Sun Ce thought for a while and said, "Except for Zhang Yun of Chaisang, Yangzhou doesn't have many troops to mobilize."

As soon as he finished speaking, Sun Ce suddenly came to his senses and asked, "Could it be that Gong Jin wants to take both sides?"

Zhou Yu smiled even more, and said: "Let the king guess, we will fight Wu Qun. If Zhang Yun does not come to help, we will take advantage of the situation and attack the entire Wu Qun. If Zhang He comes to help, we will fight Chaisang instead. No matter what, we will not lose. .”

"Hahaha, great plan, great plan." Sun Ce couldn't help giving Zhou Yu a thumbs up.

Zhou Yu said modestly, "Your Majesty has wronged you, this is just Yu's humble opinion."

Sun Ce said strangely, "Gong Jin, you are going too far. If such a clever plan is still self-effacing, then is there any clever plan in this world?"

Zhou Yu just shook his head with a wry smile.

Sun Ce immediately summoned the generals to assign tasks.

"Cheng Pu, Sun Yi listens to the order."

"The end is here."

"Order you two to lead [-] sailors to capture Wu Qun!"

"The last general takes orders!" The two took orders and left.

Sun Ce looked at Huang Gai and Zhou Tai again and said, "I order you two to immediately spread the news to Chaisang City that Gu is about to attack Wu Qun."

"Ah?" Huang Gai and Zhou Tai were taken aback, not understanding what Sun Ce meant.

"My lord, why did you spread the news of our attack on Wu Qun to Chaisang City? Isn't this telling the enemy about us?"

Huang Gai couldn't help asking.

For Huang Gai, a veteran of the Sun family, Sun Ce was also very patient, and said with a smile, "Gong Fu, don't ask me the specific reason, just do it, there is a reason for being alone."

"Promise!" Seeing that Sun Ce refused to say anything, Huang Gai didn't ask any more questions, and went down with Zhou Tai to make preparations.

A few days later, in Chaisang City, a rumor began to spread.

In the government office, Lu Su sat at the head, Xu Sheng and Zhang Yun sat on both sides.

Lu Su said worriedly; "I don't know if the two generals have heard that Sun Ce sent people to attack Wu Qun."

Xu Sheng frowned when he heard the words, and asked in doubt; "Lord Lu, isn't this a rumor in the city? It's not credible, is it?"

Zhang Yun also nodded, expressing his support for Xu Sheng's idea.

Only Lu Su sighed, and said: "The two generals don't know something. There is no wind, no waves, no coincidence, no book. After all, the rumors and rumors are somewhat true. Moreover, where the rumors came from is also worthy of careful scrutiny. .”

"Lord Lu, this rumor seems to have appeared out of nowhere, and no one knows who spread it." Zhang He said.

"Hey." Sighing, Lu Su stood up and said slowly; "Think about it carefully, two generals, will all the news about military activities be spread so easily? Unless someone deliberately did it."

Xu Sheng's eyes were full of thought, and he asked, "Lord Lu, you mean that someone deliberately spread this news? Then who would it be?"

"Who could it be! If someone really did it on purpose, who else could it be besides Sun Ce?" Zhang He sneered.

Hearing what Zhang Xi said, Lu Su nodded silently. He had already guessed that it was Sun Ce's secret trick. However, he still didn't know the reason why Sun Ce did this.

That's why he looked worried.

Xu Shengdao; "If Sun Ce did it, then he wanted to lure us to rescue Wu Qun and disperse Chaisang's forces."

"I think so too, Mr. Lu, let's just hold back and make Sun Ce mad." Zhang He also said.

However, Lu Su still looked worried, and smiled wryly; "You two generals, it would be great if things were that simple. Sun Ce's counselor, Zhou Yu, doesn't seem like someone who can only come up with such low-level schemes."

Zhang He smiled and said, "Then what if it's Lord Lu and you misread Zhou Yu?"

"Jun Yi, I, Lu Su, never misjudged people. There is definitely some conspiracy in it, but I can't figure it out for a while." Lu Su said.

Xu Shengdao; "Master Nalu, what should we do now?"

Lu Su pondered for a moment, then said: "Let's hold back for now."

The first two twenty-nine chapters; the fall of the three counties

On the Yangtze River, thousands of warships sailed slowly, each with a flag with the word Sun on it. Cheng Pu and Sun Yi stood on the command ship, facing the icy river wind, with a hint of nervousness in their eyes .

They were ordered by Sun Ce to attack Wu Qun. At present, the fleet has sailed to Poyang Qun, and they will be able to reach Fuchun County of Wu Qun after a certain distance.

However, going deep into the enemy's rear, there are dangers everywhere, and their huge fleet can easily expose their vision. Once they are discovered by the Yangzhou defenders, they will face a siege from all sides.

"Uncle Bi, let the sergeants take down all the flags on the ship."

Cheng Pu said to Sun Yi.

Sun Yi nodded, and then ordered the sergeant to withdraw the banner. The purpose of doing this was to prevent his identity from being exposed. After all, you went to raid other people's territory and carried your own banner blatantly.

Isn't this just telling others that I'm coming to sneak attack?

Soon, all the Sun Zi flags were removed, and the entire fleet seemed to be no different from ordinary fleets except for its large number.

"Report, tell the two generals that the frontier is about to enter the boundary of Wuqun, and Fuchun County is about ten miles away."

A sentry hurried over and reported to Cheng Pu and Sun Yi.

The two looked at each other, and involuntarily placed their right hands on the saber at their waist. When they reached Wu Qun, it meant that the horn of battle had sounded.

The breeze was blowing slightly, the waves were surging, and with a creak, the fleet stopped at the shore of Wu Qun's water. Under Cheng Pu's order, [-] Jingzhou sailors rushed out.

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