The breeze was blowing slightly, the waves were surging, and with a creak, the fleet stopped at the shore of Wu Qun's water. Under Cheng Pu's order, [-] Jingzhou sailors rushed out.

After arranging the formation on land, Cheng Pu looked at Sun Yi and asked, "Uncle Bi, Fuchun borders Yuhang. Why don't you and I lead [-] troops each to attack the two places separately? What do you think?"

Sun Yi thought for a while, and felt that Cheng Pu's proposal was feasible, and immediately said, "Just do what Demou wants."

"it is good!"

Immediately, the two each led [-] horses and rushed to Fuchun and Yuhang respectively.

Fuchun County, located on the border of Yangzhou, is known as the most fertile place in Wu Qun with Yuhang and Qiantang. Because it is close to the sea, the local people have no worries about food and clothing.

When Cheng Pu's army reached Fuchun County, there were still many people coming in and out of the city without any precautions.

"It seems that the people in Yangzhou thought that our Jingzhou army was still confronting Zhang Yun and others in Chaisang, and they never expected that we would suddenly kill Wu Qun."

Cheng Pu rolled his eyes, and the scene in front of him made him a little excited. When facing the undefended Fuchun County, facing the Jingzhou army falling from the sky, I am afraid that it will be easy to take down the entire city without any effort.

"Pass down the order, the whole army is ready to attack, remember, if you encounter civilians, you must not kill them without reason!"

Cheng Pu's military order was issued, and a murderous spirit spread in the army.


Immediately, the [-] Jingzhou army rushed out together, and the terrifying momentum made everyone's eyes freeze.

"No...well...the Jingzhou army is here!"

I don't know who yelled, and all the people started to flee in all directions. Some ran to Fuchun City, and some fled to Qiantang.

Seeing this, Cheng Pu frowned, and shouted, "Quick battle, take Fuchun as soon as possible, once these local people escape to Qiantang, Yangzhou will take precautions, which is not good for us."

Afterwards, the [-] Jingzhou army was as powerful as a broken bamboo, and the defenders in Fuchun County only had a thousand people. How could they stop the Jingzhou army like tigers and wolves? In just a moment, the Fuchun defenders completely collapsed, and corpses littered the city gate.

The guard of Fuchun rode a horse and wanted to escape, but Cheng Pu saw him, and immediately drew his bow and set an arrow. The bow was drawn to the full moon, and the arrow passed through the guard's neck like a shooting star chasing the moon.

With a plop, the body of the guard fell from the horse in a daze, only the air was breathed in but not released, the dead couldn't die anymore.

"In a quarter of an hour, quickly clean up the battlefield without delaying the military aircraft!"

Cheng Pu put down his bow and arrow, and ordered that he must go to Qiantang as soon as possible. Many people fled to Qiantang just now. The military situation is urgent, and Cheng Pu can't be moaned.

At this moment, in the direction of Yuhang, Sun Yi led a group of people and quickly approached Fuchun, and when he got close, Sun Yi smiled and said, "Demou, Wu Qun didn't have the slightest precautions at all, and Yu Hang was in his hands without any effort. "

Cheng Pu said, "The situation in Fuchun is the same as that in Yuhang. However, some people fled to Qiantang just now. I am worried that Qiantang will take strict precautions after getting the news. Therefore, we must speed up our pace."

Sun Yi nodded slightly, and ordered his soldiers to help clean up the battlefield.

After a while, Cheng Pu left [-] troops to garrison Fuchun. He and Sun Yi joined forces and hurried to Qiantang.

Under the hasty march, the army quickly reached the outside of Qiantang City.However, just as Cheng Pu expected, the people who escaped from Fuchun reported the situation in Fuchun to Qiantang guard, and at this moment, Qiantang was already on guard.

The gates of the city were closed tightly, and there were many crossbowmen on the top of the city. As long as the Jingzhou army dared to take a step forward, General Qian Tang would order to release arrows without hesitation.

"Demou, Qian Tang has already made preparations, what should we do?" Sun Yi asked.

Cheng Pu glanced at Qiantang City, and found that there were not many defenders, only about a thousand people, even fewer than Fuchun.

Immediately he said, "Uncle Bi, look at Qiantang City, it seems that there are not many people guarding the city."

Sun Yi looked up, and it was exactly as Cheng Pu said. At the same time, he also thought of something and couldn't help laughing.

"Demou, we are really blessed by God. It stands to reason that Qiantang belongs to the important town of Wu Qun, and there are at least three thousand defenders, but there are so few today. The reason for this is that they all went to the pier to help transport sea fish."

"I see." Cheng Pu was reminded by Sun Yi, and suddenly realized.Only then did he remember that Sun Yi's hometown is Wu Qun, and who else knows Wu Qun's situation better than him.

After understanding the reason and knowing that there was no ambush, Cheng Pu immediately waved the spear in his hand and ordered: "The whole army obeys the order and attacks the city with all its strength!"


The military order is like a mountain, even if the arrows rain down in front, the Jingzhou soldiers still go up against the wind. After paying hundreds of casualties, the Jingzhou army climbed the ladder to the top of Qiantang City.

The defenders of Qiantang retreated steadily, and the general caught a soldier and said decisively; "Go quickly, go to Wu County, report to General Chen Wu, and tell him that the Jingzhou army raided Qiantang, Fuchun, and Yuhang counties, so General Chen Wu should be careful. Guard!"

The soldier hesitated, looked at the blood-soaked general, and said, "Then what should you do, general?"

"Me?" The guard laughed at himself, "As the guard of Qian Tang, but I lost the city, I deserve to be executed, so let me be buried with Qian Tang!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After saying that, General Qian Tang brandished his weapons and cut down Jingzhou soldiers one after another.

Seeing this scene, Sun Yi immediately went up to meet him, and took off the guard's head in just a few strokes.

However, this also fulfilled Shou Qian Tang's wish to be buried with Qian Tang before his death.


Jiaozhou, the only remaining Longbian city in the Jiaozhi group, was successfully captured by Liu Bei today. The king of Hanzhong's banner was planted high on the Longbian city, as if mocking Chen Gong's incompetence.

In a mountain forest, Chen Gong's army was stationed here. Since he was defeated by Fazheng last time and returned, he ordered the army to enter the mountain forest to prevent Fazheng's sneak attack.

At this time, Chen Gong looked at the Hanzhong King's banner on the Longbian City, silently, thinking of him as a wise man, he led the army and rarely lost, but now he has suffered repeated defeats under Fazheng's hands, and the entire Jiaozhi group was defeated. lost.

"Master Inspector, you are here, we have been looking for you for a long time."

At this time, Gan Ning Ding Feng found Chen Gong.

Chen Gong turned his head and asked, "Xingba, Chengyuan, what do you want me for?"

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