"General Gao, in front of Rang County there is a mountain called Yushan, which can be used to ambush elite soldiers and strong generals, and behind the mountain is a hilly forest with lush vegetation, which can be set on fire at any point."

"When Ling Cao invaded Rang County, he would inevitably raise mountains and forests. At that time, General Gao would lead his camp to ambush on Yushan. When the Jingzhou army arrived, he would shoot the enemy with arrows and drive them all into the hills and forests. .”

"Once Ling Cao leads the army into the hill forest, I will order the army to set fire to it. When the fire starts in the forest, Ling Cao's army will inevitably become confused and defeated. If I lead the cavalry out again, Ling Cao will definitely be defeated!"

After Gao Shun heard this, he couldn't help laughing, and said, "Wen Yuan is a true Confucian general, so he planned it like this. It's really amazing. When Ling Cao meets an opponent like Wen Yuan, it can only be said that he is too unlucky."

Zhang Liao waved his hand and said, "General Gao is too famous, but it's just a mere trick, and he won't be able to enter the hall of elegance. Let's lead the army to Rang County as soon as possible to lay an ambush, and wait for Ling Cao to enter the urn."

Gao Shun nodded, and then, the two rushed to Rang County with [-] cavalry and [-] camp soldiers to ambush, waiting for Ling Cao to come.

An invisible net has been set up for Ling Cao, and he only needs to jump into the net and return home in defeat.

At this time, Ling Cao was leading an army of [-] slowly towards Rang County, and had already reached Yushan.

Ling Cao assigned half of his soldiers to clear the way for the front team, while the rest of the army stayed behind to transport food and supplies.

Riding on the horse, Ling Cao looked up and saw the outline of a mountain in front of him, so he called the guide and asked, "Where is the front and when will we reach Rang County?"

The guide replied: "General, the name of the front is Yushan. After passing Yushan, you will arrive at Rang County after passing through Qiulin."

Hearing this, Ling Cao nodded slightly, and urged, "The army hastened, we must arrive at Rang County tonight, the general will take back the Fancheng area in one fell swoop, and personally take the head of Zhang Liao Gaoshun and present it to Second Young Master and Your Majesty!"

After saying that, the army continued to move forward at a fast pace. As they were walking, Ling Tong, the son of Ling Cao, hurriedly patted his horse and rushed to Ling Cao, saying, "Father, Yushan is narrow on both sides, and it is a place for ambush. If you rush into , I am afraid there will be an ambush."

Ling Cao looked at Ling Tong, frowned slightly, and asked, "My son, what do you think should be done?"

Ling Tong thought for a while and said, "Father, in my opinion, we should first send scouts into the mountains to investigate. If no ambush is found, we can move on."

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Ling Cao shook his head and directly vetoed it: "No, I told you that I would arrive at Rang County tonight. It is expected that Zhang Liao Gaoshun would not think of setting up an ambush in Yushan."

After finishing speaking, Ling Cao was about to urge the army to move forward. Ling Tong's expression became tense, and he said anxiously, "Father, if there is an ambush army in the mountains, our army will be in danger. Father, please be careful and focus on the overall situation." , can’t be quick for a while.”

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Bold!" Ling Cao was furious when he heard the words, and pointed at Ling Tong's nose and scolded; "You Lizi, how dare you talk to your father like this, back down quickly, or you will be dealt with by military law!"

Ling Tong's face turned red, and he wanted to persuade him again, but Dong Xi, who came over after hearing the sound, grabbed him and forcibly took him down.

Seeing his father kept advising himself, greedy for merit, Ling Tong couldn't help feeling anxious, and said to Dong Xi: "Yuan Dai, what are you doing! Why are you pulling me away? Father will suffer a lot if he enters Yushan rashly. "

Dong Xi smiled wryly, "Gongji, even if you and I understand it in our hearts, what can we do? Old General Ling won't listen. If you continue to fight with him, it will only lead to discord in the army, and it will only add to trouble."

After hearing Dong Xi's words, Ling Tong calmed down a bit, sighed, and said, "Hey, I understand Yuan Dai's kind intentions, but he is my father, so I can't watch him jump into the pit."

Patting Ling Tong on the shoulder, Dong Xi comforted him and said, "Gongji, don't worry too much. After all, whether there is an ambush in Yushan or not, even if there is, what you should think about now is how to help Old General Ling." Get through the next crisis."

Ling Tong nodded and said, "You're talking about Yuan Dai. I'll go to guard my father right away, and trouble Yuan Dai to keep the rear army in check and protect the supplies."

Dong Xi smiled and said, "Don't worry, with me, Dong Xi, the food and supplies will be fine."

"Okay." Immediately, Ling Tong returned to Ling Cao's side, but this time he didn't say a word, just carefully observing the changes in the surrounding environment.

The army of one hundred thousand marched slowly, and gradually, they all entered Yushan Mountain. Between the narrow mountain roads, the cold mountain wind blew on people's faces, like a sharp knife, which was very uncomfortable. .

At this time, the sky was getting late. Although it was not completely dark, the sun had already set in the west, and there was only a dim light left in the sky and the earth.

Ling Cao looked up at the sky and shouted, "Hurry up, don't procrastinate!"

Under the urging of the military order, the [-] troops couldn't help speeding up their pace again. Although they were already very tired, the military order was like a mountain. If they didn't obey the order, they would die.

In the middle of the night, the army marched against each other, and the limelight was like a knife, and the face was like a cut!Maybe it's the scene in front of me.

Ling Tong, who was following Ling Cao, kept scanning the two mountain walls, his eyelids fluttered non-stop, and there was always an ominous premonition lingering in his heart.

On the mountain wall, Gao Shun carefully poked his head out to check the situation below. After seeing that Ling Cao's army had all entered Yushan, he showed a cold smile.

"Sure enough, as Wen Yuan expected, Ling Cao really led the army through Yushan. Ling Cao, Ling Cao, since you are about to enter the urn, it's time to enjoy the feast we carefully prepared for you!"

Gao Shun waved his hand, and suddenly, groups of soldiers from the trapped camp suddenly appeared on the two mountain walls. Some of them raised their bows and arrows, some held up falling rocks, and some supported rolling logs.

As long as Gao Shun gave an order, the arrows, falling rocks, and rolling logs would surely cause heavy losses to Ling Cao's army.

Gao Shun's eyes narrowed slightly, he looked at the right moment, and shouted loudly, "Do it!"

In an instant, arrows rained down all over the sky, rocks and trees fell from the sky, and one hundred thousand Jingzhou soldiers were killed before they even reacted to this unexpected surprise attack.


"Help me~"


Painful wailing sounds, one after another, resounded throughout the valley. Some soldiers were pierced by thousands of arrows, some were hit on the head by falling rocks, and their brains burst, and some were hit by rolling logs and turned into flesh. mud!

All kinds of grievances and ways of death are constantly being staged in Yushan. Ling Cao looked at the scene in front of him and was completely stunned. He couldn't believe that someone was actually ambushing in Yushan.

And because of Ling Cao's momentary loss of focus, one of the arrows flying all over the sky hit Ling Cao's left shoulder. The severe pain woke him up from his trance.

Seeing this, Ling Tong hurriedly stood in front of Ling Cao, waved his weapon to block the incoming arrows, and shouted at Ling Cao, "Father, go, I'll kill the queen!"

Ling Cao covered the arrow wound on his shoulder, and said hesitantly, "Gongji, how can my father leave you alone."

"Father, with your words, the child will be satisfied. Hurry up and leave Yushan with the army. If you don't leave, the [-] army will be wiped out sooner or later!" Ling Tong turned his head, looked at Ling Cao, and said .

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Ling Cao gritted his teeth, and immediately led the Jingzhou soldiers who were lucky enough to survive to leave the Yushan Valley and head for the nearest hills and forests.

When Dong Xihu left the Yu Valley with the last Jingzhou soldier, he shouted to Ling Tong: "Gongji, let's go!"

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