
After hearing a loud noise, the war horse and Ling Cao fell heavily to the ground. The unlucky Ling Cao fell to the arrow wound on his shoulder, and he grinned in pain.

Before he could react, Zhang Liao had already arrived on his horse. He glanced coldly at Ling Cao, who was busy in the world, and Zhang Liao said coldly; , sooner or later you will inevitably die, you should be one step ahead of him!"

After saying that, Zhang Liao swung his crescent halberd, and the sharp halberd blade slashed across Ling Cao's neck. His head and neck fell off and fell to the ground, rolling continuously.

"No! Father!"

In the distance, Ling Tong who came in a hurry just happened to see this scene, roared like crazy, and looked at Zhang Liao with raging fire, it was the most extreme hatred from the bottom of his heart!

"Zhang Liao, pay back my father's life!"

With a loud roar, Ling Tong went straight to Zhang Liao, to which Zhang Liao just sneered.After easily receiving all Ling Tong's attacks, he smiled and said, "Ling Tong, your father is not my all-in-one enemy, and neither are you!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In Jiaozhou, Gan Ning led an army of [-] to the city of Jufeng.

As the city gate slowly opened, Ding Feng came out with a smile on his face, and said with a smile, "Why is Xingba here? Could it be that Lord Inspector has some orders?"

Gan Ning stepped forward and said with a smile, "Cheng Yuan deserves to be Cheng Yuan, he guessed right."

"Oh? Then I don't know what the governor ordered, Ding Feng will do his best." Ding Feng stared at Gan Ning like a curious baby.

However, Gan Ning played tricks at this moment and said, "Cheng Yuan is always smart, you might as well guess, if you guess right, it will be to your advantage."

Ding Feng narrowed his eyes, he didn't intend to bother to guess at first, but after hearing Gan Ning's good news, he couldn't help being interested, and after thinking for a while, he asked tentatively; "Could it be that Lord Inspector is going to fight with your feet?" ?”

Gan Ning was taken aback when he heard the words, and muttered, "What a pity, you really guessed it right."

Seeing this, Ding Feng smiled slightly and said, "Xingba, since I guessed it right, I wonder what is the benefit of what you said?"

"Huh!" Gan Ning snorted angrily, and said reluctantly; "Forget it, this time leading the battle, I will let you be the main general and I will be the deputy general."

Ding Feng was very happy and said, "Okay, a gentleman's words are hard to follow, and Xingba don't go back on his word!" In fact, Ding Feng didn't care how precious the benefits Gan Ning gave, he also knew that Gan Ning would not take gold and silver Treasures come at stake.

The only thing that Gan Ning can use as a bet is the command of the first army.The two of them served as generals under Chen Gong's tent, but there was no distinction between them, so every time they fought, the two had to fight for the right to command for a long time.

Now Ding Feng has obtained the command of the army without any effort, he should be very happy.

Afterwards, Gan Ning, depressed, told Ding Feng all about Chen Gong's plan.

After listening, Ding Feng nodded and said, "It seems that Lord Inspector wants us to take advantage of Liu Bei's attack on Yulin and Hepu to regain the lost land of Jiaozhi, and to relieve the pressure on Yulin and Hepu by encircling Wei and saving Zhao."

"That's right." Gan Ning nodded.

"Okay! It shouldn't be too late. I'm going to gather [-] horses, plus the [-] horses that Xingba brought with you, to form an army of [-]. We'll take down Zhu Ji first."

After Ding Feng finished speaking, he immediately went down to prepare.His work efficiency is very high. In less than an hour, [-] troops were neatly assembled on the school grounds. After Gan Ning saw it, he couldn't help but praise him.

"Cheng Yuan, I am convinced. It seems that it is indeed more suitable for you to be the chief general than me. At least in terms of managing the army, I am indeed inferior to you."

To Gan Ning's praise, Ding Feng was neither arrogant nor impetuous, and treated it with a normal heart.

After everything was ready, Ding Feng and Gan Ning set out with an army of [-]. Their first target was the Zhuji located at the upper right in front of Longbian.

Zhuji City was guarded by a general named Fu Xun. After Liu Bei led his troops to attack Hepu, he left him to lead [-] soldiers to garrison at Zhuji City to guard against Chen Gong. However, he did not expect that today, Ding Feng and Gan Ning led an army to really kill them. coming.

Standing on the top of Zhuji City, Fu Xun looked at Ding Fengganning below, and shouted, "Come and stop, if you dare to advance half a step, you will be killed!"

With that said, Fu Xun signaled to the defenders of the city to string up their arrows, and if Ding Feng and the others made any changes, they would shoot them immediately!

The hot-tempered Gan Ning was furious when he heard Fu Xun's words, and cursed: "Thief, Zhu Ji was originally my king's territory, and was attacked by Liu Bei, and now this Zhu Ji has become your home field! What is it?" reason!"

Hearing the words, Fu Xun saw nothing in the ancient well, and said calmly; "The winner is the king, and the enemy is defeated. Now, Zhu Ji belongs to my lord, the King of Hanzhong. You should leave quickly, so as not to lose your life."

"You!" Gan Ning wanted to scold him again, but Ding Feng quietly grabbed him and said to him, "Xingba calm down, let's pretend to retreat first, so as to catch him off guard."

"Good idea, let's do it like this. After defeating Zhuji, I will cut off the head of that guard and use it as a chamber pot!" Gan Ning said angrily.

Immediately, he pretended to retreat with Ding Feng, and Fu Xun, who was on Zhujicheng's head, heaved a sigh of relief when he saw this.From his observations, there are at least [-] troops outside the city, and there are only [-] in his own city, which is impossible to defend.

Fortunately, Ding Feng and the others had withdrawn by themselves, and had no plans to attack the city.

But in the next second, Ding Feng, who had already retreated, suddenly had a murderous look in his eyes, picked up the longbow hanging on the horse, and with full force, the bow was drawn to the full moon, and he shot an arrow at Fu Xun.


The arrow pierced through the air, and Fu Xin's pupils shrank sharply. He wanted to dodge to avoid it, but found that the arrow had already come close, and it was already inevitable.

With a wry smile, Fu Xun knew that he was destined to die, so he simply closed his eyes and wailed, "Your Majesty, you will be incompetent in the end, go away!"

With a puff, the arrow pierced directly through Fu Xun's forehead, taking his life almost instantly, and with a plop, Fu Xun fell on the Zhuji city wall.

"General! General!"

Seeing this sudden scene, the defenders around didn't react for a long time. After reacting, they found that Fu Xun had already returned to the underworld, and he couldn't die anymore.

Outside the city, Ding Feng put away his bow and arrow, and smiled at Gan Ning, "Let's go Xingba, I believe that once Fu Xun dies, the defenders of Zhuji City will no longer make unnecessary resistance."

Gan Ning stared dumbfounded at Ding Feng, who was talking and laughing happily, and couldn't help giving him a thumbs up, sincerely admiring; "Cheng Yuan, I heard people say that your arrow skills are good, but I still don't believe it. I saw you today. Gan Ning admires it!"

Ding Feng waved his hand and said, "Xingba is absurd, my archery skills are not even in the top ten among the generals under the king."

"Impossible!" Gan Ning said in disbelief; "Cheng Yuan, your arrow technique is enough to be called a hundred-step piercing. If you can't even rank in the top ten, then what a terrifying arrow technique is in the top ten."

Ding Feng smiled wryly, and said, "Don't believe Xingba, just General Lu Bu and General Huang Zhong are enough to shame all archery practitioners in the world."

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