Hearing this, Ling Tong hastily followed Dong Xi and left.

On the mountain wall of Yushan, Gao Shun looked at the fleeing Jingzhou army and said with a sneer, "Run, you won't run far, the real feast is yet to come!"


When Ling Cao and his entourage fled to Qiulin, the sky had completely darkened. The sky was covered with dense clouds, and the moonlight and stars could not be seen.

The soldiers of Jingzhou, who had just experienced a big defeat, all tightened their clothes, trying to drive away the chill of the night, and many even stared nervously at their surroundings, for fear of another ambush.

They are like the frightened birds, jittery and frightened.

"The whole army stops to rest for the time being, and we will go later." After Ling Cao gave the order, he got off his horse, leaned against a big tree, and panted heavily.

Seeing this, Dong Xilingtong, who was chasing after him, quickly got off his horse and came to Ling Cao's side to check his injuries.

"Father, are you okay?" Ling Tong asked with concern.

Ling Cao opened his tired eyes and saw that Ling Tong was safe and sound. He smiled comfortably and said, "My son, it's good that you are fine. I blame me for being greedy for success and not listening to your advice, which led to today's big defeat. I am more suitable to be the coach of the first army."

After saying that, Ling Cao made a sudden move, grabbed the arrow on his shoulder and pulled it out. The severe pain made Ling Cao couldn't help crying out, "Ah!"

"Father!" Ling Tong's eyes turned red when he saw Ling Cao's pained expression.

Exhaling a few rough breaths, Ling Cao laughed and said, "Why is my son crying? The man stands on the ground, it's just a superficial pain, and he can't die! As the commander of the first army, what's the matter with an arrow stuck in my shoulder. "

Dong Xi at the side glanced at Ling Cao in admiration. Maybe he didn't have amazing literary and martial arts skills, but his courage is not something ordinary people can have.

Dong Xi tore off a piece of white cloth from his own clothes and said, "Old General Ling, let Mo bandage your wound."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Ling Cao nodded silently, allowing Dong Xi to bandage himself.Dong Xi had learned the art of marching medicine, so he was also handy in bandaging wounds, and he quickly healed the arrow wound on Ling Cao's shoulder.

Trying to wave his arm, although Ling Cao still felt some faint pain, it was already much better.

Standing up slowly, Ling Cao said, "Okay, my injuries are no longer serious, Gongji, Yuan Dynasty, you two arrange for the army to stay here temporarily, and wait until tomorrow morning before marching."

Dong Xi took the order and was about to go down to make arrangements, but Ling Tong said, "Father, I see the environment here is narrow, and there are vegetation and jungles everywhere, and there are mountains and rivers pressing against it, so it's not a place to camp."

Hearing this, Ling Cao frowned slightly. If it was normal, he would definitely not pay attention to Ling Tong's words, but after experiencing Yushan's ambush, he recognized Ling Tong's words a little more, and he no longer dared to ignore them easily.

Immediately asked; "Then what do you think we should do now?"

Ling Tong thought for a while and said, "Father, in my opinion, we should march immediately and set up camp after arriving in Rang County. Only in this way can we be safe."

"This..." Although Ling Cao agreed with Ling Tong's words, he looked at the soldiers around him, smiled wryly and shook his head, "Look, Gongji, do you think we can leave now?"

I saw that all the Jingzhou soldiers were downcast, looking sluggish, and fell to the ground one by one, as if they were unwilling to move after being beaten to death, and their morale was extremely low.

Dong Xi leaned into Ling Tong's ear and persuaded, "Gongji, I know you're doing it for safety's sake, but Old General Ling is also thinking about it, look at the soldiers around, they're all like defeated roosters, they don't have the slightest motivation , how to march?"

Ling Tong understands Dong Xi and Ling Cao's considerations, but he also has his own considerations, the environment of Qiulin must not stay for too long, otherwise the enemy will kill them if they fire.

Zhang Liao and Gao Shun were able to ambush in Yushan, so maybe he also had an ambush in Qiulin. It was the autumn moon and Shang Biao was hunting. If there was fire attack, everything would be over.

After thinking about it, Ling Tong said resolutely; "No, father, Yuan Dai, no matter what, you must leave Qiulin as soon as possible, otherwise something serious will happen."

Ling Cao and Dong Xi looked at each other, finally nodded, and agreed to Ling Tong's decision. Under their stern urging, those Jingzhou soldiers who had lost their fighting spirit reluctantly stood up, lazily go ahead.

However, God likes to tease people the most, the more you don't want things to happen to him, the more he will happen to him.

Before the Jingzhou army had gone a few steps, they suddenly saw banners fluttering in the forest, people's heads were moving, and torches were lit up one after another. The bright flames were particularly dazzling in the darkness.

Holding the crescent halberd in his hand, Zhang Liao stared coldly at the horrified Ling Cao.

I just heard him say, "Ling Cao, get off your horse and accept the surrender, I would have spared you, otherwise, next year today will be the day of your death!"

Taking a deep breath, although Ling Cao was terrified in his heart, his arrogance remained undiminished, and he said in a loud voice, "Son Zhang Liao, you invaded our border, yet you still speak so brazenly in front of me, you really don't know how high you are!"

"Hahaha!" Zhang Liao couldn't help laughing as if he had heard a funny joke; "Ling Cao, you are really shameless to the extreme! It was obviously your master's son, Sun Ce, who attacked me, Wang Chaisang, in advance. Who is it? I don’t know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth!”

"It's ridiculous to say that my king ruled Kyushu, and his power shook the world, but Sun Ce is just a mere Xiangyang king, and he dared to offend my king! When my king destroys Cao Cao, Sun Ce will die!"

Hearing that Zhang Liao despised Sun Ce so much, Ling Cao was furious. As a loyal minister who is loyal to the emperor and patriotic, he hates who insults his lord the most. His personality is very similar to Jiang Qin.

Unfortunately, because of this, Jiang Qin's end is also destined to be Ling Cao's end.

Zhang Liao cast a disdainful glance at the furious Ling Cao, and ordered, "Since you don't want to surrender, then go to hell. Come and light the fire!"

As soon as the voice fell, the soldiers holding the torches threw the torches directly on the bushes and grass. In an instant, the fire ignited a prairie fire, and there were big fires in all directions.

Just at this moment, the heavens were beautiful, and the night wind suddenly picked up, and the fire intensified by the wind. In just a moment, the fire spread, and a large number of Jingzhou soldiers were burned by the fire, wailing in pain.

That heart-piercing sound seemed to be the roar of an evil spirit from the Nine Nether Hell.

Under the fire, the Jingzhou people either died from the fire or trampled on each other. For a while, there was a lot of grief!

"Father, go!" Ling Tong wiped off the blackened skin on his face, grabbed Ling Cao's arm, and was about to lead him away from this dangerous place.

But Ling Cao didn't leave, he broke free from Ling Tong's hand, picked up his spear, and shouted, "Zhang Liao, take your life!"

"Father, don't want it!" Seeing this, Ling Tong's eyes were about to burst. Zhang Liao's bravery was well known in the world, and his father was already old, so how could he be Zhang Liao's opponent.

Ling Tong, who was very anxious, patted his horse and chased after him, leaving Dong Xi to stabilize his position and command the soldiers to retreat.

On the other side, Zhang Liao was observing the situation outside the fire circle, but saw Ling Cao's dancer killing him with a spear, he couldn't help but sneered, "Ling Cao, since you want to die, I will fulfill you!"

Facing the menacing Ling Cao, Zhang Liao did not dodge or dodge, and the Crescent Halberd slashed fiercely at the head of Ling Cao's crotch horse.

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