Lu Meng was not stupid, he immediately understood, bowed his hands together, and said, "Thank you for your understanding!"

Then, he turned around and left the big tent.

Guo Jia stared in the direction of Chang'an, and seemed to be talking to himself: "The time is almost ripe, it's time to set up the stage for this show!"


Luoyang City.

In early summer, thunderstorms are relatively frequent. There was a heavy rain just last night. At this time, the city was muddy, and there were many small puddles on the ground.

Early in the morning, Luoyang City was tightly wrapped in thick fog, and the visibility was less than ten feet.

On the city wall, Le Jin's face was very ugly.

This weather is really perfect for siege!

Could it be that the King of Chu is really the Son of Destiny?

Why is God on his side?

If the fog had come two days earlier, wouldn't the king have already breached Puyang City?

Le Jin stood on the top of the city tower depressedly, looking down from a distance.

In the vast expanse of whiteness that day, there seemed to be slight waves of waves.The billowing dust was getting closer and closer, and the dull sound of horseshoes came from the depths of the fog.

"Tap Tap!"

With each sound knocking on his heart, Le Jin sighed and thought to himself: What should come is still here!

Zhuge Liang sat on the four-wheeled army chariot, looked at the Luoyang city tower looming in front of him, waved his feather fan and said: "All soldiers, attack!"


All the soldiers responded in unison, the sound was so loud that people's ears hurt!

"Fire arrows!"

Le Jin on the city wall also immediately ordered to fight back, and the rain of arrows roared down the city!

All of a sudden, shouts and howls sounded everywhere, and there was a commotion under the city.

"Withdraw troops and return to camp!"

You fought back and forth for more than two hours, but there was no sign of breaking the city. Zhuge Liang was not in a hurry at all, and immediately ordered the soldiers to return to the camp.

This large group of people walked quickly, but within the time of a cup of tea, the people in the city disappeared, leaving only a mess, an empty, trampled, messy yellow mud full of footprints.

"This... just leave?"

Le Jin was a little unbelievable, it took less than three hours to attack, and now he is returning to the camp, hurrying back to have lunch?

"It's not right, there must be fraud in this, maybe they are hiding aside, and want to lead an army to sneak attack while I go out to investigate the battle situation!"

Le Jin didn't dare to relax a bit, and still ordered all the soldiers to stick to their posts, pay close attention to the movement around them, and never be fooled by the enemy!

Throughout the day, Zhuge Liang really did not attack Luoyang City again.

Soon it was evening, and there was a drizzle of rain. Le Jin stood upright on the tower in a coir raincoat, his lips turned white from the cold.

He rubbed his hands, moved his stiff body, and continued to direct the soldiers to repair the city wall.

The sound of "treading" horseshoes sounded, and Zhuge Liang came with the army again!

Le Jin immediately cheered up, shouted loudly, and directed the soldiers on the city wall to fight back.

It was another two hours, after the fight, Zhuge Liang ordered to go back to the city without hesitation.

The one who walks away is called a snappy one!

Le Jin was stunned for a moment, this... Could it be another trick of suspicion?

Planning to take advantage of the darkness to capture my Luoyang City?

"Pass down the order, all the soldiers will take turns to rest tonight, and you must keep an eye on the city! Once Zhuge Kongming comes to attack, immediately sound the drum!"

Although Le Jin looked tired, he braced himself and stared at the mist, and ordered solemnly.

One night passed, but Zhuge Liang did not come to attack the city.

It was just dawn, and the fog was not as thick as yesterday, and more than half of it had dissipated.

Now, standing on the city wall of Luoyang, at least one can clearly see the ground more than ten feet below the city tower.

Le Jin couldn't help but let out a long breath, as long as the fog clears tomorrow, it will be much easier to defend the city.

The sun just came out, and Zhuge Liang arrived on time with the army.

It was still the same process, attacking the city, releasing arrows, defending the city, retreating, and walking again.

"What kind of medicine is Zhuge Kongming selling in this gourd? Could it be that the young Yingjie, whom the king of Chu admires, can only talk about wars on paper, and doesn't know how to use troops to fight at all?"

Le Jin murmured to himself in doubt, and suddenly secretly laughed.

In the evening, Zhuge Liang came again according to the procedure.

This time Le Jin was far less nervous than yesterday, and directly ordered one-third of the soldiers to stay on guard, and the rest all went back to the camp to rest.

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