"Pour golden juice!"


The skin of several soldiers was scalded and they screamed.

Dong Xi was very satisfied and said, "Come again!"

"Report to the general, the cauldron of water is not boiling." A soldier reported.


Dong Xi cursed, shouldn't he have prepared for this kind of thing?

Gao Shun cleared the obstacles in the city gate, led his army into the city, and launched the final fight.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"The will to fall into battle!"

"Death but not life!"

In an instant, the morale of the trapped camp soared, and everyone was fighting bravely like tigers and wolves.


They stepped on the corpses of their comrades and the blood on the ground, climbed the ladder and rushed to the city wall.

The city gate has been broken, and the city wall must be taken down!

This is the camp.

"Not good!" Ling Tong couldn't help being stunned, it was too strong to fall into the camp.

He raised the saber, and shouted in a deep voice: "Give me the city wall, Yuan Dynasty, you are in charge of the city gate, be sure to kill the enemy back!"

"Good!" Dong Xi said concisely, and then led a group of soldiers and horses to block the gate of the city with flesh and blood.


The swords and shields of the trapped camp rushed forward frantically with shields in hand.

"Stop them!" Ling Tong growled.

However, no matter how hard Ling Tong tried, no matter how hard he slashed, he was not afraid of life and death when he fell into the camp, roaring and rushing up the city wall.

"Follow me!" Gao Shun shouted.

"Whoa whoa!"

Behind the camp let out a roar.


Dong Xi frowned and looked at the trapped camp in front of him, roaring towards him, snorted coldly, and said, "Shoot the arrow!"

Thousands of people blocked the city gate, and the defenders had enough advantages.


Waves of arrows rained continuously, hitting the shield and making a "duk-duk" sound.

Most of the pioneers in the camp are sword and shield players, and at this moment they raise their shields to protect their upper body.

The shield is not big, barely able to cover his upper body.

As a result, many charged into the camp were shot in the legs.

The popping sound continued, and the crossbow pierced through the flesh and pierced into the bone.

However, none of the sword and shield players fell!

If you are trapped in the camp, you have the fortitude and will to fear nothing.They stood upright, guarding their colleagues behind them.

Some people were hit by more than a dozen arrows in their legs, their leather armor was pierced, their legs were trembling, but they still did not fall down.

You can't die from this injury.


When there was a gap and a pause in the arrow rain, without Gao Shun's supervision, two teams fell into the camp and attacked the city gate.

"Trapped into camp!"

Gao Shun even took the lead, slashing and killing with all his strength, while shouting to the front: "Don't be afraid of death!"

"Haha! It's just a body of flesh and blood, so why not give it up!"

"Good job!"

A cruel smile appeared on Gao Shun's ferocious face.

Why did the trapped camp listen to him?

Because lead by example!

Gao Shun is not a general who can only shout slogans, he directly commands the army with actions.

"Haha, we will go to death together! Put them to death and survive, only to fall into battle!"

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