After just one week, the entire Nanyang County fell, except for the Zhisuo Wancheng and Feng County where Dong Xilingtong was located!

The news flew all over the world as if it had grown wings. When Cao Cao and Liu Bei heard about it, they just lamented the bravery of Zhang Liao and Gao Shun, but when Sun Quan and Sun Ce heard about it, they couldn't sleep or eat.

In Xiangyang, Sun Quan was sitting in front of the table, not only rubbing his eyebrows, he had already received the battle report from Dong Xi and Ling Tong, the old general Ling Cao died in battle, and only [-] of the [-] troops remained.

Such a disastrous defeat is fine, but now, Zhang Liao and Gao Shun's army has swept across the entire Nanyang County. Wherever they go, they are either surrendered or defeated. No one can stop the terrorist attack of the two.

If things go on like this, when Zhang Liao and Gao Shun conquered Wancheng, Sun Quan worried that they would go mad to Xiangyang City.At that time, I didn't even have a place to cry.


Hitting the table in front of him with a fist, Sun Quan couldn't help but frowned in pain. At this moment, a gentle voice sounded outside the palace.

"Gu Yong begs to see the Second Young Master."

Sun Quan, who was in a rage, suddenly heard Gu Yong coming, he was pleasantly surprised, got up and went to the gate of the mansion to welcome Gu Yong in.

This is a rare wise man under Sun Ce, who won Sun Ce's trust. Before he led his troops to attack Yangzhou, he told Sun Quan that if there was an urgent matter, he needed to ask Gu Yong.

However, the last time Sun Quan asked Ling Cao to lead troops to fight against Zhang Liao Gaoshun, Gu Yong happened to be back in his hometown because he was not in Xiangyang, and he just returned to Xiangyang today.

No, Gu Yong just came back, and after hearing what happened recently, he immediately ran to Xiangyang Palace to look for Sun Quan.

After each sat down, Sun Quan said bitterly: "Mr. Yuan Tan, you are finally back. If you don't come back, I will be driven crazy."

Gu Yong smiled slightly, and said calmly; "Second Young Master, what is the matter, you are the king's younger brother, who would dare to drive you crazy?"

Sun Quan smiled wryly and said, "Who else could be, of course Liu Ke's generals Zhang Liao and Gao Shun."

Speaking of Zhang Liao and Gao Shun, Gu Yong couldn't help but get serious, and asked in a deep voice; "Dare to ask the second son, have you ever used the Tiger Talisman to mobilize [-] troops from Jingzhou and hand them over to Commander Ling Cao to attack Zhang Liao and Gao Shun?"

Sun Quan didn't deny it, and said, "That's right, I asked Ling Cao to lead troops to fight Zhang Liao and Gao Shun, but..."

"However, let's not say that there was no success. Instead, they returned in a big defeat, and some people even lost their lives!" Before Sun Quan finished speaking, Gu Yong continued.

"How did Mr. Yuan Tan know about this? I am the only one who knows about this matter. Even the eldest brother may not know about it." Sun Quan looked at Gu Yong with some surprise.

However, Gu Yong sighed and said, "Second son, if you want to send troops to attack Zhang Liao Gaoshun, why don't you let Pan Zhang be the commander in chief, or just randomly choose one of Ling Tong and Dong Xi as the commander in chief? But you make Ling Cao handsome."

Sun Quan asked puzzledly, "Mr. Yuan Tan, I made Ling Cao the commander-in-chief in consideration of his lifetime of military service and rich experience. Is there anything wrong with that?"

"It's more than inappropriate, it's just nonsense! Although Ling Cao has been a soldier all his life, his character is only suitable for being a general, not a commander. If I'm not wrong, Ling Cao has already died in battle, right?" Gu Yong's words were astonishing.

Sun Quan stared at Gu Yong in amazement, thinking, this Gu Yong is not a god in the sky, he can guess everything.

Gu Yong knew what Sun Quan was thinking, and sighed; "Second Young Master, don't be surprised, I'm not a fairy or ghost, but I know Ling Cao's personality, and I will never give up easily. Defeat is a shame to him. He would rather die. won't escape."

"I see." Sun Quan nodded, Ling Cao's character was indeed exactly the same as what Gu Yong said, extremely rigid, but extremely loyal.

Sun Quan handed Gu Yong the information about Zhang Liao Gaoshun's sweep of the entire South County, and after he read it, he asked, "I don't know what Mr. Yuan Tan thinks, what should we do now?"

Gu Yong's eyes showed a thoughtful look, and after a long while, he said leisurely; "Second son, Zhang Liao Gaoshun's troops are very aggressive, and he is absolutely not suitable for a direct confrontation. Therefore, in my opinion, Ling Tong and Dong Xi in Feng County should be let immediately. Give up Feng County."

"After abandoning Feng County, let them go to Wancheng, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack, to garrison. As long as Wancheng is defended, Nanyang will not really fall. Wancheng is more important than all other counties in the Nanyang group."

Regarding Gu Yong's arrangement, Sun Quan thought about it carefully and found it very reasonable. Wancheng's geographical location is special, not to mention easy to defend and difficult to attack. The most important thing is that Wancheng is very close to Yanzhou Xuchang. Once Wancheng falls.

Then Liu Ke can send troops directly from Xuchang, and quickly kill Jingzhou. The threat to Jingzhou is too great!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

General Dong Xi and Ling Tonger were shocked when they received Sun Quan's urgent letter.

"Retreat to Wancheng?"

Ling Tong couldn't figure out why the second son, Sun Quan, would come up with such a method.

It's better to surrender directly!

Ling Tong was sulking, feeling extremely aggrieved.

His father, Ling Cao, is dead!

As a parent and child, it's fine if you can't go out to avenge him.

And regress again and again.

"Hateful, I won't retreat!"

Ling Tong roared stubbornly.

"Gongji, now is not the time to be arrogant." Dong Xi was much calmer, "Military orders are like mountains."

"Ha ha."

Ling Tong sneered and said, "It wasn't your father who died, of course you don't care."

Dong Xi pointed at Ling Tong, annoyed, but Sun Quan's order must be carried out to the end.

Otherwise, if they are rude again, wouldn't they have to take the blame?

Now the punishment for defeat is nothing, at best dismissal.But disobedience led to failure, and the consequences were very serious.

I'm going to lose my head!

Ling Tong was young and energetic, but Dong Xi was not. The family still had a lot of people to support, and he was the backbone.

"Gongji, now the only way to win is to wait for the second son's reinforcements. What's the difference between you staying here and dying?"

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