss in low voices.

"Did you see that, it seems to be General Jiang Qin's head!"

"It seems that it is. It seems that General Jiang Qin has been killed."

"The general is dead, what shall we do?"

"For now, the only way to go is surrender."

Everyone said something to each other, and the final decision was to surrender in Kaesong. Even Jiang Qin was dead.


Accompanied by a sharp sound, the gate of Fancheng opened slowly, and all the defenders in the city surrendered. Zhang Liao Gaoshun easily took down this Fancheng, which is known as the gateway of Jingzhou, without bloodshed.

"Wenyuan, Fancheng has been captured, what should we do next?"

Gao Shun asked.

Zhang Liao pondered for a while and said, "With one effort, the next target is Xinye!"

"Xinye? Is it possible that Wenyuan is planning to take down the entire Nanyang County?" Gao Shun asked in surprise.

"Of course not. I only intend to capture a few cities near Fancheng, Xinye, Anzhong, Rangxian, Nieyang, Jiyang, and Yuyang." Zhang Liao explained.

"But Wen Yuan, have you ever thought that although Sun Ce led [-] troops to attack Chaisang, those were all naval forces, and the army in Jingzhou hadn't mobilized a single soldier yet. Once Sun Ce reacted and mobilized a large army to surround us, It's dangerous."

Gao Shun reminded.

However, for this point, Zhang Liao had already prepared a countermeasure. After ordering someone to bring over a map, he pointed to several places on it and preached.

"General Gao, look, Fancheng is on the border of Jingzhou, passing through Yuzhou. In addition, Xinye and other six counties just surround Fancheng, like a strong fortress."

"Hiss!" Gao Shun took a breath and said in surprise; "Wen Yuan, you want to use the terrain to defend Fancheng in order to deal with the Jingzhou army that will invade in the future."

Zhang Liao said with a smile, "That's right, only in this way can we block the attack of the Jingzhou army in the future. The longer we delay, the more beneficial it will be for Chaisang's war."

"Okay, then do as you said Wen Yuan." After Gao Shun figured it out, he supported him.

After that, Zhang Liao Gaoshun left some soldiers and horses to garrison Fancheng, while he led the cavalry and the camp to sweep the surrounding cities.

The guard of Xinye was named Sun Ping. Facing the sudden enemy army, he was killed by Gao Shun's gun before he could respond.

As for the remaining five counties, under the attack of the trapped camp, none of them could last for a quarter of an hour, and they broke the city almost instantly. The power of the trapped camp can be seen.

In this way, Zhang Liao Gaoshun conquered seven cities in a row in only one afternoon, and the news quickly reached the ears of Sun Quan who was stationed in Xiangyang.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Outside Chaisang City, Sun Ce camped.

Sun Ce was observing a topographic map of Yangzhou. At this moment, Zhou Yu opened the curtain and walked in and asked.

"Your Majesty, are you calling me?"

Seeing Zhou Yu coming, Sun Ce smiled and beckoned to him, motioning him to take a look at this topographic map.

Walking closer, Zhou Yu glanced at the topographic map and couldn't help but wonder, "My lord, this is just a very ordinary topographic map of Yangzhou. What's so interesting about it?"

"Gongjin, don't worry, Gu wants you to take a look here." Sun Ce stretched out a hand, pointing to a piece of territory on the map.

Zhou Yu looked intently and found that Sun Ce was pointing at Wu Qun, and said, "Your Majesty, do you want to attack Wu Qun?"

"Exactly!" Sun Ce admitted without hesitation, and said happily; "Look, Gongjin, Chaisang is currently stationed with an army led by Zhang He and Lu Su, and it is impossible to conquer it. In this case, it is better to bypass Chaisang and go to fight Wu." Qun, Gongjin, what do you think?"

After hearing Sun Ce's thoughts, Zhou Yu's expression couldn't help but an idea gradually formed in his mind.

He said, "Your Majesty's idea is good, but Yu still has a bit of a narrow view."

"Gong Jin has something to say, and there is no need to beat around the bush in front of Gu." Sun Ce waved his hand.

Immediately, Zhou Yu spoke eloquently; "Look, my lord, Wu Qun is leaning against the Yangtze River, and our naval warships can just sail in, but just attacking Wu Qun seems to be a fly in the ointment."

"Oh? What do you mean?"

Zhou Yu continued, "Our attack on Wu Qun will inevitably attract enemy reinforcements. Therefore, while attacking Wu Qun, Your Majesty must spread the news to let everyone know that you are going to attack Wu Qun."

"Hiss." Sun Ce glanced at Zhou Yu in confusion, and asked strangely; "Gongjin, the more you talk, the more confused you are. You are worried about attacking Wu Qun to attract enemy reinforcements, but you want to spread the news. It’s known all over the world, isn’t this a contradiction.”

Zhou Yu smiled and said, "No, my lord, if you spread the news, it seems that you will attract the attention of the enemy, but it is not the case. Soldiers are tricky. The more you spread the news, the enemy will think you are bluffing."

"When the enemy thinks you are bluffing, they won't care about your movements. At that time, Your Majesty can easily capture Wu Qun."

Sun Ce understood a little bit, and asked again; "But Gong Jin, what if they were not fooled and still sent reinforcements?"

"If that's the case, it's right in my arms. Dare I ask your majesty, who is there in Yangzhou who can support us after learning that we are going to attack Wu Qun?" Zhou Yu smiled.

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