After leaving the camp, Sima Yi stopped Cao Jun's attack, stood in front of the team, and cupped his hands to Huang Zhong on the tower:

"Old General Huang, it's no wonder that he is the number one general under the King of Chu! He is really strong! He really is a hero in the world!"

"Sima Zhongda, just say what you want to say, don't beat around the bush here! I, Huang Zhong, am a warrior, and I don't like your Confucian scholars!" Huang Zhong frowned and shouted from the tower.

"I'm here to persuade the old general to abandon the dark and turn to the bright. That Liu Ke is selfish, brutal, and moody, and likes to kill innocent people indiscriminately. He is definitely not a wise master..."

Before Sima Yi finished speaking, he felt his scalp go cold, subconsciously touched it, and even touched blood on his hand.

And on the ground three steps behind him, there was an arrow slantingly inserted. It was obvious that the arrow just passed by the top of his head!

"Old thief Sima, don't try to slander my lord, otherwise, the next arrow will shoot through your head!"

Huang Zhong put away the big iron tire bow in his hand, stared wide-eyed, and shouted loudly.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Sima Yi was frightened into a cold sweat, and thought to himself: I never thought that Huang Zhong's archery skills are so good, he is already out of the theoretical range of the iron tire bow, and he can still hit me with one arrow!

After returning to Cao Jun's camp in despair, Cao Cao, who had heard Sima Yi's report, was furious and cursed! :

"This old man is so ignorant of good and bad, I'm so angry! If so, I'll let him be buried with this Puyang City, and fulfill his loyalty! Pass down the order, and the whole army will not be able to take down Puyang City before dark." You don’t even need to eat! When will you win the city, and when will you have dinner!”

Angrily, Cao Cao flicked his sleeves, stepped out of the big tent, and went to direct the siege in person.

"Report! General! The stock of arrows in Puyang City has been used up! The nearby boulders have also been mined, and there is still wood, wood..."

"Report! General! The firewood for boiling water has been used up, do you want to send someone to collect it..."

Huang Zhong frowned more and more as he listened to the news that kept coming in.

Suddenly, he made up his mind, raised his head, drew out his long knife and said to the soldiers on the city wall: "Leave [-] people at the top of the city to continue guarding the city, and the rest will go out with me to kill the enemy!"


White Horse City.

Liu Ke led an army of [-] troops and finally arrived at the city.

From a distance, Zhao Yun and Zhang Yun were seen riding horses to meet them.

"Your Majesty, you have worked hard all the way!"

When Zhao Yun saw Liu Ke, he immediately cupped his hands.

"Haha, seeing you take down the White Horse City so quickly, what's the hard work? I'm just relieved."

"My lord, it's inconvenient to talk here, let's go to the city first!"

"Okay! Just listen to Zilong!"

After finishing speaking, Zhao Yun rode his horse and walked in front of him to lead him the way.

When he returned to the big tent of the Chinese army, Jia Yi had already prepared food and drinks. When he saw Liu Ke, he immediately said, "Your Majesty, you have worked hard all the way. Let's eat and talk while we fight in Baimajin!"

Hearing Zhao Yun finish the previous battle, Liu Ke immediately laughed and said: "Hahaha, good! You fought well! With the smallest cost, we wiped out Cao Hong's [-] horses. Zilong is my ever-victorious general." ! Tell me, what reward do you want?"

"My lord, Zilong doesn't dare to be greedy for merit! The defeat of Cao Jun this time was all due to the military master's ingenious plan, and he crossed Baimajin at night. And Junyi's adaptability made this fruitful result! My lord wants to reward me, and I should also be ranked first." After the two of them!"

Zhao Yun smiled humbly, and gave up all the credit directly and generously.

"Haha, without Zilong, how can we easily capture Cao Hong? Even so, then reward them all!" Liu Ke looked at Zhao Yun, and the more he watched, the more delighted he was.

Zhao Zilong, Zhao Zilong, is indeed the most perfect man in the Three Kingdoms!

He is handsome, good at martial arts, and personable. He has been a successful official throughout his life, and he has a long life and a good death. This kind of luck is a proper son of the face!

Zhang Yun watched his lord staring at Zhao Yun non-stop, and smiled with relief on his face... Uh, rippling!

Suddenly something came to mind, and goosebumps all over his body.

My lord, he... he wouldn't be...?

"Junyi, do you have lice?" Liu Ke looked at Zhang Xi shaking and asked, and asked.

"Ah, no, my lord, I'm worried about Old General Huang!" Zhang Yun came back to his senses, and immediately found an excuse to change the subject.

"My lord, please order me to lead the army to Puyang to assist General Huang!" Zhao Yun immediately got up respectfully and said seriously.

"Hey, you understand Gu's letter, right? Don't worry, there's something wrong with Puyang!"

Liu Ke blinked and revealed an inscrutable smile.


Under the city of Puyang.

Cao Cao once again led an army of [-] men, and came to the gate of the city aggressively.

"Huang Hansheng, Gu will give you one last chance, fight or surrender?"

Cao Cao, wearing a black cloak embroidered with gold patterns and riding a black horse, asked loudly.

As soon as he finished speaking, the gate of Puyang City opened.

"Haha, those who know the current affairs are the best! This is the wise move of General Huang!"

Cao Zhang was overjoyed when he saw that the city gate had been opened.

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