Suddenly, Sun Yi said, "So that's the case, hey, that guy named Chen Yu seems to have come out."

During the second speech, Chen Yu had already arrived at the top of Wucheng City. He first looked down the city, and saw that it was like a sergeant's report, surrounded by Jingzhou army queens, and Chen Yu's heart was in his throat.

At this time, Cheng Pu said, "The person on the city should be General Chen Yu. I am Cheng Pu, a general under the King of Xiangyang. As long as he is willing to open the city and surrender, I will protect you from death, and even give you endless enjoyment." glory and wealth."

As soon as Chen Yu heard it, hope was ignited in his eyes, and he hurriedly looked at Cheng Pu and asked, "General Cheng Pu, do you really mean what you say?"

Cheng Pu and Sun Yi looked at each other, thinking there was something to be done, and immediately said to Chen Yu: "General Chen, don't worry, it will be hard to chase after what you say, as long as you surrender, I will protect your glory and wealth!"

With Cheng Pu's guarantee, Chen Yu was completely moved. After all, if he didn't surrender, he would surely die, but if he surrendered, he would still be rich and wealthy for half his life, so why not do it.

Immediately, Chen Yu hurriedly said: "General Cheng Pu, I am willing to surrender to the King of Xiangyang, and I will open the city and let you in."

With a creak, the city gate of Wucheng County slowly opened, and Chen Yu ran to Cheng Pu and Sun Yi in a flattering manner, flattering him and said, "You two generals, I am willing to surrender, that, what you promised earlier , can it still count?"

Sun Yi didn't speak, and looked a little disgusted by people like Chen Yu, but Cheng Pu still said to Chen Yu gently; "Of course it counts, but we still need the help of General Chen Yu."

"Help? What help?" Chen Yu was a little confused.

Cheng Pu explained; "How about helping us trick the gates of Wuqun's counties one by one?"

Chen Yu thought to himself, since he had surrendered anyway, he might as well not do anything, and immediately agreed to Cheng Pu's request.

Cheng Pu smiled very satisfied, and led the army into Wucheng County.

At this time, Sun Quan, who was far away in Xiangyang, was anxious like an ant on a hot pot. Zhang Liao Gaoshun suddenly appeared in Fancheng and killed the defender of Fancheng Jiang Qin. At present, he has conquered Xinye and other seven counties, and the entire Nanyang The group was almost beaten down by Zhang Liao.

Rubbing his brows, Sun Quan's face was quite ugly. Jingzhou currently has [-] troops, but the barracks are relatively scattered, and it will take some time to gather them.

"Report to Second Young Master, General Ling Cao is asking to see you."

"Let him in." Sun Quan waved his hand.

Soon, Ling Cao came in dressed in military uniform, and begged for orders as soon as he saw Sun Quan; "The last general asked the second son to order the last general to lead the troops to fight Zhang Liao."

Sun Quan motioned Ling Cao to calm down, and said, "General Ling's heart, I understand, but Zhang Liao has already captured the seven counties of Xinye, and they are connected to Fancheng. It is easy to defend but difficult to attack, so don't act rashly."

Ling Cao argued, "Second Young Master, you can't watch Zhang Liao and Gao Shun make trouble in Jingzhou."

"I didn't say no, it's just a question of how to manage it. General Ling, don't worry. Soldiers are important national affairs, and you must not make hasty decisions. How about giving me a day to make a conclusion?" Sun Quan asked.

Ling Cao pursed his lips and said, "Okay, I will ask Second Young Master to make a decision as soon as possible."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After Ling Cao left, Sun Quan held his hands behind his back and frowned. He was only a weaker year, but he shouldered the important task of guarding the rear for his elder brother Sun Ce.

If it was someone else, I'm afraid they would have panicked and slammed into each other like headless chickens.But Sun Quan didn't. Although his heart was full of worries, he didn't feel flustered or impatient.

Familiar with military books, he carefully considered the stakes in it. A soldier is a major event, and every move affects his whole body. Now that Zhang Liao Gaoshun has captured the seven counties, the crisis in Jingzhou is imminent.

Sun Quan closed his eyes slightly and murmured in a low voice.

"Although Zhang Liao Gaoshun's army is strong, but fortunately there are not many people, it is obviously impossible to really take action, but if they are left in the Fancheng area, it will be a time bomb that will detonate at an unknown time .”

"However, if we send troops to exterminate them, in case something happens again, Jingzhou's troops will be scattered, and we may lose the rear."

As time passed bit by bit, Sun Quan still didn't think of a complete strategy. He was helpless and finally decided to let Ling Cao lead the army to deal with Zhang Liao Gao Shun.

Sun Quan thought to himself, Ling Cao is also a veteran general who has experienced many battles, even if Zhang Liao and Gao Shun cannot be wiped out, he will be able to expel them.

With this in mind, Sun Quan asked Ling Cao to be brought back, and at the same time ordered Ling Tong, and Dong Xi also came to see him.

The three people who received Sun Quan's order immediately put down what they were doing and came to see Sun Quan in a hurry.

Looking at the three generals in front of him, Sun Quan said, "Three generals, I have already decided to send troops to attack Zhang Liao Gaoshun. However, the three generals must remember that if they fail to do something, they will immediately withdraw to Xiangyang and do not love to fight with them."

However, regarding Sun Quan's instructions, the three of them seemed a little careless, especially Ling Cao, who laughed and said, "Don't worry, Second Young Master, the general will be able to take off Zhang Liao Gaoshun's head in the end and present it to Second Young Master."

"It's best like this, but..." Sun Quan wanted to say something more, but after seeing Ling Cao's expression, he stopped talking.He knew Ling Cao's temperament and what he believed in, no matter what others said, he would not listen.

Instead of talking too much and annoying Ling Cao, it's better to let him go.

With a wry smile, Sun Quan turned around and took the tiger talisman on the table, handed it to Ling Cao, and said, "For this campaign, General Ling will be the commander in chief, leading an army of [-] troops, and Ling Tong and Dong Xi will be the deputy generals to assist in the battle. There must be no mistakes. "

"No!" The three generals said in unison.

After receiving the Tiger Talisman, Ling Cao left impatiently with Ling Tong and Dong Xi.

After using the Tiger Talisman to gather [-] soldiers of the Jingzhou Army, they quickly rushed to the direction of Fancheng. The first to bear the brunt was Rang County, which was located on the right side of Fancheng.

But Jingzhou's large-scale deployment of troops naturally couldn't be hidden from the eyes and ears sent by Zhang Liao, and the news of Ling Cao's attack quickly reached Zhang Liao Gaoshun's ears.

Gao Shun frowned and said, "Wen Yuan, Ling Cao has led a hundred thousand troops to attack. I'm worried that we won't be able to stop his attack."

Zhang Liao, however, took his time and said with a smile, "General Gao is worrying too much, I have already made preparations, as long as Sun Quan sends troops to try to take back the Fancheng area, I will definitely give him a head-on blow!"

"Oh? What's Wenyuan's plan?" Gao Shun looked curiously at the confident Zhang Liao.

Zhang Liao pointed to the location of Rang County on the map and said, "Look, General Gao, Rang County is located on the right side of Fancheng, and Xinye is on the left side. In this area, there are many mountains, forests and vegetation. It is now in late autumn and the sky is high. Refreshing, fire attack is the best."

Gao Shun realized something, and asked, "Wen Yuan wanted to set fire to kill the enemy when Ling Cao and the others attacked Rang County?"

"Yeah, but it's not complete." Zhang Liao smiled inscrutablely.

"Wen Yuan, don't be a fool, explain quickly." Gao Shun said anxiously.

Immediately, Zhang Liao stopped hiding and told Gao Shun his plans one by one.

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