"Prepare to attack the city!"

When an order is issued, the flag bearer plays the flag language, and the messengers also run around to convey the order.

Wait until everything is ready.

woo woo woo woo--

The charge horn sounded.

"Today, we must break the city!"

Gao Shun muttered to himself, set a goal for himself, then raised his hand and shouted:

"The Jinglan car is too slow! Hurry up, push forward and suppress the archers in the city."

"Get ready for the car, I'm right under the city, and watch you break open the city gate. When the city gate opens, I will definitely reward you!"

"Sword and shield hand, go up the ladder, tear a road, occupy the city wall!"

Gao Shun gave orders in an orderly manner, and the siege troops were mighty and unstoppable.

"not good!"

Ling Tong's expression changed drastically, and their response was after all a step too late.

"Bowmen get ready, release arrows!"

There was another rush of shots in the city, and the crossbowmen were in a hurry.

The densely packed siege troops rushed up, putting great pressure on them.

And the previous stone throwing made them not relieved.


"Suppress the well!"

Seeing Jing Lan approaching, Ling Tong seemed to want to put down the pedal to cross the bridge, so he quickly ordered.

However, the more than [-] Jinglans were not without the power to fight back. They were lined up in a row, and the Yuanrong crossbows continued to fire, which brought great pressure to the defenders.


The two sides began to shoot at each other, and after three rounds, the defenders began to fall into a disadvantage.

"Pikemen obey orders!"

Seeing that Ling Tong was busy, the guard Dong Xi gave a loud shout and commanded the pikemen to fight.

"Shoot out! Don't let the enemy go up to the city wall!"

"As ordered!"

The defenders barely burst into momentum.

Not long after, there was a bang from the city.


"One two, force, hit! One two, force, hit!"

Under the gate of the city, Gao Shun was directing the charging car, hitting the gate one after another.

Hearing the roar, Dong Xi in the city thought it was funny.

"The city gate has already been gambled to death, so you don't have to waste your efforts."

Dong Xi had already ordered that the city gate be blocked with stones and sandbags.

Even if he tried his best and replaced it with a bigger giant tree, he would never be able to enter through the city gate.

"Don't worry about rushing cars, suppress the enemy's wells and ladders!" Dong Xi shouted.


Jing Lan shot arrows all over the sky, only to hear a series of screams, and the defenders' archers fell to the ground one after another.

"Put down huge rocks!" Dong Xi responded by throwing stones down the wall.

boom! boom! boom!

The stone hit the shield and made a sound.

Many siege soldiers were hit by huge boulders, howled and fell down the city wall, smashed to pieces.


With a monstrous bang.

Whoa whoa!

The chariot-charging soldiers burst into cheers, and the city gate collapsed under the continuous impact, exposing the obstacles inside.

"Clean up the sacks and stones, and then enter the city!"

Gao Shun ordered, the soldiers got busy one after another.

Dong Xi saw this scene, of course he had to find a way to stop it.

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