"The will to fall into battle!"

"Death but not life!"

With roars, the morale of the siege troops rose sharply.

Dong Xi was depressed!

What kind of enmity or resentment does Lao Tzu have with you, is it necessary to do this? !

"I didn't dig your ancestral grave!"

Dong Xi snorted coldly and went into battle himself.

The two sides fought fiercely, and nearly a thousand people fell in just a quarter of an hour.

The city gates are full of corpses!

Blood stained the city walls.

Jingle Jingle!

The sound of weapons clashing continued.

"Hey hey!"

Suddenly, there was a burst of shouts from the city wall.

The trapped camp has been completely occupied, and the defenders will be driven out.

Ling Tong was covered in blood.

"Come on! Sui Ben will take back the city wall!"

The fighting continued at the stairs.

It's just that they have taken control of the trapped camp at the commanding heights and started shooting with precision.


In an instant, thousands of arrows fell one after another.

How to defend Dong Xi with the rain of arrows on his head?

He cursed and shouted unwillingly: "Back! Back!"

The battle has continued until now, and there is no point in continuing to fight.

The walls are lost!

The gate has collapsed!

The rest of the battle can only be filled with life.

However, the elite of the Yangzhou army is even higher than that of the Jingzhou army, and their morale is extremely high.

Can't beat it at all!

Thinking of this, Dong Xi had no choice but to order Ming Jin to withdraw his troops.

"What can we do now?" After fighting hard, Ling Tong gradually felt powerless.

"Leave from the south gate! Quick!" Dong Xi ordered.


"I will bear all the consequences!" Dong Xi gritted his teeth.

"Yuan Dai, what did you say? Am I, Ling Tong, that kind of villain?"

"Good brother, let's go!"

The second general led the remnants and fled from the south gate.

Zhang Liao had been waiting for a long time, and led his cavalry to chase and kill thousands of people.

Dong Xi and Ling Tong fled to the bank of the river in embarrassment, set up a temporary camp, and gathered the remaining soldiers.

"Haha, I never expected that I, Ling Tong, would be in such a mess!"

Ling Tong laughed maniacally, avenging his father?

Report a ball!

I can't even save my own life.

Ling Tong burst into tears suddenly, he was sorry for his father, sorry for the lord!

He wished he could draw his sword and kill himself here.

"Gongji, we haven't reached the end of the mountain yet."

"Now that the whole of Nanyang is in Zhang Liao's hands, what can I do?"

After Dong Xi thought about it, he said, "Take Xinye and plan for the future."

Ling Tong restrained his hideous face and said, "Let's go! It's better than doing nothing!"

So the second general led [-] remnant soldiers to occupy Xinye and establish a new line of defense.

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