"General, this is the end of the matter, we will retreat!" A school captain shouted heartbreakingly.

Sun He beheaded him with a single blow.

"A certain is loyal to the Sun family and will never retreat!"

Zhang Liao and Gao Shun besieged one after the other, and the battle lasted for half an hour.

Sun He died in battle.

17th Chapter [-] Attack and Defense of Wancheng


The spies reported that the reinforcements sent by Jingzhou had been defeated by Zhang Liao and Gao Shun, and Dong Xi was taken aback.

Unexpectedly, his first meeting with Sun He turned out to be in such a situation.

His head was hung on a bamboo pole, and Sun He was clearly dying.

Seeing this scene, Dong Xi was furious.

It is clearly a provocation!

Dong Xi clenched his fist tightly and made a creaking sound.

He wished he could raise his troops out of the city and fight Zhang Liao, but unfortunately, considering the overall situation, he couldn't.

"Yuan Dai, what happened?"

Ling Tong hurried over, but he hadn't received any specific information yet.

Dong Xi repeated it helplessly and worriedly, Ling Tongyi punched the city wall, leaving a bloodstain.

"Yuan Dynasty, you said you were waiting for reinforcements from Jingzhou. Now the reinforcements have not arrived yet, they are gone. What do you say next?"

Dong Xi's head was buzzing, and he endured anger and sadness and said: "Block the news and stick to Wancheng!"

The news of the defeat of the reinforcements must not be spread.

After several failures, the morale of the soldiers in Jingzhou was low and they might collapse at any time.

If you hear this bad news again, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Reinforcements are on the way, keep your achievements in mind, and don't give away your feet."

"Someone knows the severity."

Ling Tong felt aggrieved, but he was always the general in charge of the army, and he still had to carry what should be carried down.

"Conscript Wancheng civilians to help defend the city." Dong Xi said coldly.

Wancheng is their last support, and there must be no loss.


Ling Tong cupped his fists.

In the following time, Ling Tong led his soldiers and forcibly recruited the best men in the city.

Wancheng is a big city in Nanyang with a large population.

Within a few days, Ling Tong forced more than [-] people to be recruited. In addition, he gathered all kinds of defeated soldiers, and now the number of defenders in the city has reached [-].

Dong Xi built the tools needed to defend the city all night, especially crossbows.

The two generals worked together to build Wancheng like an iron bucket.

Zhang Liao sent people to fight against the city, but failed for several days.


Hearing Zhang Liao's sigh, Gao Shun asked puzzledly, "The defenders in the city are like trapped beasts, why is General Zhang unhappy?"

"I shouldn't have waited to defeat Sun He so soon."

Gao Shun was stunned.

If I had known that Sun He was so useless, I would have used him as bait.

It would be a good idea to encircle Sun He without attacking it, and to lure the defenders out of the city.

It's a pity that Sun He's head is about to stink now.

Sometimes fighting is too brutal, which is not a good thing.

"How is the construction of the siege equipment?" Zhang Liao asked with concern.

Yangzhou craftsmen are the best in the world, and their efficiency is naturally nothing to say.

"Hundreds of ladders have been built, and it still takes time for the well rails, the rams, and the catapults." Gao Shun said.

"too slow!"

Zhang Liao was dissatisfied.

"Actually, the problem lies in the wood. The trees near Wancheng have all been cut down. We, the sergeants, have to go far away to cut wood."

"Twice the manpower, and within three days, Ben will attack the city."

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