"No." After Gan Ning received the order, he gathered his men and horses and rushed to Jufeng to find Ding Feng.

And Chen Gong stared at the map of Jiaozhou in front of him, and said with a sneer, "Fazheng, I accidentally fell into your trick last time, this time, it's time for you. If you want to gather around to help, I will catch the turtle!"


Sili, since Cao Jie handed over Liu Xie's imperial edict to Liu Ke, he ordered to slow down the offensives of all parties, only Lu Meng was still attacking Hongnong.

And because Liu Ke's offensive slowed down, Luoyang's civil and military officials were also relieved and got a chance to breathe.

As the saying goes, the crisis that originated from Liu Ke had just been lifted, and the undercurrents began to surge again in Luoyang City, and everyone had different thoughts.

Cao Jie returned to Luoyang City under the escort of Chen Dao and his party of [-] people. Because Chen Dao and the others were wearing Cao Jun's uniforms, the Luoyang defenders didn't find anything wrong, so they didn't stop them.

When he came to the gate of the palace, Cao Jie met Deng Ai, the commander of Wei Wei, and he also saw Cao Jie walking towards him.

Immediately, Deng Ai's expression moved slightly, and he saluted Cao Jie; "The last general will see the queen, and Lord Weiwei told him that after the queen comes back, please go to Weiwei's mansion."

Hearing this, Cao Jie sneered and said, "Let me go to Wei Wei's mansion? Huh, he Hua Xin is just a courtier, so he dares to let me go to him! If he has something to do, let him go to the palace to see me. Step aside!"

Deng Ai frowned slightly, a little hesitant, but Cao Jie was imposing, and he was Cao Cao's own daughter, so he couldn't stop him, so he had to get out of the way and said; "I will tell Mr. Wei Wei what the queen said, my lady, please .”

Making a gesture of invitation, Deng Ai bowed slightly, Cao Jie didn't even look at Deng Ai, and walked directly to the palace, but when Chen Dao and others were about to enter the palace, Deng Ai stretched out his hand to stop him. them.

I just heard him say; "The palace is an important place, and soldiers and guards are not allowed to enter the palace without an edict!"

Chen Dao's eyes were fixed, and a murderous aura gathered in his body. He was ordered to ensure the safety of Cao Jie and rescue the emperor, so naturally he could not leave Cao Jie's side.

At this time, Deng Ai also noticed the thick murderous aura on Chen Dao's body, which was a kind of iron-blooded murderous aura on the battlefield, which was not enough for ordinary people to possess.Only soldiers who have been fighting on the battlefield all year round will carry it.

Thinking of this, Deng Ai suddenly pulled out the sword at his waist, and Chen Dao reacted very quickly. The moment Deng Ai pulled out the sword, his sword was already out of its sheath.

"Come on, take them down!" Deng Ai stared at Chen Dao, and ordered the forbidden army at the palace gate to say.

Immediately, swords were on the verge of breaking out outside the gate of the palace, and the atmosphere was extremely tense. Chen Dao and Deng Ai confronted each other like a dormant tiger, and they would strike without hesitation whenever they had the opportunity.

"Deng Ai, what are you doing!"

At this critical moment, Cao Jie came over, stared at Deng Ai, and shouted angrily.

Deng Ai explained; "Empress, I dare to ask, who are these people? Why do they all have the iron-blooded murderous aura that only soldiers on the battlefield have?"

Looking directly into Cao Jie's eyes, Deng Ai's question was aggressive. If an ordinary person was asked this way, he would have been panicked and at a loss.

However, Cao Jie is the empress of the Han Dynasty, a hero among women, not only did not feel the slightest panic, but said in a cold voice: "Deng Ai, what do you mean! Do you want to say that my palace brought soldiers into the palace for the purpose of committing crimes?"

"The last general didn't mean that, I just wanted to ask the empress to explain the origin of these people!" Deng Ai continued to ask.

Cao Jie thought slightly, and said, "Okay, I will tell you. They are all my father, the soldiers under Wei Wang Cao Cao. Before my father went to Chang'an, he left them to protect me because he was worried about my safety!" "

Regarding Cao Jie's explanation, Deng Ai refused to believe it in his heart, but he had no evidence to prove that what he said was false, and as a courtier, he openly confronted the queen, which was a serious crime.

Thinking of this, Deng Ai nodded silently, put away his sword slowly, and said, "Since this is the case, the general has misunderstood it. Please don't be offended, my lady."

When Chen Dao saw Deng Ai put away his weapon, he immediately put away his saber, and stood aside, silent.

Cao Jie reprimanded Deng Ai in a cold voice; "Hmph, Deng Ai, I still have things to do in this palace, so I won't bother with you today, otherwise, I'll be fine with you."

After finishing speaking, the Cao family walked away, and signaled Chen Dao and others to follow. With the Queen's approval, even if Deng Ai wanted to stop him, he was powerless to do so, so he had to watch Chen Dao and his party enter the palace.

After returning to the palace, Cao Jie immediately went to Weiyang Palace where Liu Xie was located, and found Liu Xie in the bedroom.

At this moment, Liu Xie had just left the morning court, and was sitting on the bed alone in a daze, with a haggard look, not half of the demeanor that an emperor should have.

"Your Majesty, the concubine is back." As soon as he saw Liu Xie, Cao Jie rushed forward.

"Queen!" Liu Xie, who saw Cao Jie's safe return, was also overjoyed, and said, "It's good that the queen comes back. Can the edict be sent to the King of Chu?"

Cao Jie said with a smile; "Don't worry, Your Majesty, the imperial edict has already reached the hands of the King of Chu. In addition, the King of Chu has specially sent General Chen Dao to rescue His Majesty."

With that said, Cao Jie pointed to Chen Dao and other five hundred soldiers standing outside the door.

But Liu Xie's reaction was a bit extreme. He swallowed his saliva and asked, "Queen, tell me the truth, is it true that the king of Chu also wants my life, so he sent the soldiers."

The sad emperor Xiandi Liu Xie was first dominated by Dong Zhuo and lived in fear every day, and now he lives in the shadow of Cao Cao, fearing that he will be killed inexplicably one day.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Cao Jie couldn't help snorting when he heard the words, and said with a smile; "Your Majesty, you have misunderstood. According to my concubine, the King of Chu is a big-hearted hero. He will never do harm to His Majesty. General Chen Dao is indeed here to protect you." Your."

"Really?" Liu Xie was still a little worried.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, I have another matter to discuss with you." Cao Jie said softly, and waved to Chen Dao at the same time.

Chen Dao understood, and ordered his five hundred soldiers to surround Weiyang Palace, and no one was allowed to enter or leave.

In the palace, Cao Jie said to Liu Xie; "Your Majesty, the King of Chu means to let you abdicate the throne again."

Liu Xie's complexion changed, and his voice involuntarily magnified several times, "What! Queen, how can the great Han Jiangshan say that abdication is abdication? The reason why I abdicated the throne to the King of Chu is because he is from the same clan as me, and he can be relinquished to someone with a foreign surname. What's the matter with people?"

Cao Jie persuaded; "Your Majesty, don't worry, think about it, you have already surrendered the throne to the King of Chu, even if you surrender the throne again, it will be just a formality, a false name. But by doing this, you can keep your own Life and wealth."

Hearing Cao Jie's words, Liu Xie showed hesitation. Of course, he was also afraid of death, but the responsibility of being the emperor made him have to look forward and backward and carefully consider every decision he made.

Rubbing his forehead, Liu Xiechang sighed, and said, "Queen, let me think about it. No matter how unbearable I am, I am still the majesty of the big man. It is really hard for me to give up the throne to outsiders."

Seeing the darkness in Liu Xie's eyes, Cao Jie said warmly; "Your Majesty, you don't need to have too much burden in your heart. Just as the concubine said before, you have already given up the throne to the King of Chu. The Zen throne is just a false name and cannot be taken. real."

Liu Xie didn't speak, and after about a stick of incense passed, he closed his eyes and said bitterly; "Forget it, just according to the queen's words, when I go to court tomorrow, I will announce the Zen position."

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