"Boo! Hah! Hah!"

There was a sound of piercing through the air, and three beams of light shot out from the city gate, heading straight for Cao Jun's central army!

Huang Zhong shot the last three arrows, threw away the big bow in his hand, raised the big sword and killed Cao Cao's army with less than three thousand soldiers and horses.

"Your Majesty, be careful!"

Xiahou Dun cut off two arrows quickly with his sharp eyes, and the last arrow directly passed Cao Cao's right shoulder!

Cao Cao's face turned pale in an instant, and he didn't know whether it was from pain or anger.

He covered his bleeding right shoulder with one hand, gritted his teeth and said, "Kill! Capture that old man Huang Zhong alive!"

When Xiahou Dun heard the words, he immediately raised his gun and drove his horse forward, fighting with Huang Zhong!

Huang Zhong's Fengzui knife was not light, it was not as flexible as Xiahoudun's spear, but it was superior in that it had a longer handle. The two fought back and forth for thirty rounds, and they were still evenly matched.

"Uncle, I'll help you!"

Taking advantage of the intense fight between the two, Cao Zhang suddenly rushed out from Huang Zhong's side, and stabbed him with a spear in his hand!


Huang Zhong split Xiahou Dun's spear with a single knife, and saw a spear stabbing towards his throat, he turned sideways quickly, and the spear pierced into his left arm, and the whole arm was stained with blood in a short time.

Cao Zhang saw that he could not make a single blow, so he drew back his spear and stabbed at Huang Zhong's war horse. Huang Zhong blocked Cao Zhang's spear with one knife, and the Fengzui knife drew a big circle in the air, and directly chopped on Cao Zhang's war leg. .

Fengzui knife is a heavy weapon, coupled with Huang Zhong's astonishing arm strength, the horse's leg was cut in two with one blow, Cao Zhang lost his center of gravity and rolled to the ground.What's even more unlucky is that it just happened to stop at the feet of Huang Zhong's war horse.

As soon as Huang Zhong clamped the horse's belly, the horse immediately understood, raised its iron hoof, and stepped on Cao Zhang. Cao Zhang was trampled to the point of spitting blood at the mouth, and staring at his eyes. Fortunately, a soldier was clever, and rode his horse and ran towards Huang Zhong. , forcibly bumped into Huang Zhong's knife edge with his flesh and blood, and knocked him off the horse!

Seeing Huang Zhong fell from the horse, Cao Jun's soldiers became excited all of a sudden, and immediately surrounded him, letting Huang Zhong chop left and right, but not let him rush out of the encirclement!

Under the siege of Cao Jun's generals, Huang Zhong gradually lost his strength, and the Fengzui knife in his hand seemed to be getting heavier, but he still fought hard.

In just a quarter of an hour of fighting, there were more than a dozen wounds, large and small, on his back and legs, the big ones were deep enough to show bones, and the small ones were bloody and bloody, and the snow-colored robe was already covered with mottled blood. .

Suddenly, billowing dust and smoke rose from the distant horizon, and the sound of horseshoes rolled like muffled thunder!

"Cao thief, don't be rampant! Tai Shici of Qingzhou is here!"

There was a roar of anger, and Tai Shici, who was wearing a navy blue war robe in the distance, bent his bow and set an arrow, and fired three arrows in a row, heading straight for the back of Xiahou Dun who was about to stab Huang Zhong with a single shot!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Xiahou Dun didn't expect that there would be cold arrows coming at this time, and subconsciously waved the spear in his hand to sweep down two of them. When the last one wanted to hide, it was too late, so he could only let it break through layers of barriers and pierce into the heart!

Seeing Xiahoudun fell to the ground with an arrow, Cao Jun's soldiers immediately panicked, and their positions became chaotic.


Following Tai Shici's roar, the well-equipped Qingzhou army charged into Cao's army in high spirits, forcibly tore open a gap in the encirclement of Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, and protected Huang Zhong in the center.

"Old General Huang, I've worked hard on you this time. Don't blame Ziyi for coming too late. Qingzhou has something to do and I can't get away from it. As soon as the master's letter of transfer was delivered, I rushed over without stopping. Fortunately, I caught up in time, otherwise I would be a sinner! Ziyi is here to make amends to you."

Tai Shici looked at Huang Zhong's blood-stained shirt, and immediately pleaded guilty.

"Hey? What is Ziyi talking about? Ziyi came just in time, and the cooked duck suddenly flew away, and Cao thief was sure to be angry, haha, happy, happy! Ziyi sticks to Qingzhou, so what's wrong with him?" What's more, for a general to die on the battlefield, isn't the shroud of horse leather an honor?Today, Ziyi will accompany the old man to kill Cao Jun! "

When Huang Zhong left the city, he really came with the idea of ​​never going back, seeing death as his home. Unexpectedly, Tai Shici suddenly came out at this critical moment, and immediately laughed loudly.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Shocking shouts swept towards Cao Jun, and the Qingzhou Army became more aggressive as they fought, and the tiger and leopard cavalry couldn't help but retreat steadily.

"The whole army obeys the order, withdraw and return to camp!"

Cao Cao's face was ashen, but he also knew that he had to retreat now. The tiger and leopard cavalry had been attacking the city day and night.

Seeing Cao's army retreating, Tai Shici did not order to pursue him, but sent [-] Qingzhou troops to garrison Puyang City.

Under the setting sun, the army entered the city gate mightily. Standing in front of the city tower, Tai Shici felt that wherever he looked, there were corpses scattered all over the field. Broken weapons left on the battlefield and piles of corpses piled up in the blood-colored Against the backdrop of the setting sun, it looks even more desolate...



Zhuge Liang watched the news from Puyang City in the big tent of the Chinese army, shook his feather fan with satisfaction, and said to Guo Jia on the opposite side: "My lord really has no plans to spare, Tai Shici arrived in time, and Puyang City has been defended! Now Cao Cao is You can't get off the tiger, but you are trapped in Puyang by the lord, unable to move!"

"Haha, good! Kong Ming, it's our turn to act now!" Guo Jia raised his head and drank half of the wine in front of him, laughing wildly.

Zhuge Liang watched with black lines all over his head, a master military master who secretly took out the wine cup after a certain master left, and couldn't help but said: "Master, the master has already told you before leaving, you are not allowed to get drunk like mud, If you continue to drink, don't blame Kong Ming for sending a letter to the lord to complain."

"Ahem... Let's discuss the matter of breaking Luoyang, Kong Ming, do you have any ideas?"

Guo Jia was about to reach out to touch the jug, but when he heard this, he immediately paused, stopped, shrank back embarrassingly, touched his nose and said.

"Liang thought that the lord besieged Cao Cao, which created a great opportunity for us. We can use this to spread the news that Cao Cao is seriously injured and in danger in Luoyang City, so as to induce Luoyang defenders to leave the city for reinforcements, and then let Ziming lead the army to ambush , we will definitely be able to capture Luoyang City in one fell swoop!"

Zhuge Liang told his plan and turned to look at Guo Jia.

"Good! Let's do what An Kongming said! But just spreading rumors may not be enough, I have to help you add fire, forge a letter from Cao Cao and send it! You don't have to worry about this, I will definitely help you. Sure!"

Guo Jia rubbed his chin. Spy wars, fraudulent tricks, etc., he is the best at it!

"Then there will be a military advisor." Zhuge Liang bowed and thanked him politely.


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