Cao Fu was also red-eyed, and was shot in the chest and abdomen by Zhang Yun, rolled to the ground, groaning and spitting out a mouthful of blood, seeing Zhang Yun stabbing his right shoulder, he did not dodge to parry, and stabbed him straight Sit down on your horse!


The two spears pierced the flesh and blood at the same time. Zhang Yun sat down on his horse and neighed, and fell to the ground, falling into a ball with Zhang Yun!

Cao Fu was also turned over by the spear point, and rolled around on the ground again.

Immediately, more than a dozen strong and strong soldiers rushed out from the Jizhou army, and directly pinned the man to the ground.

"Bah, bah, bah!" Zhang Yun rolled over and got up from the ground. Although he ate a mouthful of dust, he didn't suffer any actual damage. He put the gun on his shoulder and walked towards Cao Fu swaggeringly. Li scolded: "Little bastard, you are so sinister! You still have a bit of blood! Why don't you be a school captain under my account?"

"Fuck! If you want me to surrender, you are dreaming! Thief! There is no need for you to taunt me! Even if you kill me, my father will definitely avenge me!" Cao Fu pressed a dozen people on the ground, struggling to twist Struggled.

"Haha, dear grandson, don't be in a hurry to seek death. I think you father and son will meet each other in my camp soon!"

Zhang He laughed loudly, and directly tied up the man, and ordered the soldiers to take him down and imprison him.


at dawn.

Cao Hong led more than [-] tiger and leopard riders to gallop all the way, and finally came to the White Horse City.

On the city wall, there is still Cao Jun's banner, but the city is quiet and abnormal, the air seems to be stagnant, and the oppressive atmosphere makes people feel a little overwhelmed.

Cao Hong suddenly became suspicious, and hurriedly ordered the tiger and leopard riders to stop.

"General Cao, Zilong has been waiting here for a long time!"

Suddenly, at the crenel of the city wall, Zhao Yun, who was wearing an iron armor and a silver robe, showed his figure and smiled at Cao Hong.

"Tiger and leopard rider, follow me to break through the city!"

When Zhao Yun heard this, the smile on his face suddenly disappeared, then he raised his hand and waved it, and said with a serious expression: "Fire the arrow!"

"Boo! Hah! Hah!"

Immediately, arrows rained all over the sky, and the tigers and leopards on the ground were just thinking about riding down!

Cao Hong's [-] tiger and leopard riders had been rushing towards them without stopping for a moment. At this time, they were exhausted and they became a mess in an instant, losing one-third of them under a wave of arrows.

"Retreat! Retreat quickly! The whole army retreats!"

Cao Hong waved his weapon to resist the oncoming arrow rain, and at the same time commanded the tiger and leopard cavalry to retreat.

The gate of Baima City suddenly opened at this moment.

Zhao Yun rode out with a long spear in his hand, and the Jizhou army from the brigade behind him followed closely, and went straight to the disgraced tiger and leopard cavalry remnants and surrounded them.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Zhao Yun rushed into the space where the tigers and leopards were riding, and the spear in his hand kept changing directions, chopping or stabbing. In the blink of an eye, more than ten cavalrymen were knocked off their horses, only ten steps away from Cao Hong!

With one shot, a cavalryman standing in front of him was sent flying again. Zhao Yun clamped the horse's stomach forcefully, and the Zhaoyeyu lion neighed, and with a sharp force on its hind legs, it leaped one foot into the air. Zhao Yun stepped on the saddle to borrow strength. , flying towards Cao Hong with a spear in hand!

"Peng!" There was a muffled sound. Cao Hong, who hadn't agreed to come over, only felt a white shadow flicker in front of his eyes, and fell to the ground with a sharp pain in his chest, and passed out.

As soon as the main general was picked off his horse, the rest of the tiger and leopard cavalry remnants immediately lost their will to resist, and quickly dismounted and surrendered.

Zhao Yun swiped his spear, swung his spear, and said loudly:

"This battle, a big victory!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The Jizhou army responded one after another, and the shouts went straight to the sky!


White Horse City.

Before Zhang Xi's bloody smell dissipated, he went straight into the Chinese army tent.

In the big tent, Zhao Yun was sitting at the front seat looking at the map, while Jia Yi, the military adviser sitting on the left, was holding a scroll of bamboo slips, looking at ease.

"Yo, Junyi is back? You've worked hard all the way!"

Jia Yi raised his head, looked away from the letter, and called out to Zhang Xi.

"What is the matter with the military division? The soldiers left in the camp are all recruits who have been training for less than two months. My fifty thousand people are all the elites of our Jizhou. It is no different from cutting tofu when they are beaten. !"

Zhang Yun suddenly smiled, and continued: "But the [-] horses I brought with me, the military commander, contained Cao Jun without losing a single soldier. Look at the horse we talked about before..."

"Hahaha, give it! Give it right away! Thanks to Junyi's proposal, we were able to wipe out Cao Hong's [-] troops. This battle should be credited to you! We deserve a reward!"

Jia Yi laughed out loud, waved his sleeves and agreed.

At midnight, when Zhao Yun led his army to Baimajin, Zhang He was already waiting for them on the river bank.

When he talked about the situation in the evening, Jia Yi predicted that once the Jizhou army crossed the river, Cao Hong would definitely react, and most likely he would abandon the infantry and lead the tiger and leopard cavalry to break through.

Zhang Yun suggested that he lead an army to attack Cao Ying, and let Zhao Yun lead the cavalry to Baima City first, and then wait for the rabbit.

Zhao Yun immediately agreed to this strategy, and dispatched [-] troops to Baima City without stopping.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Junyi's contribution in this battle is indeed not small. When the lord arrives, I will report the truth! Today, we wiped out [-] tiger and leopard riders. I will be the master. You can pick any horses captured in this white horse city!" Zhao Yun put down the map and looked at the horses. Said to Zhang He.

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