Zhuge Liang and the three of them pondered for a while, then they all revealed a sinister smile, and said at the same time; "There is a fire in the backyard, and it will destroy itself without attack!"

"Huh?" Liu Ke glanced at the three of them suspiciously and asked, "What do you mean?"

Guo Jia stood up and explained; "Your Majesty, although Cao Cao's surprise attack on Yanzhou was a good idea, he ignored the serious problems behind him."

"Serious problem?" Liu Ke muttered a few words, then suddenly realized; "Could it be that what Feng Xiao said was about the Zen position?"

Guo Jia nodded slightly and said, "Your Majesty, think about it. After the Son of Heaven proposed the Zen position, who else would be the most excited except Cao Cao's sons? But although they were excited, they couldn't take any action."

Zhuge Liang also said: "That's right, with Cao Cao around, his sons don't have any thoughts about the throne. Power makes people crazy. Liang believes that they will be happy to see Cao Cao in trouble."

Pang Tong said: "Kong Ming, what Feng Xiao said is reasonable. So, my lord, I think that my lord can immediately order Zhao Yun in Jizhou to attack Baimajin, while we will pass through Chenliu from Sishui Pass and besiege Cao Cao in Baima."

Liu Ke understood what Zhuge Liang and the others meant, and said with a smile; "Understood, you want to trap Cao Cao and then spread the news to Luoyang. Vitality, so they fight for the throne."

"The king is wise." Zhuge Liang and the three said in unison.

"It's not Gu Yingming, it's because you guys are too insidious. I thought that only Jia Wenhe could come up with such a poisonous scheme, but I didn't expect you guys to be just as dark." Liu Ke couldn't help joking about them.

Zhuge Liang and Guo Jia smiled and said nothing, a little embarrassed, but Pang Tong didn't take it seriously, and said with a smile; "The king praised it absurdly. Those who use soldiers should use all means to use tricks to the extreme. That's the best way. Obsessive way."

Liu Ke said, "I agree with Shi Yuan."

After saying that, Liu Ke called for the messenger again, and said, "The Gu order is ordered to lead Lu Bu Dianwei to lead an army of [-] troops north to Chenliu. Then Zhao Yun from Jizhou sends troops to Baimajin. There must be no mistake."

"Promise!" After the messenger left, Liu Ke turned around and picked up the sword on the shelf, and said softly; "Cao Cao, this time, let the lonely person meet you."

Zhuge Liang and the others couldn't help being startled when they heard Liu Ke's words. Zhuge Liang hurriedly asked, "Does Your Majesty want to lead the troops northward in person?"


Guo Jia and Pang Tong hurriedly persuaded, "Your Majesty, you can't, your Majesty is a man of gold, how can you move lightly?"

Liu Ke waved his hands and said with a smile: "You worry too much. Gu is not a three-year-old child. If you can protect yourself, you don't need to persuade him anymore. Gu's will has been decided."

Seeing this, the three of Zhuge Liang had no choice but to swallow what they originally wanted to say.

"By the way, Shi Yuan went to the north with Gu Bei, and Kong Ming and Feng Xiao will be responsible for the battle in Luoyang." Liu Ke added.

"Follow the king's order." The three bowed.

Afterwards, Liu Ke gathered an army of one hundred thousand and personally led generals Lu Bu, Dian Wei, and counselor Pang Tong to go north to Chenliu, and went straight to Chen Qun's Cao Cao.

Zhao Yun, who was in Jizhou, also received Liu Ke's order. He also gathered [-] soldiers and horses, and with Jia Xu as his military adviser, he rushed to Baimajin.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Wu Qun, Haiyan County.

The banner of King Liu Ke of Chu was cut off and replaced with a banner belonging to Sun Ce, King of Xiangyang.

Cheng Pu and Sun Yi stood on the ground full of corpses, both smiling.After they captured the three counties of Qiantang, they followed Qiantang's pipeline and attacked Haiyan County. After three days of fierce attack, Haiyan County fell unfortunately.

Sun Yi wiped the blood from his face, and smiled at Cheng Pu, "Demou, should we go play Qu'a next?"

Hearing this, Cheng Pu shook his head and said, "No, Shubi, although Qu'a is not far from Haiyan, it doesn't make much sense to attack Qu'a. I think we should go to fight Wucheng."

"Attack Wucheng?" Sun Yi was a little puzzled.

Cheng Pu explained: "Uncle Bi, think about it, after we capture Wucheng, we can march straight into Yangxian. After Yangxian passes, we will be Piling, and Liu Ke's hometown Jianye borders Piling!"

Sun Yi suddenly realized, and said with a smile; "I understand, Demou wants to take down Liu Ke's lair."

"Exactly, Uncle Bi, think about it, Jianye is Liu Ke's lair, and his wife and children are all in Jianye. If Jianye falls, Liu Ke might become crazy!" Cheng Pu said.

"Okay, then we'll go play Wu Cheng." Sun Yi agreed without hesitation, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

Afterwards, Cheng Pu and Sun Yi organized their troops in Haiyan, and then led the army to kill Wu Cheng.

The name of Wucheng's guard is Chen Yu, who is a relative of Chen Wu. Because of Chen Wu's status as the prefect of Wu Qun, he took the position of Wucheng's guard.

However, Chen Yu is a cowardly character, greedy for life and afraid of death, has a lot of bad habits, lusts for money, and loves drinking and drinking.Ever since he became the guard of Wucheng, he has often bullied the local people.

At this moment, Chen Yu is eating delicious food, drinking fine wine, and holding a beautiful woman in the government office, feeling very uncomfortable.

Suddenly, a sergeant rushed in in a panic.

"Why are you panicking? Is it okay? This general will kill you!" Chen Yu, who was in love with the beauty in his arms, was furious when he was disturbed by the sergeant.

The sergeant hurriedly knelt on the ground and begged for mercy, "General, please forgive me. The little one has something to report."

Chen Yu extinguished his anger a little, and said, "Speak up if you have something to say, and let go of farts if you have something to say."

"Yes, yes." The sergeant organized his words and said; "Report to the general, Wucheng County has been surrounded by Jingzhou Army."

"If you're surrounded, you're surrounded. What are you in a hurry for?" Chen Yu reacted as soon as he said that, subconsciously swallowed his saliva, looked at the sergeant, and asked again; "What did you say, Jingzhou Army?"

The sergeant nodded and said, "Yes, general, there are Jingzhou troops outside the city. They also threatened that if they don't surrender, the whole city will be slaughtered the day the city is destroyed."

"Ah!" Chen Yu screamed strangely, his body trembled for a while, and after taking a few deep breaths, Chen Yu barely stood up, and with the help of his subordinates, he changed into his armor, put on his saber, and headed towards Wucheng City head on.

Outside the city, Sun Yi looked at Cheng Pu and asked, "Demou, why didn't you attack the city directly?"

Cheng Pu smiled and said, "Uncle Bi doesn't know, this Wu Cheng's guard is named Chen Yu, he is a relative of Wu Qun's prefect Chen Wu, but compared to Chen Wu, this Chen Yu is nothing but a waste. "

"If that's the case, why is Demou still standing still?" Sun Yi asked again.

Cheng Pu said: "Because of this, Chen Yu must be greedy for life and afraid of death. As long as we make a few threats and supplement them with lures, Chen Yu will definitely surrender."

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