Jia Yi still catered first, and then he put forward different opinions.

"So Gu has to convince them first!" Liu Ke said with a smile on his lips.


Xiuwu County, Hanoi County is the only way from Sizhou to Yanzhou.

At the foot of Yuntai Mountain, Yu Jin led [-] tigers and leopards in front, followed by [-] ordinary soldiers.

As he was walking, Yu Jin suddenly pulled the reins and stopped in place.

Something is wrong, something is wrong here!

Ever since Yu Jin saw this Yuntai Mountain, he felt a little uneasy in his heart, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Just now, this feeling has become stronger and stronger!

correct!It's so quiet around here!

Such a big mountain, but for some reason there is not a single bird song on this hillside, there must be a fraud!

"Quick! The whole army retreats! Get out of here!"

Realizing that he had fallen into a trap by mistake, Yu Jin immediately ordered the army to turn their horses around.

"Haha, have you been discovered? But it's too late! Soldiers, prepare, let go!"

Knowing that he had been exposed, Lu Meng didn't hide anymore, he tore off the straw hat of branches used to cover his body, swung his sword across the front, and slashed the hemp rope tied on the trunk of the big tree in front of him!


As soon as the rope broke, a huge log full of nails passed down the hillside!

Under the effect of the terrain, he galloped in the direction of Cao Jun impartially!

"Peng! Peng! Peng!"

Sounds sounded one after another, and the hillside was densely covered with rolling stones, nails, iron wood and other messy equipment, rushing towards Cao Jun with billowing smoke and sand!

"Ah!" "Hey!" "Damn!" "Don't come here!"

The tiger and leopard riders at the front suddenly wailed all over the field, and many people were frightened by this battle and cried for their fathers and mothers!

"Soldiers, follow me to kill the enemy!"

After a round of offensive was over, seeing that less than one-third of Cao Jun's generals were still standing at the foot of the mountain, Lu Meng raised his long saber and took the lead to kill them!

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

A monstrous roar sounded, and on the slope of Yuntai Mountain, wave after wave of soldiers took off their disguises and rushed down the mountain!

"Yu Jin, let me teach you how to shoot!"

Lu Meng flew down the hillside with a stride, and used the momentum to slash at Yu Jin's face door!

Seeing that he couldn't dodge immediately, Yu Jin rolled over from the horse and fell to the ground, and stood up again after receiving the body.

Lu Meng slashed on the horse's back with his broadsword, splitting the saddle and the horse in half!

Then, another stride towards Yu Jin killed him.

"Ding ding ding!"

The two were attacking each other back and forth, swords and spears collided constantly, and sparks burst out, but the two of them didn't blink their eyes, they just stared at each other!

Seeing that under the charge of the Yanzhou Army led by Lu Meng, only less than [-] soldiers were left. Yu Jin knew that he could not continue to entangle, so he made a decisive decision to take the remaining cavalry to charge out.

Suddenly, Yu Jin swayed a spear, and dodged the knife sideways. The spear swept across the ground, setting off a cloud of smoke and dust, mixed with sand and stones, covering Lu Meng.

"The tiger and leopard rider rushed over with me!"

Taking advantage of Lu Meng's sight being blinded, he pulled over an unowned horse, shouted, and shot a Yanzhou army soldier who was standing in front of him flying, and galloped away!

"Bah, bah, what kind of hooligan style is this? Fly away with the sand, this trick is too nasty, you have to be shameless!"

Looking at the five thousand tiger and leopard riders who rode away in Juechen, Lu Meng waved his sleeves and cursed a little depressed.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Xinzheng, the camp of the army.

Not long after Lu Meng left with his troops, Guo Jia ordered Zhuge Liang to lead one hundred thousand Yangzhou troops to attack Luoyang, while he stayed in the camp with the remaining [-] soldiers.

The original number of soldiers suddenly decreased by two-thirds, and it suddenly seemed a little empty.

After clearing the battlefield, Lu Meng returned to Xinzheng with an army of [-]. At this time, there were only [-] soldiers left in the camp, and Guo Jia was the only one in the camp.

"The military master has a brilliant plan! This time, my Yanzhou generals defeated the Cao army. We wiped out more than [-] enemy troops, [-] horses, and captured more than [-] soldiers! It's just that the old thief Yu Jin is too treacherous. Fleeing with five thousand riders!"

As soon as Lu Meng entered the tent, he immediately reported the situation of the battle.

"Ziming has worked hard this time! This time you defeated the Cao army, only [-] soldiers of Le Jin remained in Luoyang's defense, and Kong Ming's defeat of the city is just around the corner!" Guo Jia shook his fan in satisfaction.

"Military commander, although there are not many generals in Luoyang, Le Jin suffered a big loss in our hands last time. This time, he will definitely not be fooled and leave the city easily. Luoyang City has always been strong, and there are plenty of soldiers and food in the city. If you are in trouble, do you need me to lead the army to assist Kong Ming?" Lu Meng obviously hasn't finished fighting yet, and he wants to take another chance to fight again.

"No hurry, no hurry. Kong Ming believes that he has his own way to deal with it. Zi Ming, you, go to rectify the army, go back to the camp and rest for a few days. In two days, I have a very important task here. , I want you to complete it, and it's up to you!"

Guo Jia patted Lu Meng's shoulder mysteriously and said.

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