Cao Jie said pleasantly; "It's good that your Majesty can figure it out, and this concubine will go and discuss with General Chen Dao how to save His Majesty from Luoyang."

After saying that, Cao Jie hurried to find Chen Dao to discuss how to escape Luoyang.


Early the next morning, all civil and military officials went to court, and the emperor Liu Xie sat on the dragon chair surrounded by his servants.

"Your Majesty, I will see you, Long live Your Majesty!"

After all the officials shouted long live three times, it was time to start playing and leave the court if there was nothing to do.

However, today, without waiting for the minister to speak, Liu Xie stared blankly at the dragon chair he was sitting on, and said in a deep voice, "My dears, does anyone of you want to experience the feeling of this dragon chair?"

The officials were all startled when they heard the words, not knowing what Liu Xie was going to do, some ministers even looked at Wei Wei Hua Xin and Ting Wei Zhong Yao, because these two people are Cao Cao's confidantes, high-ranking Weights.

After the two looked at each other, Hua Xin stood up and warned Liu Xiedao, "I report to Your Majesty, above the court, I hope Your Majesty will not talk nonsense!"

Liu Xie didn't get angry, and continued, "I'm not talking nonsense, isn't everyone in the world yearning for my chair? Believe Hua Aiqing, he also likes this chair, right?"

"I don't dare, I hope Your Majesty will stop talking nonsense." Hua Xin frowned. In the past, Liu Xie wouldn't dare to fart as long as he opened his mouth. Why is he acting so uncharacteristically today.

Zhong Yao next to him was also confused, but the next moment, everyone was shocked by Liu Xie's words.

Liu Xiedao: "Although I am the emperor of the Han Dynasty, I can't save the people of the world from the fire and water. Therefore, I am determined to give way to the virtuous. I don't know what you think, dear friends?"

The ministers were still immersed in Liu Xie's shocking words, and they hadn't reacted yet. After a long while, Zhong Yao came out and said, "Your Majesty, the throne is a matter of the country. How can you just let it go, Your Majesty, please take it back!"

"Your Majesty, please take it back!" Everyone hurriedly said in unison.

But Liu Xie looked like he disagreed with life and death, and directly said, "I have made up my mind. I hope that all my lovers will be able to choose the right person for me."

After finishing speaking, Liu Xie left accompanied by his servant, leaving behind a group of ministers who were at a loss looking at each other.

"Ziyu, what happened to Your Majesty today, why are you so crazy?" Zhong Yao approached Hua Xin and asked.

Hua Xin made a silent gesture to Zhong Yao, and said in a low voice, "There are so many people here, Yuan Chang will follow me back to the residence to discuss in detail."

"it is good."

Immediately, Hua Xin and Zhong Yao got into the same carriage and returned to Weiwei Mansion. After entering the mansion, Hua Xin asked someone to make tea, and then discussed with Zhong Yao what happened in the court hall this morning.

Hua Xin took a sip of the fragrant tea and said, "Yuan Chang thinks that Your Majesty really wants to sit in Zen?"

Zhong Yao said, "I think His Majesty should really want to be in Zen. After all, he is an emperor, and he is not as comfortable as an ordinary person."

"That's true, but why did Your Majesty suddenly mention the Zen seat? What's so tricky about it? By the way, I forgot to tell Yuan Chang that the queen returned to the palace yesterday." Hua Xin said.

Zhong Yao was surprised when he heard the words, and asked, "The queen is back. This is a strange thing. Not long ago, the queen left Luoyang suddenly and disappeared. She returned yesterday? Did Ziyu find anything unusual about the queen?" place?"

Hua Xin thought for a while and said, "Deng Ai told me that when the Empress came back, she brought a team of soldiers. She said they were her guards left by the King of Wei. I don't know if they are true or not."

"Guard?" Zhong Yao deliberated carefully in his mind, and after getting no results, he said, "Ziyu, in your opinion, what shall we do next? Do you agree with His Majesty's wish for a Zen seat?"

Hua Xin said bluntly; "Of course I don't agree, do you think, if you agree to His Majesty's Zen position, will King Wei let us go?"

As Hua Xin said, Wei Wang Cao Cao didn't have the intention of usurping the Han Dynasty, he just wanted to put down the troubled times and bring peace to the world.

Zhong Yao nodded slightly, but he thought of something, and said, "Ziyu, don't forget that although King Wei didn't intend to take over the Han Dynasty, among his sons, especially the second son Cao Pi, he has long been there. Thinking about replacing it."

"I know this, but the king of Wei is still here, even if the second son has such a heart, he can't do it now!" Hua Xin said.

"Ziyu, you and I understand this truth because you and I are clear on the sidelines, and we are afraid that the second son's authority will be confused!" Zhong Yao sighed.

After hearing Zhong Yao's words, Hua Xin frowned slightly, and said, "That's not as good as this, Yuan Chang, you have someone to remind the second son, don't be fooled and act recklessly. Otherwise, after King Wei returns, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In Jincheng, the banner of Wei Wang Cao Cao fluttered in the wind, and [-] troops marched slowly on the pipeline.

In a luxuriously decorated carriage, Cao Cao was leaning on the couch, and beside him, Sima Yi knelt there respectfully, nodding his head and lowering his eyebrows, without saying a word.

Cao Cao glanced at Sima Yi and asked, "Zhongda, I ask you, who do you think among Gu's sons can inherit Gu's great career?"

Hearing this, Sima Yi was startled. Cao Cao asked himself this question for no reason, always feeling that there was some kind of conspiracy involved.

After thinking for a while, Sima Yi replied; "Reporting to King Wei, I think that King Wei is in his prime and there is no need to think about succession."

"Hahaha." Cao Cao couldn't help laughing, stared at Sima Yi, and said, "Zhongda, don't you know Gu's physical condition? Gu has frequent headaches these days, and I'm afraid time is running out." .”

"The king of Wei is in his prime of life, so don't say such depressing words." Sima Yi immediately knelt down under Cao Cao and said.

Of course he knew about Cao Cao's physical condition, but most of the time, he couldn't tell the truth. No matter what he thought in his heart, he had to say something else.

However, Cao Cao seemed to understand Sima Yi's thoughts very well, a gloomy look flashed in his eyes, but he didn't say anything, but continued the previous topic and said.

"I feel that Pi'er has always had great ambitions, so if Gu wants to pass on the throne to him after his death, Zhong Da must help Pi'er wholeheartedly."

"I don't dare, Sima Yi will always be your courtier, King Wei." There were faint sweat beads on Sima Yi's forehead, and he thought to himself, could it be that Cao Cao knew about the relationship between himself and Cao Pi, otherwise how could he say such a thing.

Fortunately, Cao Cao didn't hold on to this question any longer, but said, "Okay, let's not talk about it for now, Zhong Da thinks, what should we do next?"

Sima Yi's eyes rolled, Cao Cao didn't return to Luoyang from Tongguan, but took a detour from Hancheng to Jincheng, the purpose of which was probably to go directly to Ji County to raid Yanzhou.

However, although he understood Cao Cao's intentions, he could not point out that it was a terrible taboo for a subordinate to be so clear about the mind of the superior!Especially a suspicious master like Cao Cao.

Therefore, Sima Yi pretended to be ignorant, and asked puzzledly, "Didn't King Wei want to return to Luoyang?"

After hearing his answer, Cao Cao smiled, as if he was very satisfied with Sima Yi's answer, and said with a smile; "Of course I don't plan to return to Luoyang just like this. With Zhongda's cleverness, let's think about it. to where?"

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