The two looked at each other and said, "Master Inspector, now that Jiaozhi has fallen, we can't do it even if we want to withdraw to Cangwu, what should we do next?"

With a slight smile, Chen Gong's face became bright again, and he only listened to his sermon slowly. "Don't worry, the two generals, I have countermeasures."

"Oh! I don't know what countermeasure it is?"

Chen Gongdao: "We will not retreat to Cangwu, but to the Jiuzhen Group. If I am not mistaken, Fazheng's idea is definitely to go back and attack the Jiuzhen Group and Rinan Group immediately after capturing Jiaozhi."

Gan Ning asked suspiciously; "Lord Inspector, the Jiuzhen Group and Rinan Group are located in remote places, and Liu Bei did not want to fight the rich Cangwu, so why did he go to fight Jiuzhen and Rinan Group?"

"Because if you want to fight Cangwu, you have to go through Yulinqun and Hepuqun. These two places are heavily guarded and heavily guarded. If Liu Bei goes to fight, the gain will not be worth the loss. But attacking Jiuzhen and Rinan is not the same .”

"Once Liu Bei wins Jiuzhen and Rinan, he will be able to connect with Jiaozhi, and then close to Yizhou, connected end to end, and there will be no worries. At that time, Liu Bei can use troops against Jiaozhou whenever he wants. .”

After listening to Chen Gong's explanation, both Gan Ning and Ding Feng looked half-understandable.

Regarding this, Chen Gong just shook his head, without further explanation, he ordered: "Okay, Xingba Chengyuan, you immediately summon all the soldiers, and we retreat to the Jiuzhen Group."

"No!" The two took the order and left.

After Gan Ning Dingfeng left, Chen Gong looked towards Long Bian again, and muttered to himself, "Fazheng, this time, I want to see, what will you do? The Jiaozhi group is the net that binds you. If you can't escape, you can become prisoners!"

Half an hour later, Chen Gong and Gan Ning Ding Feng withdrew to Jiuzhen Group with the army.

When passing through Jufeng County, Chen Gong asked Ding Feng to lead an army of [-] troops to garrison here, while he and Gan Ning went to Xupu, the Jiuzhen Group's administrative office.

The news of Chen Gong's withdrawal to Jiuzhen Group was quickly found out by Liu Bei's scouts, and they went back to report to Liu Bei.

In Longbian City, Liu Bei passed the news sent by the scouts to Fazheng.

Taking a glance, Fazheng frowned slightly, and said, "Your Majesty, it seems that Chen Gong has already guessed our next plan, and withdrew to the Jiuzhen Group one step ahead of time, which undoubtedly blocked our way forward."

Liu Bei said: "The widow understands. I only regret that I couldn't catch Chen Gong that day. Such a great talent was not used by the widow."

Fazheng comforted, "Your Majesty, don't worry too much. Even if Chen Gong guessed our plan, so what? After the last big defeat, there are probably only about [-] troops left in his hands, and he has no strength to advance." He can only watch what we do."

"But Xiao Zhi, Chen Gong sticks to the Jiuzhen group, what should we do?" Liu Bei asked in confusion.

"Do the opposite!" Fazheng said with a gleam of wisdom in his eyes; "Your Majesty can stop attacking the Jiuzhen Group for now, but turn around and attack the Yu Lin Group and the He Pu Group. As long as we attack these two groups, Cang Wu can get it at your fingertips!"

Liu Bei was a little moved and said, "If this is the case, doesn't it mean that it is not a problem to win the entire Jiaozhou?"

"Basically, this is the truth." Fazheng laughed.

This time, Liu Bei was really excited, and ordered Guan Yu and Zhang Fei to be called, and then began to order.

"Yun Chang obeys orders."

"The end is here."

"I order you to lead [-] troops to attack Yu Lin Qun Tan Zhong!"

"The last general takes orders!" Guan Yu said in a confident manner, stroking his beautiful beard under his chin.

Afterwards, Liu Bei's eyes fell on Zhang Fei who was on the side, and was about to give an order, but Fazheng said, "Your Majesty, you want General Yide to lead the troops to attack Yu Linqun's Dingzhou?"

"That's right, what's the problem?" Liu Bei asked suspiciously.

Fazheng smiled and said, "It's not a big problem, but, in my opinion, the king can take General Yide to personally lead the army to attack Linyuan in Hepuqun, and then capture Zhuya. In this way, he can go straight to Huanglong and attack Cangwu!"

Liu Bei nodded and said, "What Xiaozhi reminded is that if this is the case, act according to what Xiaozhi said, and Yide will lead [-] troops to attack Linyuan with the widow!"

"No!" Fazheng and Zhang Fei said in unison.


The news of Xupu, Liu Bei's attack on Yulin and Hepu reached Chen Gong's ears, and Gan Ning rushed to inquire, "Lord Inspector, Liu Bei is going to attack Yulin and Hepu, why not let the last general..."

Before Gan Ning finished speaking, Chen Gong interrupted, "Xingba wants to support Hepu by water?"

"Exactly, the Jiuzhen Group still has [-] warships, and the general can lead [-] troops to support Hepu. Please order from the governor." Gan Ning clasped his fists.

However, Chen Gong remained unmoved and said slowly, "Xingba must not act rashly. If you really want to support Hepu, then lead troops to attack Jiaozhi."

"Ah?" Gan Ning was taken aback when he heard the words, why supporting Hepu turned into attacking Jiaozhi.

Chen Gong looked at Gan Ning and said with a smile, "You heard me right, I just asked you to attack Jiaozhi, so that we can support Hepu and Yulin."

Gan Ning smiled wryly, "Master Inspector, don't be a fool, you will end up being a rough man, the more you listen, the more confused you become."

"Hahaha, Xingba, I told you to read more military books on weekdays. If you don't listen, now you know you don't understand." Chen Gong shook his head, took out a map of Jiaozhou, and began to preach.

"Look, Xingba, Hepu has a special terrain. If you go to support by water, not only will you not be able to provide assistance, but you may also be swallowed up by Liu Bei's army, and this is exactly Fazheng's plan."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Fazheng's plan?" Gan Ning was puzzled.

Chen Gongdao: "Well, it seems that Liu Bei is going to attack Yulin and Hepu at present, but he has two different purposes."

"Liu Bei's attack on Yu Lin was true, but his attack on Hepu was a trap. The purpose was to gather around and recruit reinforcements. He wanted to lure us to support Hepu by water, so he swallowed it all at once, weakening our strength in the Jiuzhen group."

"When the time comes, Liu Bei can turn around and easily capture Jiuzhen."

After Chen Gong finished speaking, Gan Ning couldn't help but gasped, and muttered, "Master Inspector, didn't he mean that the Fazheng almost took into account the right time, place and people!"

"That's right." Chen Gong didn't deny Gan Ning's statement, he also admired Fazheng, but it's a pity that the two are their masters, and they are destined not to be friends.

Sighing, Chen Gong instructed Gan Ning, "Xingba, take [-] people to Jufeng first, and attack Jiaozhi together with Ding Feng. Only in this way can Fazheng's plot be broken. As for Yu Lin, It’s not that easy to take down.”

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