"Now we are left with remnants and defeated generals, and it is difficult to defend." Ling Tong said sadly.

"It's okay, you can send someone to ask for reinforcements." Dong Xi said.

Ling Tong couldn't help showing a wry smile, how could things be so simple.

"I'm afraid Jingzhou has no reinforcements."

"If you don't have it, you have to change it. If Zhang Liao takes the whole county of Nanyang, he will definitely send troops to Xiangyang. When the time comes, I won't be the only one waiting." Dong Xi said.

Dong Xi had no choice but to push the problem to Sun Quan.

Who made Sun Quan the person in charge?

Sun Ce went out to fight, and Sun Quan stayed behind. The people who stayed behind didn't have a headache. Could it be possible that the frontline generals should figure out their own way?

Dong Xi knew that this would offend Sun Quan, but now, there is no other way.

Meteor Horse took the news and sent it back to Jingzhou.

When Sun Quan saw it, he jumped in anger.

Reinforcements were sent out, but they were attacked before they reached Wancheng.

I hoped to stick to Wancheng, but Wancheng was lost within a few days.

Why is he so unlucky?

"Idiots! They are all idiots!"

Sun Quan roared again and again, if his elder brother Sun Ce was here, why would he be afraid of Zhang Liao!

Now the burden is all on Sun Quan, and he is under a lot of pressure.

"Second son, don't panic, there is no unparalleled road." Gu Yong comforted.

"Hehe, what do you think we should do now?" Sun Quan said coldly, he really had no confidence.

"We still have the natural danger of the Yangtze River. Even if the natural danger cannot be defended, there is still the fortified city of Xiangyang. It is not a problem to stick to it for a year or so." Gu Yong took one step back.

After listening to Gu Yong's analysis, Sun Quan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as there is a way out, there is no need to panic.

As for cleaning up the mess, that is the business of elder brother Sun Ce.

What Sun Quan has to do is to stabilize the situation and consolidate the rear!

"Now that I have no more troops to mobilize, is it possible to let women and children go into battle?"

"Second Young Master, let Ling Tong and Dong Xi's remnant soldiers retreat to the north bank, and make a long-term plan."

Xinye is just a small town, not suitable for defense at all.

Wancheng can be lost, but Xinye still wants to make a comeback?

Sun Quan couldn't believe Dong Xi and Ling Tong.

"Good! Urgently order the two to return to the army!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


At noon, on the turret.

A very young soldier on duty was a little drowsy, and the bearded veteran next to him immediately taught: "Hey, hey, what are you doing here? Do you know what time it is now? If you are negligent, maybe we will be in the same city." Ten thousand people will have to finish the game! Cheer up Lao Tzu!"

The little soldier was so shocked that he stretched out his hand and pinched his thigh twice. He immediately cheered up, straightened his body suddenly, and stared intently into the distance with his eyes wide open.

Suddenly, billows of dust and smoke rose from the horizon in the distance, and an endless army pressed towards the gate of Yecheng.The old soldier's heart immediately rose to his throat, his eyes widened, and he fixed on the Chinese army flag that was getting closer and closer. When he saw the vague "Zhao" in the seal script, he roared fiercely. Say a word:

"Come on! Hurry up and inform the captain! General Zhao from Jizhou has arrived! Arrange people to go out of the city to meet the general!"


Less than ten miles below the city of Yecheng, Zhao Yun was wearing a silver armor robe, and a snow-white Zhaoye Jade Lion was walking majestically in the middle of the guard camp under his crotch.

Zhang He rode Qinghai Cong followed closely behind, looked at the towering towers in the distance, and said to Zhao Yun: "Haha, Zilong, when do you think the defenders of Yecheng will come out to greet you? Will we wait until we all arrive?" The city is under, and the official is still hiding under the quilt with his buttocks naked?"

Hearing this, Zhao Yun smiled lightly and said, "If it is true what Junyi said, then my Jizhou army will have to practice hard. How about a gamble with Junyi, if the guards of Yecheng cannot be seen within five miles , I will lose you ten altars of good wine and a top-quality Dawan horse, otherwise, you are not allowed to drink for a month, how about it?"

"Hahaha, Zilong is rich and powerful, and he bet on this Dawan horse!" Zhang Yun's eyes lit up when he heard the Dawan horse, and he immediately agreed to Zhao Yun's proposal.

Dawan horse is a good thing!

You must know that horses were the most important means of transportation in ancient times, and the Dawan horse was a rare good horse coveted by all generals in the Han Dynasty.In modern times, this thing is equivalent to Rolls Royce!

The two of them walked less than three miles, when they saw the Iron Chain Bridge at the gate of Yecheng crashing down, a fully armed captain in iron armor and his entourage came riding towards the Jizhou Army with his entourage.

"Junyi, I am willing to bet and admit defeat." Looking at the Yecheng defenders who dismounted to report, Zhao Yun smiled at Zhang Xi with satisfaction.

"Zilong, when did you learn how to dig a hole? You don't want to learn from the military division. The lord says every day that if the military division is cut open, his heart must be black and rotten."

Zhang He is not stupid, and he knew it after a little thought. Zhao Yun clearly set himself a trap. He has been stationed in Jizhou. The person in charge of handing over the horses is obviously Lu Xun from Youzhou. He himself has never touched a horse hair. Where did Zhao Yun get the Dawan horse?

How long has it been with the military division?Is this innocent little friend about to be kidnapped and turned into a black heart?

After that, if I hang out with these two sesame stuffed guys, won't I be trapped and unable to get up?

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