Zhang He shuddered violently, wanting to cry but thinking about it.

"Don't let Junyi's words reach the ears of the military commander, or your horses from the Yi Congying camp will be lost again." Zhao Yun looked at Zhang Xi with a bitter face, and said lightly, quite a bit The taste of schadenfreude.

"Hey, Zilong, I don't need to drink this wine. You have to talk to the military adviser about it. My volunteer battalion has selected two thousand new recruits. The previous horses are not enough for each of them. Woolen cloth!"

When Zhang Yun heard this, he immediately became anxious, and hurriedly asked Zhao Yun for help, hoping that he would say something nice to Jia Yi.

While the two were talking, one hundred thousand Jizhou troops entered Yecheng.

As soon as they entered the city, the governor of Yecheng led the civil and military officials in the city to stand outside the governor's mansion, and welcomed Zhao Yun and others into the mansion.

The generals got off their horses and had already ordered people to prepare food and drinks. Zhao Yun ordered the army to rectify temporarily.

"The general thinks who should be guarding Baimajin at this time?" Jia Yi shook the fan in his hand and stroked his beard.

"Cao Cao led the army to attack Puyang, and Xiahou Dun must be at his side. The only one under his command who can guard Baimajin, except Cao Hong, is Cao Zhang." Zhao Yun said his inferences unhurriedly.

"Then Cao Zhang's martial arts are mediocre, and his command of troops is also very mediocre. It's not worth it. Cao Hong, on the other hand, is very skilled in using troops. If the general directly raids Baimajin directly, he will definitely suffer a lot of casualties. I'm afraid the gains outweigh the losses." Zhang He added.

"Junyi is right. Cao Hong is indeed a good general who can lead a party, and Cao Cao is very fond of him. However, Cao Hong is a loyal man, and he follows the rules when using troops. He will not give us opportunities to take advantage of loopholes, so if we want to attack Let's go to Baimajin, we can only defeat the enemy and win by disrupting his deployment with a surprise attack!"

"Does the military advisor have a good strategy?" Zhao Yun asked humbly.

"What do you think the general thinks about attacking Baimajin at night?" Jia Yi raised his eyebrows.

"I would like to hear the details." Zhao Yun cupped his hands and humbly asked for advice.

"Although Cao Hong was successful with his troops, we did the opposite. He thought the more impossible it would be, the greater our chances. It's only the end of spring and the beginning of summer, and the water flow in Baimajin It is gentle and the river has not yet risen, so you can cross the river safely even without lighting a torch at night."

Jia Yi paused, then continued:

"The general only needs to send General Zhang to lead a suspicious army to attack Baimajin now, feigning an attack from the front. And the general will lead the rest of the Jizhou army to set off from Yecheng after dusk. After crossing the river in the dark, they will only attack the camp of Cao's army on the opposite bank!"

"Okay! Just do as the military adviser said! Junyi listens to the order!" After hearing Jia Yi's plan, Zhao Yun immediately made a decision.

"The last general is here!" Zhang He got up abruptly, straightened his body and cupped his hands.

"The general ordered you to lead an army of [-], pretend to attack Baimajin, and order troops to set off immediately, there must be no mistake!" Zhao Yun said seriously.

"The last general takes orders!" After Zhang Yun received the military order, he didn't go out immediately, but stared at Jia Yi hesitantly.

"Does Junyi have any questions?" Jia Yi stroked his beard and smiled.

"The general thought that the [-] troops assembled by Cao's army in a short period of time were mixed. I led [-] elite soldiers, and before the general arrived, I could directly defeat Cao's army..." Zhang He turned around and wanted to face it head-on. fighting.

"Junyi, are you worried about the good horses ridden by tigers and leopards? I'm afraid that the general will take down Cao Jun's camp, and then the horses will not have your share, so you want to strike first?" Jia Yi saw Zhang Yun at a glance. thought, asked with a smile.

"Ahem... don't I hope to defeat Cao Jun as soon as possible and help the old general Huang?" Jia Yi said Zhang He's careful thoughts, but he didn't blush, and continued to pretend decisively.

That's right, my heart is for General Huang!

As for thinking about war horses or something.

I'm not, I'm not, you talk nonsense!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Haha, since when did you imitate Confucian scholars and start beating around the bush?" Zhao Yun looked at Zhang Yun and joked.

Zhang Yun rolled his eyes, and continued cheekily: "Following the military master's ears and eyes, this is near Zhuzhechi."

Bah, bah, bah, those who are close to ink are black!

All of you are all white and black. If my old Zhang has a heart, I can’t even wear pants that haven’t been tricked?

Jia Yi couldn't help laughing bitterly when he heard this, and scolded himself for being dark-hearted!

He waved his hand and said: "Junyi must not be careless, Cao Hong's tiger and leopard cavalry have experienced many battles, besides fighting across the river, Cao's army has a geographical advantage, so you only need to feign an attack, and you don't need to rush across the river to increase your losses. "

"What the military adviser said is very true. As long as the Cao army is defeated in this battle, the horses captured by the tiger and leopard cavalry will be decided by me, and they will be assigned to your righteous camp first, how about it?" Zhao Yun looked at Jia Yi helplessly, and promised directly.

"Thank you, General! The final general will definitely live up to expectations!" Zhang Yun immediately smiled when he heard this, patted his chest to ensure that no soldier would be damaged, and went out happily to dispatch troops.



Cao Hong stood upright by the river, watching the river rushing eastward, with a sad expression on his face.

It may not be so easy for the king to attack Puyang, which is guarded by Huang Zhong.

At this time, Liu Ke should have received the news. It is estimated that reinforcements will come to Yanzhou soon. I must guard the ferry well, and I must not let the Yangzhou army cut off the king's retreat!

"Father, the scouts are here to report! Zhang Yun of Jizhou led his army straight to Baimajin, and it is only [-] miles away from the opposite bank!"

Cao Hong was contemplating Jiang, the deputy Cao Fu suddenly rushed to the river bank with two scouts, and bowed to Cao Hong.

"What! How many Jizhou troops are here?" Cao Hong didn't expect the reinforcements from Puyang City to come so fast, and asked anxiously.

"Less than thirty thousand."

Hearing Cao Fu's answer, Cao Hong felt a little relieved, and immediately said: "Follow me back to the camp immediately! Pass down the order, and the whole army is on alert! Order the generals to go to the camp immediately to discuss matters!"

"The last general takes orders!"

Zhang Ying led more than [-] Jizhou troops, and traveled more than a hundred miles non-stop, and finally arrived at the opposite bank of Baimajin in the evening.

In early summer, there is a cool breeze blowing by the river in the evening, and the river surface has circles of ripples, and the flags are also floating with the wind. The word "Cao" on the flag of the Chinese Army Camp in the distance is clearly recognizable.

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