
Gao Shun personally sent people to log, and even used some horses for transportation.

After Dong Xi got the news, he said decisively:

"Our army sticks here, but we can't lose our courage. Gongji, you lead [-] soldiers to destroy the Yangzhou army's logging."


Ling led the army to set off in the dark, and when they arrived at the logging camp thirty miles away in the dark, it was almost dawn.

woo woo woo woo--

The horn sounded suddenly!


Shouting and killing.

Gao Shun was a very vigilant general, he jumped up on the bed and fell asleep in his armor.

"General Qi, there are enemies coming from the west!"

There are scouts to report.

"What is the enemy's strength?"

"About three thousand people."

"Follow the enemy!" Gao Shun said calmly.

Yangzhou scouts are unparalleled in the world, and their rigorous personality has added a lot of points to them.

Gao Shun believed the scout's judgment.

There were as many as [-] defenders in the temporary camp, so Gao Shun didn't panic at all.

"Gao Shun is here!"

Gao Shun shouted, and many soldiers gathered and rushed towards the sound of fighting.

Jingle Jingle!

The two sides fought non-stop, causing casualties to each other.


Gao Shun gave an order, and all the elite came out.

After a while, Gao Shun repelled the enemy, but he faintly felt something was wrong.

"Not good! Lumber mill!"

Gao Shun came to his senses, looking from a distance, the woods were already on fire.

When he arrived with his army, the fire was already unstoppable, so he made a decisive decision and pursued the enemy.

"Haha! Gao Shun, didn't expect that?" Ling Tong laughed triumphantly.

He fought and retreated, and lost many loyal soldiers.

"You still want to go back to the city? It's better to save your life!" Gao Shun shouted.

Ling Tong gritted his teeth and roared at his subordinates:

"If you don't want to die, run for me!"

The Jingzhou soldiers ran wildly, exhausted after a while.

"Ling Tong, where did you escape, kid?"

Gao Shun commanded the soldiers and horses, and during the training, he had to carry forward with heavy loads, like marching in a hurry tonight, but it was only mediocre.

"Hmph! If you have the seeds, come after them!"

Ling Tong snorted coldly, and said stubbornly: "If it wasn't for my subordinates, I would have run away long ago!"

The remaining thousand soldiers all showed expressions of gratitude.

"General, you go first, leave us alone!"

Ling Tong was riding a horse, and most of his men were infantry. He wanted to escape, wishful thinking.

"You guys disperse and run away!"

Ling Tong gritted his teeth and gave the order, and then he galloped back to the city.

When the sky was bright, there were only a few dozen riders around Ling Tong.

"Open the gates!"

Seeing that it was Ling Tong, the defenders hurriedly opened the door, and Ling Tong climbed up the tower covered in sweat.

He stood on the city tower, watching from afar.Until noon, there were no more than a hundred soldiers gathered.

Ling Tong's heart was bleeding.

"Three thousand brothers went out of the city, and now only a hundred of them have returned. I, Ling Tong, have no face to face my father!"

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