Hearing this, Huo Jun didn't speak, but fell into deep thought. He is a kind person. Because of this, he was willing to go through life and death for Liu Bei, because Liu Bei, like him, is a person who puts kindness first.

However, Quyang City is the last gate of Longbian. Once Quyang is lost, Ding Fengganning's army can directly attack Longbian.

If something goes wrong with Long Bian, he will not be able to get rid of it. After a fierce inner struggle, Huo Jun heaved a sigh of relief. He finally decided to exchange Qu Yang for the lives of those innocent soldiers.

He couldn't just watch those soldiers die like this. His kind nature was an advantage, but it was also a fatal flaw.

Huo Jun ordered the defenders to put down their bows and crossbows, and said to Ding Feng, "Ding Feng, I can give you Quyang, but how can you convince me of your sincerity?"

Ding Feng and Gan Ning looked at each other and saw the joy in each other's eyes. They thought Quyang would be a tough nut to crack, but Huo Jun would be so happy and decided to exchange the city for the lives of those worthless prisoners.

The two discussed for a while, and Ding Feng replied; "Don't worry, General Huo Jun, as long as you are willing to sacrifice the city, the captives will definitely be yours. If you don't believe my sincerity, then I will give half of the captives first, and the rest will wait for you to withdraw." After leaving Quyang, I will return it to you."

After Huo Jun knew that this was the best way at present, he agreed and ordered the defenders to open the city gate and let the Yizhou army prisoners enter the city.

Soon, all the captives of the Yizhou Army entered Quyang City. They knew that Huo Jun had rescued them, and they all knelt in front of Huo Jun, weeping with gratitude.

Huo Jun didn't say much about this, he just distributed weapons to them, and prepared to withdraw from Quyang, return to Longbian, and rendezvous with Longbian's guard Wu Yi.

Climbing to the top of the city again, Huo Jun looked at Ding Feng, who was smiling, and said, "Ding Feng, I will withdraw to Quyang now. I hope you will keep your promise and release the remaining captives after you get Quyang."

Ding Feng laughed and said, "Don't worry, I've always kept my word. As soon as Qu Yang got his hands, the captives would be released."

Huo Jun nodded, went down from the top of the city, and slowly withdrew from Quyang City with the defenders and the half of the prisoners.

As soon as Huo Jun left, Ding Feng and Gan Ning naturally took over the entire Quyang. When they entered the city, Gan Ning still couldn't believe that Huo Jun really withdrew like that.

"Cheng Yuan, do you think Huo Jun is really willing to hand over Qu Yang?" Gan Ning asked.

Ding Feng said: "What if he is not willing, for the lives of those prisoners, even if he is unwilling, he will evacuate."

"That's right, the remaining captives, Cheng Yuan, are you going to let them go, or..." Speaking of this, Gan Ning made a gesture of wiping his neck.

Ding Feng shook his head and said, "I don't intend to kill them all. Doing that will only completely anger Huo Jun and Liu Bei's people and intensify their resistance, so let them go."

Gan Ning nodded slightly, "That's good."

Then, all the remaining Yizhou Army prisoners were released back.

Ding Feng and Gan Ning headed towards Longbian shortly after taking over Quyang.

On the other side, Huo Jun withdrew Long Bian disheveledly, and the guard Wu Yi came to visit Huo Jun in person, the main purpose was to inquire about Qu Yang.

"Zhong Miao, what happened in Quyang? With your ability, is it possible that you can't stop Ding Feng and Gan Ning?"

Huo Jun looked up at the puzzled Wu Yi, smiled wryly, and said, "Ziyuan didn't know something. Na Ding used our prisoners to attack the city. I couldn't bear it, so I exchanged Qu Yang for the lives of those prisoners."

"What!" Wu Yi was taken aback. He thought that Huo Jun was defeated, so he withdrew from Quyang. Who knew that it was for the lives of a few captives that he gave up such an important city as Quyang to the enemy.

Wu Yi pointed at Huo Jun's nose speechlessly, trying to reprimand him a few words, but he couldn't say anything. After all, Huo Jun was still trying to save their own people.

Sighing, Wu Yi said, "Zhong Miao, do you know what the consequences will be if you do this? Let's not talk about how the king punishes your crime, just say that without the Quyang sect, Ding Feng and Gan Ning's army will not be able to kill you." The sun will come to the city!"

Huo Jun said: "I don't need to talk about Ziyuan, I understand it, but I really can't bear to watch those former comrades die like that. As for the punishment, I Huo Jun admits it."

"Admit it!" Wu Yi stared at Huo Jun and sighed; "Do you know how big a crime you have committed? This will be decapitated! You really are not afraid of death!"

"I'm afraid." Huo Jun continued without hesitation; "But I'm more afraid of being ashamed of my heart, so I would rather die than be ashamed of my heart."

Hearing this, Wu Yi shook his head. He couldn't communicate normally with Huo Jun, a stubborn donkey. However, the most urgent task was not to think about punishment, but to think about how to guard Long Bian.

Immediately, Wu Yi said, "Okay, Zhong Miao, let's first inform King Longbian of the situation, and then think about how to defend the city."

Speaking of defending the city, Huo Jun's eyes became bright again, just listening to him talking.

"Don't worry, Ziyuan. The city of Longbian is deep. Originally, there were [-] defenders. Now, with the [-] from Quyang and the captives I brought back, the total is [-]."

"And Ding Fengganning only has [-] people in his hands. With me, it is almost impossible for them to take down Longbian City."

Wu Yi nodded slightly. Although Huo Jun was sometimes emotional, when it came to defending the city, he was definitely the best in the world.

Time was running out, and the two immediately went down to prepare separately. Wu Yi went to write a letter to Liu Bei, while Huo Jun led the soldiers to the top of the Longbian City, and began to arrange the items needed for the defense of the city.

Time flies, and when the next day arrives, Ding Feng and Gan Ning's army also arrived at Longbian City. Looking at the high city, deep pools, orderly and heavily guarded defenders on the walls, Ding Feng knew that this would be A tough battle.

Looking at Huo Jun and Wu Yi standing on the top of the wall, Ding Feng smiled and said, "Huo Jun, I never thought you and I would meet again so soon."

Huo Jun replied, "Yes, that's right, and I would like to thank General Ding Feng for keeping his word and letting our prisoners back."

Ding Feng said indifferently; "The promise is a matter of course, why do you need to say thank you."

While the two were talking, Wu Yi on the side didn't want to listen anymore, and tugged at the corner of Huo Jun's clothes, signaling him not to talk nonsense with Ding Feng, and immediately ordered the defenders to shoot arrows.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

The arrows flying down all over the sky seemed to be warning Ding Feng and Gan Ning that if they dared to take a step beyond the threshold, they would surely die!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In Qiulin, amidst the flames, a remnant army was fleeing desperately, and the leaders were Ling Tong and Dong Xi who were ordered by Sun Quan to deal with Zhang Liao Gaoshun.

As for Ling Cao, Zhang Liao had even chopped off Xiangshang's head. Ling Tong wanted to avenge his father, but after a few tricks with Zhang Liao, he almost lost his life.

If Dong Xi hadn't come out at the critical moment and rescued Ling Tong, Ling Tong would have gone underground to reunite with his father now.

"Gongji, don't be sad. We'd better flee to Feng County now. After we clear up the remnants of the army, it won't be too late to go to Zhang Liao for revenge."

Along the way, seeing Ling Tong's gloomy appearance, Dong Xi couldn't help but comfort him.

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