In the middle of the night, when Le Jin was sleeping soundly on the bed of the camp, he heard a sudden burst of intensive drumming from the tower!

"Report! General, Zhuge Liang led an army of [-] to attack the city! Their attack is very fierce, and our arrows are running out, and the soldiers defending the city will not be able to withstand it!"

A soldier who sent the order rushed into Lejin's tent in a panic.

"What! Another [-] troops? Where did he come from?"

Le Jin suddenly got up from the collapse, threw off the quilt, put on the armor, dressed neatly and ran to the tower.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"Break the city! Kill Cao thief!"

Shouts from the city continued, Zhuge Liang sat in the center of the army in the distance, and said to Le Jin, "Thank you General Le Jin for the arrows you gave me two days ago, and I will return them all to General Le Jin today!"

Le Jin's face turned dark when he heard this!

Taking a closer look, I saw that behind Kong Ming were two scarecrows in armor and full of sharp arrows!

What the hell, I worked so hard to collect it for two days, but it turned out to be a group of scarecrows?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Le Jin found that these soldiers were obviously higher than those who attacked the city two days ago, and their poor performance before was obviously caused by Zhuge Kongming's suspicion!The reason, I am afraid that one is to consume the supplies in Luoyang city, and the other is to lower my defense!

Fortunately, the counselor who followed Liu Ke was really treacherous and cunning!

Zhuge Liang's goal was obviously achieved. In just two hours, Luoyang's [-] defenders were attacked by elite soldiers and powerful generals, and there were only less than [-] left.

Le Jin realized that Hangu Pass could no longer be held, so he immediately called Xia Houshang, wanting to discuss with him what to do next?

"If it doesn't work, let's start our journey and retreat to Hangu Pass first. If we lose Luoyang City, we will lose it. It's better than losing our life." Xia Houshang said dejectedly.

Le Jin frowned, and after thinking for a while, he slowly replied: "Okay, that's the only way to go, let's retreat to Hangu Pass! Hangu Pass has natural geographical advantages, and we will definitely be able to persist until the king returns! As long as Before Liu Ke can't attack Chang'an, we still have room to maneuver!"


A small road outside Luoyang City.

Le Jin and Xia Houshang rode war horses and led [-] tiger and leopard riders, galloping towards Hangu Pass in the dark.

In the large tent outside Luoyang city.

Zhuge Liang held a book of war in his hand, and said to Lu Meng who had just arrived in Luoyang City with a smile, "Zi Ming has worked hard all the way. After hearing that you broke the 10-strong army this time, you can take it as the first achievement in this battle of Luoyang City! I It is thanks to you that we were able to break through Luoyang City so quickly here."

"Haha, thanks to the strategist's ingenious plan! How about it? How many defenders are there in the city now? Do you want me to lead the troops to attack the top of the city right now?" Lu Meng replied with a smile on his face.

"There are about [-] left. But Liang thinks that even if we don't attack tomorrow, the city will be destroyed." Zhuge Liang shook his feather fan and said with a smile.

"Oh? How do you say that?" Lu Meng raised his eyebrows.

"It's only a hundred miles west to Sanmenxia. If I were Le Jin, I would definitely give up Luoyang City and retreat to the more dangerous Sanmenxia!" Zhuge Liang looked at Lu Meng and smiled, explaining.

"Then Le Jin, after all, is one of Cao Cao's generals. Did he leave in such a disgruntled manner?" Lu Meng's face was full of reluctance.

"Isn't it possible that Le Jin took advantage of the danger and couldn't get out? Then how can we take down Chang'an? Kong Ming, you are smarter than me. What do you think we are going to do next?"

"Of course it is to recover all the other counties in Hongnong County. Incorporate the entire Hongnong County into Yanzhou's plate. This time, the general will have to work hard." Zhuge Liang gave the answer calmly.

"Okay! I'm going to fight Hangu Pass first! Now I'm going to rectify the army! As long as Hangu Pass is captured, Chang'an City will be at your fingertips, and we will also complete the task of the master, and then we will really be able to Have a good rest."

Looking at the pile of documents in front of Zhuge Liang, Lu Meng smiled and said:

"The lord has been talking about it. Even if you Zhuge Kongming died, you would probably be exhausted on the desk. Now it seems that it makes sense. He wrote a letter specifically to ask me to watch you. Sleep at least... four hours a day That’s right. It’s almost time now. Hurry up and go to Echo to rest. As for the leftovers, it’s not too late to deal with them tomorrow. There won’t be anything wrong in half a day at night.”

"This... I'd better take a rest after I deal with it. Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep peacefully."

Zhuge Liang shook his head, but still did not put down the pen in his hand.

"No negotiation, no haggling. If you talk nonsense, I will tie you back directly." Lu Meng didn't care about anything else, and threatened directly.

"Okay, thank you Ziming for understanding and worrying."

Zhuge Liang said dumbfoundedly, but he didn't insist anymore.


Above Sanmenxia.

Le Jin stood on the top of the city tower, looking into the distance, with a firm face and piercing eyes.He stood upright with a blank expression, not knowing what he was thinking.

"General, scouts are here to report! Zhuge Liang's 20 troops have arrived 20 miles outside Sanmenxia, ​​and they are expected to arrive at the city within half an hour." A thin soldier saluted on one knee and reported.

"Okay, I got it! Go down and order the whole army to be on alert!" Le Jinhui waved his hand.

Not long ago, Zhuge Liang took half a day to take down Hangu Pass. Now he really has no idea. Even if he guards against danger, those evildoers under the account of the King of Chu really can't find a chance to make a move. ?

Hangu Pass has been the gateway to Chang'an since the Qin Dynasty.

At the beginning, the Allied Forces of the Six Nations fought all the way to Hangu Pass, and then they could no longer advance westward.This shows how indestructible it is, and it has always been a battleground for military strategists.

But in Zhuge Liang's hands, it was like a piece of tofu, and it shattered when touched.

Is this because Liu Ke is too strong, or are we too weak?

No wonder the king joined forces with the king of Hanzhong and the king of Xiangyang to attack him in three directions, but he didn't move, as if he had no intention of returning to Yangzhou.

Perhaps, he really has a plan in mind, does he possess that strength?It is so strong that even if the troops are divided into three groups, the long front can still support it!So strong that even if you let go and attack all the way to Jianye City, you still can't take Chu Palace!

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