Hearing this, Ling Tong nodded. He knew that Dong Xi was doing it for his own good, and he didn't lose his mind to fight Zhang Liao because of his father's death.

He understood a truth, that is, if he left the green hills without worrying about firewood, if he went to fight Zhang Liao desperately, not only would he not be able to avenge his father, but he would also fall into Zhang Liao's hands.

Thinking of this, Ling Tong forced a smile and said, "Yuan Dai, don't worry, I won't lose my mind. Sooner or later, I will cut off Zhang Liao's head with my own hands and use it to pay homage to my father's soul!"

A smile appeared on Dong Xi's face. He was afraid that Ling Tong would become negative because of this matter, but now it seems that he was overly worried. Not only did Ling Tong not be negative, but he became more motivated.

However, at this moment, a loud laugh sounded, "Hahaha, if you want to cut Wenyuan's head off with your own hands, you probably won't have the chance."

Ling Tong and Dong Xi followed the prestige, and saw Gao Shun holding a silver gun, and behind him ten thousand camp soldiers lined up neatly, and an invisible momentum came over his face.

"Gongji, the person here is Gao Shun and the camp. We are not opponents. Don't be in love with the fight for a while, just run away!" Dong Xi whispered to Ling Tong.

"I see."

Immediately, the two yelled at the same time and killed Gao Shun, but they just pretended to attack, and after a few feints, they took advantage of the melee between the two armies and fled in the dark.

Gao Shun looked at Dong Xi and Ling Tong who were running away, and didn't bother to chase after him. He gathered his troops and went to meet Zhang Liao.

On the other side, Dong Xi and Ling Tong escaped after birth, not daring to delay for fear that Zhang Liao and Gao Shun would suddenly appear again, and rushed to Feng County not far away.

When they arrived at Feng County, the county magistrate welcomed the two of them into the government office respectfully. After Dong Xilingtong had a good night's rest, he began to plan the next plan.

An army of [-] went to attack Rang County, and before Lian Rang County arrived, they ambushed successively in Yushan and hill forests, causing heavy casualties.

In the battle of Yushan, only a few thousand people died, which is not too much, but in the battle of Qiulin, they were burned to death, trampled to death, and countless people died in the battle.

After Dong Xi and Ling Tong gathered all the remnants of the surviving army to Feng County, they found that only [-] of the [-] army remained.

That is to say, Zhang Liao Gaoshun killed [-] Jingzhou troops and killed the army commander Ling Cao with almost no sacrifices or casualties. What a terrible record.

If it hadn't been for Dong Xilingtong's personal experience, I'm afraid I wouldn't dare to imagine it even in my dreams.Ling Tong sighed, and asked, "Yuan Dynasty, we have suffered a terrible defeat, and I have no face to go back to meet the second son and the king. What are your plans?"

Dong Xi's expression was also a little gloomy, and he said bitterly; "I, like Gongji, feel ashamed to go back to Xiangyang, but what can we do if we don't go back, Zhang Liao Gaoshun is really too difficult to deal with, just one battle, you will be defeated." Almost wiped out our entire army!"

Ling Tong was silent, what Dong Xi said was right, Zhang Liao and Gao Shun were really not easy to deal with, but we can't just retreat back to Xiangyang in despair just because they are not easy to deal with.

Doing so will only boost the prestige of others and damage one's own morale, and there is no way to explain to Sun Quan and Sun Ce.

Just when the two were hesitating, the magistrate of Feng County found the two in a panic, and the magistrate said incoherently; "Two generals, it's not good, something happened...something happened..."

Dong Xi frowned, feeling bad, and asked, "Speak slowly, what happened?"

After the magistrate calmed down for a while, he said, "The two generals, Zhang Liao and Gao Shun, have come to attack the city with an army, and they still have..."

Speaking of this, the county magistrate couldn't help but pause, as if hesitating whether to say it or not.

Ling Tong saw the county magistrate's careful thinking, and said, "Speak up, don't hesitate!"

The county magistrate smiled wryly and begged, "General Ling Tong, then you must not get angry, let alone blame the subordinate officials."

"I promise you, tell me quickly!" Ling Tong was a little impatient.

With Ling Tong's guarantee, the county magistrate dared to continue; "Two generals, that Zhang Liao is holding a head in his hand, saying that it belonged to your father, General Ling Cao, and told you to go out of the city and surrender, otherwise you will be killed." May your father rest in peace."

When the county magistrate was speaking, he kept his head down, not daring to look into Ling Tong's eyes, but when he finished speaking, he didn't hear Ling Tong's movement at all. He looked up curiously, and saw Ling Tong and Dong Xi did not know when he had already left.

At the head of Fengxian County, Ling Tong and Dong Xi quickly ran up and lay down on the parapet. Ling Tong looked at the head in Zhang Liao's hand at the bottom of the wall. For a moment, a monstrous murderous intent began to brew in his eyes.

After Dong Xi felt it, he hurriedly persuaded him, "Gongji, you have to calm down. This is Zhang Liao's trick. He wants to use the head of old general Ling deliberately to provoke you to go out of the city and fight him, so that he can take the opportunity to take Feng County." .”

Fortunately, after listening to Dong Xi's advice, Ling Tong gradually calmed down the strong killing intent in his heart, and the calmness returned to his brows. At this moment, Ling Tong learned to grow.

At this time, Zhang Liao roared under the city: "Ling Tong, don't you want to take the head of this general? Then don't hide in the city, and go out of the city to fight if you have the ability!"

Gao Shun also echoed from the side, "Exactly, Ling Tong, are you a cowardly trash who doesn't even intend to avenge your father?"

Ling Tong took a deep breath and said, "Zhang Liao Gaoshun, don't be too complacent now. One day, I will take the heads of both of you personally and pay homage to my father!"

Zhang Liao said disdainfully: "Ling Tong, it's up to you? I will look at you, and I will show off my quick tongue. If you really let you take action, what can you do!"

"That's right, Ling Tong, don't you just curl up in the city like a tortoise, don't you even have the guts to fight outside the city? What a pity, Ling Cao has been loyal and brave all his life, and you, as his only son, But it's a trash!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The constant cursing in the city stirred up Ling Tong's finally calmed down again. Seeing that the situation was not going well, Dong Xi hurriedly shouted, "Where is the archer, let's shoot the arrow!"

All of a sudden, a thousand arrows were fired from above Fengxian City, forcing Zhang Liao Gaoshun's advance back.

Outside the city, after Zhang Liao and Gao Shun withdrew from Feng County, Gao Shun asked, "Wen Yuan, the army sent by Sun Quan has basically been destroyed by me, but there are still a lot left, and they are all gathered in Feng County now. In the middle, if you attack by force, I am afraid it will be very difficult to succeed."

Zhang Liao said with a relaxed expression, "Don't worry, General Gao, I'm not going to attack Feng County by force. Attacking Feng County is not a wise move. My purpose is just to keep Dong Xiling Tong in the city and dare not come out easily."

"Oh? I wonder what Wenyuan's plan is?" Gao Shun asked curiously.

Zhang Liao called a sergeant and asked him to bring a map. After spreading it out, he pointed to Nanyang County on it and preached to Gao Shun; "Look, General Gao, Nanyang County is adjacent to Shangyong in the east, Xiangyang in the south, Near Yongliang, it can be said to be an important place."

Gao Shun listened, and suddenly said, "Wen Yuan doesn't want to take down the whole of Nanyang, does he?"

"Exactly!" Zhang Liao laughed.

"But Wenyuan, Nanyang County is a big county. We have limited troops. Even if we take all the thirty-six counties of Nanyang, we won't have any soldiers to defend?" Gao Shun asked puzzled.

Zhang Liao said: "General Gao's words are wrong. Although we don't have enough troops to defend Nanyang, the king has you. We can ask the king for reinforcements. I believe the king will agree to our request."

After thinking about it, Gao Shun felt that Zhang Liao's proposal was quite feasible, so he agreed to his idea.

After the two hit it off, Zhang Liao immediately wrote a letter to Liu Ke, and asked a messenger to deliver the letter to Liu Ke quickly, while he and Gao Shun led the army and began to sweep all the counties in Nanyang County.

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