Cao Cao nodded and ordered Cao Hongdao: "Zi Lian, I order you to lead an army of [-] to capture Baimajin."

"The last general takes orders!" Cao Hong clasped his fists and said.

Afterwards, Cao Cao asked the army to rest in Baima City. After recovering its strength, Cao Cao immediately marched into Puyang.

Huang Zhong, who was in Puyang, also received a warning from Baima City. He was about seventy years old, rubbing his white beard under his chin, and meditating.

"Old general, since Cao Cao captured the white horse, I am afraid that Puyang will be his next target. Please give the order, the old general." The deputy general said aloud.

Huang Zhong raised his eyelids slightly, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said, "A mere bandit Cao, why should you be so afraid, with me, Huang Zhong, the bandit Cao would never want to take half a step into Puyang."

"Come on, bring my sword, I want Cao Cao to come and go!" Taking his sword, Huang Zhong waved it a few times symbolically, and suddenly he was full of vigor and majesty.

Immediately, Huang Zhong led his generals and [-] defenders in Puyang City, of which [-] were reinforcements sent by Liu Ke to Huang Zhong, boarded the top of the city, and waited quietly for the arrival of Cao Cao's army.

Of course, although Huang Zhong is proud, he is not arrogant. After learning of Cao Cao's attack, he immediately sent someone to report to Liu Ke.

After waiting for about half a stick of incense, outside Puyang City, smoke and dust rose everywhere, and the sound of weapons rubbing against armor resounded through the sky.

"Hehe, the Cao thief is here." All the generals on the top of the city looked worried, but Huang Zhong was not in a hurry, but smiled instead.It was a yearning and excitement for the battlefield.

Cao Cao reined in his horse three miles away from Puyang City, looked up at Huang Zhong on the top of the city, and said with a smile, "Old General Huang, you are quite old, why bother working hard all day in the battlefield, why don't you go home and farm the land?" .”

Hearing Cao Cao's mocking words, Huang Zhong couldn't help laughing, "Hahaha, Cao Cao, even if the old man is dying, I can still cut off your head!"

"Bold!" Xiahou Dun was furious when he heard the words, and pointed at Huang Zhong's nose and cursed; "The old man with a bright head and beard, can he still eat?"

The smile on Huang Zhong's face became more and more intense, and he said with a smile, "This old man eats three bowls a day, including cattle, sheep, pigs and dogs! How dare you talk to your grandpa Huang Zhong like this, you young child!"

"You!" Xia Houdun was speechless for a moment. Although he was younger than Huang Zhong, he was still in his thirties and forties. How could he not be angry when he was scolded as a baby.

Xiahou Dun said, "Old man, do you dare to go out of the city to fight?"

"Why don't you dare!" After Huang Zhong finished speaking, he went directly down to the top of the city, and rushed out one by one with one rider and one sword. Facing Cao Cao's [-] troops, he did not show the slightest timidity.

Cao Cao couldn't help but praised; "What a veteran Huang Zhong, just being so courageous is enough to make the world admire."

Sima Yi, however, looked worriedly at Xiahou Dun who was in a group with Huang Zhongzhan, and said, "King Wei, it's better for General Xiahou to come back. We can just attack the city directly, and we don't need a general."

"Why, Zhong Da thinks Yuan Rang is not an old man's opponent?" Cao Cao was a little dissatisfied.

"This..." Sima Yi was at a loss for words, he couldn't tell Cao Cao bluntly that Huang Zhongzhi's bravery was indeed not something Xiahou Dun could handle.

That said, it would undoubtedly save Cao Cao's face, unless Sima Yi wanted to court death.

Stepping aside, Sima Yi stared at the battlefield between Huang Zhong and Xiahou Dun without blinking. His keen observation made him realize that Xiahou Dun was a little out of date.

On the other hand, Huang Zhong's swordsmanship is sharp, and he doesn't feel old at all. Those who don't know think it is a strong man in his twenties.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Ding Ding Ding!"

When the weapons collided, sparks were scattered everywhere, Xiahou Dun's face was flushed, and he struggled to resist Huang Zhong's fierce attacks every time.

"No, father is in danger." Xia Houlian realized something was wrong, and before Cao Cao could speak, he rushed out of the formation and blocked Huang Zhong's fatal blow for Xiahou Dun.

With Xiahoulian's assistance, Xiahoudun can finally breathe a sigh of relief. Huang Zhong's offensive is like the endless river, which makes people unable to breathe.

However, even if Xiahou and his son went into battle together, they were not Huang Zhong's opponents at all. Xiahou Dun and Xiahou Lian retreated steadily while slashing with swords.

"Damn it, Mr. Huang Zhong, I'll fight you!" Cao Cao's third son, Cao Zhang, couldn't stand it any longer.

Above Puyang City, Huang Zhong's lieutenant general saw this scene and couldn't help cursing; "Shameless thief Cao, old general Huang is about [-] years old, and they still bully the young with more."

After scolding, the lieutenant seemed to be out of the city to help, but suddenly saw Huang Zhong yelled, knocked back the three generals with a single knife, and laughed loudly: "Haha, Cao Cao, is this your general? Three people go up together, and none of them are old men." All-in-one enemy!"

Hearing this, Cao Cao's subordinates Xia Houchong, Xia Houmao, and Xia Houshang were all furious, and were about to rush out to besiege Huang Zhong, but Cao Cao shouted, "Don't you feel ashamed enough! Send them all back!"

Sima Yi watched from the side, but shook his head helplessly.The reason why he persuaded Cao Cao not to fight Huang Zhong was because he knew that Huang Zhong's bravery was not something Cao Cao's generals could deal with.

Forcibly fighting generals is just asking for humiliation, and it will even boost the enemy's momentum.

Sure enough, after the three of Xiahoudun retreated, Huang Zhong said loudly, "It's just a fool's dream to have such a mob try to cross the thunder pond!"

After hearing Huang Zhong's words, the defenders in Puyang City were excited, and they all shouted: "The general is mighty, Cao's army is defeated!"

"The general is mighty, Cao's army is defeated!"

It was fine if Huang Zhong didn't say it, but when he said it like this, Cao Cao became dizzy with rage, and felt that there were tens of thousands of ants eating his brain, and his headache was about to split!

"King Wei! King Wei!" Sima Yi, who was beside him, noticed something wrong with Cao Cao's expression, so he hurried forward and asked with concern.

Cao Cao glanced at Sima Yi, and said in a low voice, "Zhongda, I've lost my temper again, don't say anything, let Yuan Rang attack the city immediately!"

Sima Yi understood, and immediately said loudly, "Wei Wang has an order to attack the city!"

After speaking, Sima Yi quietly helped Cao Cao leave the front line and went down to rest.

As for the siege of the city, Xiahou Dun took full power to preside over it. Under his command, the [-] Cao troops began to carry ladders and push carts, and launched a fierce attack on Puyang.

Huang Zhong returned to the city and ordered the soldiers to pour all the garrison objects such as kerosene, rolling logs, and falling stones on the heads of Cao Jun.

There are countless people who were burnt to death and smashed to death. No matter how madly Cao Jun attacked the city, Puyang was as immovable as a mountain. Huang Zhong was like a sea-fixing needle. With him, he could always repel Cao Jun time and time again.

At the moment when Puyang was in full swing, Liu Ke of Xinzheng also received news from Huang Zhong, and immediately summoned Zhuge Liang, Guo Jia, and Pang Tong, three important advisers.

"Cao Cao really took a detour to Hancheng and went to Ji County. He has conquered Baima and Baimajin, and is attacking Puyang. What do you think?" Liu Ke asked straight to the point.

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