Sima Yi knew that the time had come, so he said immediately; "I understand, the King of Wei is going to Ji County to raid Yanzhou!"

"Haha, that's right! I'm going to surprise Liu Ke'er and teach him a lesson!" Cao Cao laughed.

Regarding this, Sima Yi just complimented him blindly, but he was thinking in his heart, how could Liu Ke have so many talented and wise men under him, how could he fail to guess Cao Cao's intentions, and he was afraid that he had already prepared a trap for you to take the bait.

The marching speed of the [-] troops was very slow, and it took a full afternoon to reach Ji County.

At this time, it was getting late, so Cao Cao ordered the whole army to rest in Ji County, and sent troops to Yanzhou early tomorrow morning.

Sima Yi left Cao Cao's side after he rested, and quietly went to find his elder brother Sima Fu.

"Zhongda? It's so late, why are you here if you don't go down to rest?"

When Sima Fu saw Sima Yi coming, he asked a little strangely.

Sima Yi smiled wryly, "Brother, if there was no serious matter, I wouldn't have come to you so late."

"Oh? What's the big deal with Zhongda?"

Leaning close to Sima Fu's ear, Sima Yi whispered, "Brother, in my opinion, King Wei's surprise attack on Yanzhou may be effective in the early stage, but it will definitely not bring you any benefits, and it is even possible..."

Speaking of this, Sima Yi made a gesture of wiping his neck.

Seeing this, Sima Fu turned pale with shock, and warned, "Zhongda, don't talk nonsense. If King Wei listens to such words, it is a felony of beheading!"

But Sima Yi was not afraid, and continued, "Brother, do you really think I am talking nonsense? Don't forget, although Yanzhou Governor Lu Meng led an army to attack the Hongnong group, there is still a general in Yanzhou guarding Huang Zhong. It can be captured easily."

Sima Fu frowned slightly and said.

"Zhongda, don't you think Huang Zhong too highly? According to reports from our spies, Huang Zhong has only [-] troops under his command, except for the defenders in various counties in Yanzhou. How can we stop them? King Wei's [-] troops."

"Hmph." Sima Yi snorted coldly and said with a sneer; "Brother, don't forget, Liu Ke's army is in Xinzheng, and Sishui Pass is also in his hands. If he wants to rescue Yanzhou, he can lead the army to catch up in a day or two." To Yanzhou."

"Even so, the king of Wei can still capture several states and counties in Yanzhou. At worst, Liu Ke will come, so why not just withdraw the troops and return to Luoyang?" Sima Fu still insisted on his own opinion.

Sima Yi sighed; "Brother's thinking is too simple. He captured several prefectures and counties in Yanzhou, but lost Luoyang. Doing so is completely throwing everything at the bottom and doing the opposite!"

Sima Fu suddenly laughed, and said, "Zhongda is worried. Sun Ce, king of Xiangyang, and Liu Bei, king of Hanzhong, have sent troops to attack Liu Ke's Yangzhou and Jiaozhou respectively. Liu Ke's strength has been greatly weakened, and it is impossible to capture them. Luoyang."

"Brother is talking about a frontal attack, but what if Liu Ke is dismantled from the inside?" Sima Yi said in a startling way, staring into Sima Fu's eyes, and said word by word.

"Internal disintegration?" Sima Fu was taken aback, thinking of something vaguely, and asked; "What Zhongda means is that there will be turmoil in Luoyang? How is this possible?"

Sima Fu shook his head in disbelief.

Sima Yi explained; "Brother, don't believe me. Brother Wei should also be aware of King Wei's body. Among the sons of King Wei, they have long wished for something unexpected to happen to King Wei, so that they can inherit the inheritance, or even usurp the throne!"

"Impossible! Impossible, Zhong Da go down and rest quickly, don't think about it." Sima Fu felt that Sima Yi's words were getting more and more outrageous, so he waved his hand immediately, telling him to stop talking.

Seeing this, Sima Yi let out a long sigh, and said bitterly, "Brother, if you don't listen to me, I'm afraid you will regret it in the future."

After saying that, Sima Yi left alone without waiting for Sima Fu to say anything more, his back looked lonely and lonely when he left.

As he said, at this moment in Luoyang, because of Liu Xie's Zen position, there is already a turmoil. Among Cao Cao's sons, all of them have their own ghosts, and their eyes are fixed on the dragon chair throne in the palace hall!

It's a pity that Sima Yi wanted to use his brother's mouth to remind Cao Cao, but Sima Fu didn't believe his words at all.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In the early morning of the second day, a majestic morning glow appeared on the eastern horizon, and smoke from cooking fires rose repeatedly in Jixian County. After eating and drinking, the [-] troops started their journey.

The army headed west all the way, targeting Baima in Yanzhou and Baimajin. As long as these two important places were captured, support from Jizhou could be prevented.

At the same time, sending troops from Baima can go straight to Puyang, the governor of Dongjun.

This strategy was also proposed by Sima Yi to Cao Cao. Since Cao Cao could not be persuaded to return to Luoyang to suppress the situation, let him try to get more benefits in the Yanzhou battlefield.

During the march, Cao Cao had already changed into a military uniform, looked at Sima Yi who was standing aside and asked, "Zhongda, in your opinion, can Gu take back the entire territory of Yanzhou this time?"

A strange look flashed in Sima Yi's eyes, and he thought to himself, the backyard is unstable, and he wants to take over the whole Yanzhou in one fell swoop, just dream!

But he was very honest in his mouth, "Report to the king of Wei, with the bravery of the king of Wei, he will definitely be able to take back the entire territory of Yanzhou."

Cao Cao nodded in satisfaction, and ordered to speed up the march. He couldn't wait to stand at the top of Baima City and enjoy the scenery of Yanzhou.

As the army speeded up the march, the outline of Baima City gradually appeared in Cao Cao's field of vision. On the city, there was a big banner of Liu Ke, King of Chu, buzzing.

Cao Cao looked at Liu Ke's banner, and felt unwell for no reason, and ordered Xiahou Dun to say, "Yuan Rang, shoot down Liu Ke's little banner!"

"Promise!" Xiahou Dun responded, galloped out with his horse, stretched his bow and set an arrow, and shot an arrow on the flagpole. The flag broke off at the sound, and the defenders on the city were horrified, and they also found the trace of Cao Cao's army.

The guard of Baima City hurriedly called a soldier and said to him, "Quickly, go to Puyang and inform General Huang that Cao Cao's army is coming!"

After watching the soldiers leave Baima and rush to Puyang with his own eyes, the guard of Baima City turned his head, stared at Cao Jun who was getting closer, and smiled bitterly. He knew that he was invincible and knew his future fate.

However, he believed that his king, King Liu Ke of Chu, would avenge himself.

"Soldiers, follow me to kill the enemy, shed the last drop of blood, and fight to the last man! Kill!" The guard raised his arms and shouted, all the guards in Baima City fearlessly fought Cao Jun who had rushed to the top of the city together.

In a short while, the Baima defenders were wiped out, but they also made Cao Jun pay an extremely heavy price. With [-] people, they killed nearly [-] Cao Jun.

Accompanied by a group of civil servants and military generals, Cao Cao boarded the blood-stained White Horse City. Looking at the corpses lying in a pool of blood, he suddenly understood why he was no match for Liu Ke.

Soldiers are willing to use their lives, soldiers are not afraid of death!With such an army, who in the world can be an enemy?

"Give these people a good burial." Sighing, Cao Cao ordered.

Sima Yi came over and said in a low voice, "King Wei, the military situation is urgent and there is no delay. After we captured the white horse, Huang Zhong in Puyang must have received the news. Please send troops to capture the white horse Jin immediately."

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