I saw that Cao Jun on the opposite side was already ready to go, lined up on the opposite river bank, like a giant python, lying on the river bank murderously, as soon as someone crossed the river, he would open his bloody mouth and swallow all the flesh and blood!

"Hahaha, little Cao Hong, you are really filial, you have organized such a big battle to welcome me!"

Zhang He rode forward and laughed provocatively across the river.

"Bold and mad thief, don't use your tongue! If you want to take me from Baimajin, cross the river and fight. You really think I, Cao Zilian, are afraid you will fail!" Cao Hong blushed angrily when he heard Zhang Yun's scolding, and immediately replied.

"Bah! Do you want to be ashamed, the [-] troops stand still on the river bank with their bows and arrows fully drawn, let me cross the river to fight? Do you really think I'm stupid?" Zhang He immediately swore with his whip.

"Zhao Yun didn't come, so he must have led the army to attack Luoyang? If Zhao Zilong was here, I might still be afraid of him! Your [-] Jizhou army is just a bluff! Hmph!" Cao Hong immediately turned around and mocked him. Zhao Yun is famous.

"Zilong is not here, Naigong can kill all of you without leaving a piece! Cao Hong, when I go over while you are asleep at night, and chop off your dog's head with a knife, you will know how powerful Naigong is!!"

Zhang Yun was well versed in the art of war, so he naturally knew the truth that what is false is true, and what is true is false, so he directly announced his plan to cross the river at night.

"Haha, I'm going to set up camp now. When my soldiers eat and drink enough, and then go to sleep, I'll go get your dog's head! Cao Hong, wash my neck and wait!"

After Zhang Yun finished speaking, he really let the Jizhou army camp on the river bank, started to bury pots and build stoves, and ordered the soldiers to rest in place.

Before the [-] Jizhou troops set off in Yecheng, Zhang Xi made up his mind.All the soldiers were deliberately asked to bring a lot of wine, water and fish, just to shake the soldiers of Cao Jun on the other side.

Soon, the smoke from the kitchen on the other side of the river slowly rose, and the Jizhou army camp was full of noise. The soldiers ate and drank to their heart's content, and some people sang a few songs from their hometown from time to time.

General Cao Jun smelled the aroma of wine and meat on the opposite side, and swallowed his saliva involuntarily. They marched all the way to Yanzhou, and the army did not bring enough food and grass, so it is good to save as much as possible. Yes, drinking and eating meat is unthinkable.

Originally thinking that anyway, marching and fighting, it is common to be a little bit tired, but they really didn't expect the food of the Jizhou Army to be so good!

Don't be afraid of not knowing the goods, but be afraid of comparing goods.In this comparison, even if the generals of Cao Jun have no complaints on the surface, they must have some thoughts in their hearts.As a result, the momentum is far less powerful than before.

As the sky darkened, the raucous noise from the Jizhou Army gradually subsided, as if it had really stopped.

Cao Fu looked at the sporadic bonfires on the opposite side, and said to Cao Hong: "The last general begs for orders, and is willing to lead five thousand tiger and leopard riders to cross the river at night to attack Zhang Yun's camp!"

"No, this crazy thief bluntly said that he would attack my camp at night, and the two armies were only separated by a river for a day. How could the soldiers in the army sleep soundly? There must be fraud in this!" Cao Hong concluded that it was really impossible for Zhang Xi to attack thousands of miles. Come on, after eating and drinking, I will sleep peacefully, thinking that he must have a conspiracy.

Cao Jun stood firm until midnight, but there was still no movement on the other side, and he had no intention of crossing the river to attack at night.

Could it be that Zhang He was just bluffing, just to kill the morale of our army, shake the morale of the army, and wait until tomorrow to take the opportunity to take Baimajin in one fell swoop?

Thinking of this, Cao Hong's expression turned ugly, and he immediately said: "The order will be passed on, and the whole army will return to the camp to rest. Two teams of troops will be left to watch the river bank in turn, and stay firmly on the river. If there is any disturbance in the opposite side, they will return to the camp immediately. notice."

In the early hours of the morning, Cao Jun's generals were soundly asleep.

The soldiers of the Cao army who were in charge of guarding the river bank were yawning so sleepy that they didn't notice the downstream of the river at all. A large army had already quietly reached the other side of the river under the cover of night.

The big tent of the Chinese army was still brightly lit.

Cao Hong was not sleepy at all at this time, thinking over and over again of Zhang Xi's actions in the evening.

No, if he really wanted to sneak attack, how could he blatantly appear on the river bank and let me be on guard against him in advance?

If they confronted each other directly and forcibly crossed the river, they would definitely not bring only these [-] horses!

Unless, someone else attacked the camp at night!

not good!

Zhao Yun is here!

"Come on, hurry up and order the whole army to be on alert!"

As soon as Cao Hong yelled these words, the camp in the army was immediately lit up with flames, and the shouts were like thunder!

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Hahaha, little Cao Hong! Naigong is here! Come out soon, I will fight you for [-] rounds!"

Zhang Xi's wanton laughter was especially loud in the noisy Cao Jun camp.

"Quickly, gather all the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, follow me to escape from the siege, and retreat to Baima City!" Cao Hong made a decisive decision, and immediately said to the disgraced Cao Jun who rushed over.

"The last general asks for orders to lead five thousand elite tiger and leopard riders to make a surprise attack to the north, lure Zhao Yun away, and cut off the rear for the army!"

Cao Fu cut off a arrow that was shooting at him with a sword, and pulled Cao Hong's mount Baihu to beg for his life.

"Okay! My son is so brave! Remember, be careful of the two generals Zhao Yun and Zhang He, and try not to fight them head-on!"

Cao Hong gave a warning, knowing that his son's departure might be a disaster, but he could only bear the pain and get on the horse!

"Tiger and leopard riding generals, follow me to kill! Fight to the death and never retreat!"

Cao Fu got on his horse, came to the front of the camp and knocked a Jizhou army soldier to the ground with a single shot, and rushed northward with five thousand elite cavalry.

In front of Cao Jun's camp, Zhang He stabbed with a spear, picked up a cavalryman, and swept two cavalrymen off their horses with a sweep.A long spear was swung like a tiger, and no one in Cao Ying dared to fight with him for a while.

"Cao Fu is here! Zhang Junyi, Hugh is crazy, take my shot!"

Zhang He was enjoying the killing, when he suddenly heard a loud roar from his side, and a cold light pierced his throat!

Cao Fu had long forgotten his father's advice while rushing to kill. Looking at the blood of Cao Jun's soldiers and the fragmented corpses in front of him, he felt his blood surging, and there was only one thought in his mind:


Zhang He leaned back violently, put his body on the horse's back, turned his wrist, and the eight-foot long spear was placed in front of him to block the oncoming spear. He also saw Cao Fu who was attacking him, and immediately cursed: "Sneak attack from behind, Despicable and nasty! As for your marksmanship, go home and practice for another two years, because you also want to hurt your grandfather and me?"

While speaking, his right arm suddenly exerted force, and he directly parried away the spear in Cao Fu's hand. Taking advantage of the gap in his moves, he knocked the man off the horse with one shot!

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