"Your father's revenge is still waiting for you to avenge it. Don't be arrogant."

Dong Xi's persuasion was very scheming and gave Ling Tong face and hope.

More importantly, Sun Quan will send reinforcements!

Ling Tong really hesitated, his eyes flickering.

Dong Xi said while the iron was hot: "Feng County has no value, and it cannot be left to Zhang Liao and Gao Shun."

"Yuan Dai, what do you mean?" Ling Tong was puzzled.

"I can turn a blind eye or close one eye, and allow you to expel the people of Feng County, and set them on fire." Dong Xi said indifferently.

After burning Feng County, nothing will be left for Zhang Liao and Gao Shun, they still have to take over the mess.

The battle has continued until now, and there is only victory and defeat, so there is no morality to speak of.

Dong Xi made up his mind and gave Ling Tong an outlet.


Ling Tong gritted his teeth in response, and a different idea was born in his mind.

The next day, Ling Tong summoned tens of thousands of people in the county, and ordered: "Feng County has become a battlefield, not the general's wish. The general can open the city gate and send you out of the city."

What Ling Tong said was awe-inspiring and very convincing.

What the people are most afraid of is military disasters. It would be a good thing for them if they could escape from the city.

Moreover, with the reputation of the Yangzhou Army, the people of Feng County don't have to worry about being plundered, but can save their lives and avoid accidental injury.

"Thank you General!"

The people showed expressions of gratitude.

Ling Tong was very satisfied and ordered the people to go back and pack their bags.

There are, however, some diehards who simply don't want to leave the city.

For them, going out of the city is like killing them.

Homeland is hard to leave!

Not even for a moment.

"General, we don't want to go out..."

Ling Tong's expression turned cold, and he said: "I persuade you not to leave with good words, do you want to eat the sword of this general?"

The common people were afraid of the authority of Lingtong, and some of them compromised.

For the remaining diehards, Ling Tong used both soft and hard methods, but they couldn't do it.

He simply ignored it!

Some people just want to seek death, so let them be fulfilled.

When the people were expelled from the city, Ling Tong ordered his subordinates to put out the dry firewood they had prepared long ago.

"What are you doing?!"

Some civilians found out and stepped forward to stop them, but were pushed away by the sergeant.

"General! General! You can't do this!" an old man cried.

Ling Tong glanced over coldly, and ordered: "Light it up!"

In an instant, Feng county was full of flames.

Dong Xi led the army out of the city and retreated to Wancheng.Ling Tong followed behind.


In Zhang Liao's army, spies came to report.

"Jingzhou soldiers and horses burned Fengxian County, and thick smoke billowed."

Zhang Liao is not blind, he saw it from a distance.

It's just that the matter has come to this point, and he wants to stop it, but it's too late.

"How are the people in Feng County?"

Zhang Liao is most concerned about this matter.

If the people suffered heavy casualties, the king would definitely not spare him.

"Most of the people have left the city."

Zhang Liao breathed a sigh of relief, and then ordered: "General Gao led his troops to chase after the two generals Dong Xi and Ling Tong, and was going to fight the fire in Feng County."


Gao Shun nodded and led his army to pursue.

Dong Xi and Ling Tong wanted to escape, but there were only two directions, one was Jingzhou and the other was Wancheng.

Wancheng is an important town, Dong Xi and Ling Tong will definitely not give up, so Gao Shun quickly determined the direction.

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