Hearing Ding Feng mention Lv Bu, Gan Ning stopped talking, he had seen Lv Bu's power with his own eyes.

Immediately, the two commanded the army to return to Zhuji City.

This time, without the defender Fu Xun, the defenders on Zhuji City looked at me and I looked at you, and finally chose Kaesong to surrender.

After all, even the guard Fu Xun was dead, and if he continued to fight to the death, he would be a bit too stupid. Don't make things difficult for him, let alone his own life.

With the surrender of the defenders, the first gate of Longbian fell easily into the hands of Ding Feng and Gan Ning, and they were successfully captured without bloodshed.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After Zhu Ji temporarily rested for a long time, Ding Feng and Gan Ning led the army and rushed towards the last gate of Longbian, Quyang.

On the march, Gan Ning asked Ding Fengdao suspiciously, "Cheng Yuan, why did you bring those five thousand captives with you? It's just a bunch of burdens to take them with you. Why don't you leave an army to guard them?"

Hearing this, Ding Feng's eyes flashed fiercely, and he explained, "Does Xingba know who is Quyang's guard?"

Gan Ning said, "I don't know, what's the matter? Could there be a relationship between the two?"

Ding Feng said with gloomy eyes, "The guard of Quyang is called Huo Jun, a general under Liu Bei's account. He is very good at defending. Back then, he used hundreds of people to withstand the attack of tens of thousands."

"What! Hundreds of people withstood the attack of tens of thousands, so powerful?" Gan Ning was a little surprised.

Nodding slightly, Ding Feng continued to speak; "Huo Jun is a very difficult character. Compared with Liu Bei's Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, Huo Jun is more difficult to deal with, but one thing is that Huo Jun attaches great importance to his soldiers. , can be said to love soldiers like sons."

Hearing this, Gan Ning faintly understood Ding Feng's plan, and asked, "Could it be that Cheng Yuan wanted the five thousand captives to die, in order to coerce Huo Jun to give up Quyang?"

"That's right, only in this way can we conquer Quyang, otherwise, even if we can take Quyang, we will have to pay a heavy price."

Gan Ning hesitated and said, "But Cheng Yuan, isn't it too cruel to do this?"

Ding Feng smiled and said, "Xingba, since ancient times, there has been no kindness in wars. Exchanging the lives of [-] people for the lives of our own soldiers is not cruelty, but another kind of kindness."

Sighing, Gan Ning knew that what Ding Feng said was true, and it was indeed the case. On the battlefield, there were only intrigues, and there were so many loves between children. Cruelty is the epitome of war.

Although it would seem ruthless to use the lives of five thousand captives to die, but if you think about it carefully, if they don't die, it will be their soldiers who die.

On balance, I believe that no matter who it is, they will choose to let the captives die instead of their soldiers.

In the end, Gan Ning agreed to Ding Feng's plan, and when they reached Quyang City, Huo Jun had already been waiting on the top of the city for a long time.

Huo Jun said in a loud voice: "Ding Feng Gan Ning, you invade our territory and kill my guard, it is a heinous crime!"

Ding Feng sneered and said, "Huo Jun, I'm curious whether the generals under Liu Bei are all masters who turn black and white. Fu Xun said so before, and you say so now."

Huo Jun said, "Hmph, why don't you let people tell you what you have done?"

"Hahaha, what a joke!" Gan Ning couldn't help but sneered; "It was Liu Bei who violated our king's boundary first, but now it's our fault. The world is so big, how can there be such a reason!"

However, Huo Jun is also a man of eloquence, and even said: "Your lord Liu Ke, who was originally a descendant of the Empress Han, didn't want to be a country. He led his troops to attack Luoyang and wanted to capture the emperor. Such a rebellious act, my lord The Great Han Emperor is just doing justice for the heavens!"

"Doing justice for the sky? It's so ridiculous. You Liu Bei is called the emperor, but you are just a kid who weaves mats and sells shoes. It is through speculation that you have today's foundation. How dare you say something to do justice for the sky!" Ding Feng sneered.

Huo Jun looked cold, asked the left and right to pass the bow and arrow, and shot an arrow at the helmet on Ding Feng's head.

The arrow came so fast that before Ding Fengshang could react, the red tassel on his helmet was broken by Huo Jun's arrow and slowly fell to the ground.

Cold sweat gradually appeared on Ding Feng's forehead. He didn't expect that Huo Jun was not only good at defending the city, but also better at archery than him.

"Xingba, stop talking nonsense with Huo Jun, let people push the five thousand captives up, let them attack the city, and kill those who don't follow!" Ding Feng whispered to Gan Ning.

Gan Ning understood and waved his hand, the army behind him was suddenly commotion, a group of sergeants wearing Yizhou army uniforms approached Quyang City step by step under the threat of Jiaozhou army weapons.

These Yizhou Army prisoners were unarmed except for the armor they were wearing. Under the threat of their lives, they had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk towards Quyang.

When Huo Jun on the top of the city saw this scene, his eyes turned red immediately, and he looked at Ding Feng with the desire to swallow him alive.

Huo Jun said bitterly, "Ding Feng! You shameless villain, you would have known that my arrow just now would have killed you directly!"

At this time, Ding Feng had retreated beyond the range of the bow and arrow, looked at Huo Jun who was mad and smiled lightly; "Huo Jun, you and I are on the battlefield, we should use all means, if you want to blame Liu Bei, you must attack Jiaozhou. "

After speaking, Ding Feng signaled Gan Ning to attack the city.

Immediately, Gan Ning shouted loudly, "The whole army obeys the order, attack the city immediately!"

Afterwards, the soldiers of the Jiaozhou army carried the ladders and pushed the chariots, and followed behind the prisoners of the Yizhou army who opened the way ahead. The defenders on the city watched the enemy army approaching, but no one dared to open their bows and shoot arrows. .

Because, the one under the city is their former comrade-in-arms, Pao Ze, and if they are asked to do something to their former comrades-in-arms, they will not be able to do it no matter what.

What's more, as a guard, Huo Jun didn't give any order to attack at this time. He looked at the Yizhou Army prisoners with sad faces, and felt unspeakably uncomfortable.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred. Among the prisoners of the Yizhou Army, there were a few strong-tempered existences.

They all yelled, "General Huo Jun, avenge our blood hatred!" After saying that, they all bit their tongues and committed suicide, and fell to the ground in a daze.

"Not good!" Gan Ning was startled when he saw this, and hurriedly looked at Ding Feng who was at the side.

Ding Feng's face remained unchanged, and he sneered, "Don't worry about Xingba, not everyone has the courage to face death, there are always a few who are unwilling to die, as long as they are unwilling to die, with Huo Jun's character, they will definitely die." Choose to compromise."

As Ding Feng expected, as more and more Yizhou army prisoners committed suicide, Huo Jun finally couldn't bear it anymore, and said to Ding Feng in a deep voice; "Ding Feng, what do you want? You, you just have to spare these innocent soldiers."

The joy in Ding Feng's eyes flashed away, and he said with a smile; "General Huo Jun made this decision earlier, so he didn't have to bury the lives of so many soldiers in vain. Don't worry, I only want Quyang City, as long as I dedicate the city, The captives will be yours!"

Huo Jun asked; "Are you serious?"

"Of course it's true. I, Ding Feng, don't like to keep my promises." Ding Feng said with a smile. He was basically able to conclude that more than [-]% of Huo Jun planned to exchange Qu Yang for the lives of these captives.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

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